Chapter 867 Touching Porcelain
The match with Li Bingxue is about to start, Ning Feng is very calm, in fact, after his calculations, he feels that his chances of winning are still very high.

Because he has already roughly positioned where the opponent's strength is.And doesn't she like to play higher-level tricks?Then I will play with her this time too.

In order to play with her, Ning Feng prepared quite a lot of accessories this time, so much that old man Huo began to secretly scold the prodigal.

"This is the last competition. If you win, you will be a member of the elders of the Southeast League." Old man Huo was still encouraging Ning Feng.

Ning Feng leaned on the back of the car and said: "Old Huo, you don't have to pour chicken soup on me anymore, I will work harder. I know it's not easy for you to make it to the finals, but let's not be so excited, okay?"

"How can I not be excited? If you win our Haicheng, you will surpass the three of them, and I can be arrogant for a while. So you must strive for it, and there is still a bright future waiting for you." What about you?" Lao Huo said excitedly.

If Ning Feng wins this competition, he will be the executive chairman of the Southeast League.In other words, before the next session is held, he will be the boss here, so of course he is very excited.

Ning Feng didn't bother to pay attention to him, he was asleep with his eyes.

Today is the day of the competition, there should be plenty of time, and he also understands the regulations of the competition.There is only one chance, but the time is not limited.

In other words, as long as it is an alchemy, it doesn't matter how long it takes.

This is because in the finals, both sides were relatively strong, and the elixirs they refined were relatively advanced.The time required is naturally very long. If time is used to limit them, it will not be possible for people to exert their maximum strength.

Ning Feng likes this rule better. An opportunity is to test their most basic ability, and they can fully display it without any time limit.

After a while, they arrived at the hotel where they stayed this time.This hotel is of course the best hotel in the area, and the facilities are good.

Of course Ning Feng didn't care, the environment wasn't very important to him.

Since there was only a game in the afternoon, Ning Feng decided to go out for a stroll, anyway, it was better than listening to Lao Huo's nagging in the hotel.

So I found a time and sneaked out.

The venue for this competition was Linhai City, Jiangdong Province, a place he had never been to before.This city is actually not very big, it can only be regarded as a small fourth-tier city.

But because there are many historic sites in this place, the environmental protection is still in place, and the infrastructure is also very good.

Of course Ning Feng went to Antique Street, how could he not go to Antique Street if he had a chance?
In fact, the antique street is of course similar, and there are not many really valuable things.However, there are still genuine ones, so Ning Feng picked out a few at random and treated them as gifts.

Just after Ning Feng bought a plate, when he turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly saw a person holding a bottle bumping towards Ning Feng.

From the smile on the corner of his mouth, Ning Feng could tell that this person was here to touch porcelain.But it's a bit difficult to touch yourself.

Ning Feng had a slight smile on his lips, but his feet moved quickly, and he moved to the side almost gracefully.

The man was dumbfounded now, the bottle in his hand had already been thrown down, but Ning Feng in front of him was nowhere to be seen.What's happening here?Could it be that he smashed a bottle for nothing?

The bottle shattered, but he didn't hit anyone.

It's embarrassing now, but as a person who touches porcelain, he just plays shamelessly. Do you need to find a reasonable reason if you want to blackmail someone?Besides, Pengci is shameless in the first place.

So he directly said to Ning Feng: "You broke my bottle, this is the blue and white of the Yuan Dynasty, lose money."

Ning Feng laughed instantly, such a poor way of touching porcelain is really rare.I don't even want my face, I am at least two meters away from him.

"Are you Pengci?" Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said.Antique streets everywhere have these shady things, but this man's IQ is really touching.

The man pointed at Ning Feng and said, "You are the Pangci, and your whole family is Pengci. You broke my things, and you will lose money."

This made Ning Feng very regretful, he was really shameless. "Can you be more professional in Pengci?" Ning Feng looked at him and said, "There is at least two meters between us, and I am behind you. Do you think this reason is reasonable?"

After everyone saw it, they all laughed, and everyone knew that this was touching porcelain.

It was two meters away, and it was said that it was broken by others.

"If you broke it, you have to lose money." He gave full play to his shameless spirit, and pestered Ning Feng and said, "What's wrong with Pengci? I said you broke it, and you will lose money. If you don't lose money, you won't be able to leave." out here."

Ning Feng sighed, looked at him and said, "You said you are neither an old man nor an old aunt? Why do you say such things?" If it was an old man, he really had to pay attention to his sense of proportion.

But for such a young and strong guy, why should I be polite to him?
"Are you from another place? Let me tell you, this is my territory. You'd better pay me 5 yuan in a polite manner, and this matter will be over, otherwise you will be inseparable." He said proudly Looking at Ning Feng said.

Ning Feng sighed, looked at him and said, "Yuan Qinghua is worth 5 yuan? It's really cheap. Yours is a big one, at least it must be several million dollars."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ning Feng and said, "No, I know you definitely didn't bring that much money. It's only fifty thousand!"

This person is still a bit measured, and he doesn't want too much. If he wants too much, he will have to fight him desperately.But if there are fewer, some people who don't want to provoke things will forget it.

Ning Feng smiled and looked around. "Is there surveillance around?"

"You don't need to look for it." The man looked at Ning Feng very proudly and said, "There is no monitoring here, I have chosen the place specially." When he spoke, he showed a very proud smile.

Ning Feng also smiled with satisfaction, "You dare to be so arrogant without surveillance."

As he said that, he kicked him with his big foot. How could the guy who touched the porcelain be Ning Feng's opponent? If he was directly pressed down by Ning Feng, he would be beaten violently.He then quickly ended the fight as those around him turned on their phones to film.

This kind of person is also a matter of his own feet.

The guy who touches porcelain is sad, his eyes are pitiful, this guy doesn't play cards according to the routine.

(End of this chapter)

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