Chapter 868
He asked that the purpose of the surveillance was not to testify, but to clean up himself. He was really asking for trouble.

"You actually beat me, I want to sue you." He looked at Ning Feng and said angrily: "I tell you, this matter is endless."

Ning Feng went up and kicked again, "Sue me, there is no surveillance around, and I have to thank you for choosing this place? You are still here to touch porcelain with your IQ."

After kicking, I looked at him and said, "Did I break your bottle?"

"No... no." He looked at Ning Feng and said in fear, Ning Feng's attack really hurt, as if he was a professional, every move hit his own weakness.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, tell me, if you say yes, I promise to pay you back. Okay?" No matter how you look at it, she looks like a smiling wolf grandmother.

He wanted to fight for it, but after seeing Ning Feng's weird smile, he got up and ran away.

"Small sample, fight with me." Ning Feng smiled slightly, and then continued to stroll.

The kid probably also saw that Ning Feng's strength was extraordinary, so he didn't dare to continue looking for him.After shopping for an hour, I felt that it was almost time, so I walked outside.

But fate is something you can't stop.

As soon as he came out, he saw the guy who touched porcelain before, and he was about to touch porcelain again.This time he behaved well, and it was a girl who touched porcelain.

"You broke my things, and you should lose money, not too much. Fifty thousand, this is Yuan Qinghua." He looked at the girl without fear, maybe he couldn't beat a man, could it be that this woman couldn't beat her too?

The woman was obviously taken aback, but she recovered immediately.Without a word of nonsense, he directly slapped him in the face, and kicked him quickly.

At the same time, he grabbed his shoulders, pulled him back in the air, and fell to the ground hard.


Her attack was much heavier than Ning Feng's, and it was impossible not to hit him with internal injuries.

"If you talk about Pengci, you've got the wrong person. This is a blind spot for monitoring, so don't even try to sue me." She said to the guy at Pengci very disdainfully, then turned and left.

The person who touched the porcelain was very helpless, what kind of world is going on today, he was cleaned up twice in a row.

Ning Feng looked at that woman, her strength should be very good, and she should be a practitioner.I can only blame this guy for being unlucky today. It must be written in the almanac that it is not suitable to go out, and it is not suitable to cause trouble.

Ning Feng didn't pay attention to this matter, but when he was about to arrive at the hotel, he bumped into the girl from before.I didn't expect that we were still on the same road with her, things were so predestined.

But the other party obviously didn't know Ning Feng, and walked forward with a cold face.

This woman is very beautiful, the kind of beauty that can make people separate from the crowd at a glance, and can make people stay on her for a long time.

She has a classical oriental beauty on her body, but she just has a kind of aloofness, which makes her feel very unapproachable.

Just when Ning Feng was paying attention to her, she suddenly looked back at Ning Feng and said, "You have already followed me all the way."

"No?" Ning Feng said strangely, as if he didn't follow her.

"From Antique Street to the hotel, do you still plan to follow?" She said coldly to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng was so wronged, he said to her: "You really think too much, the reason why I noticed you in Antique Street is because the person who asked you to touch porcelain also touched me, and the reason why I am still here is because I live here too."

"Your reason is so bad." She looked at Ning Feng and said, "What a cliché."

Ning Feng thought about his reason for a while, and it did sound a bit rotten, but it was the truth.I really live here, it seems that I can't explain it clearly.

Although she was indeed pretty, she hadn't reached the point where she couldn't walk when she saw a girl.Besides, none of Su Miaohan and the others are at the level of top beauties.

Why can't I walk when I see a slightly prettier one?

Ning Feng looked at her, and didn't bother to explain, "Believe it or not, this place is indeed where I live, and I'm in room 319. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do."

After speaking, he walked forward.

The woman also stared at Ning Feng. This guy acted colder than her. I really don't know whether what he said is true or not.

But judging from his appearance, he was indeed heading towards that hotel. Could it be that he was really going the same way as himself.It seems that what he said is so true, did he misunderstand?

It would be embarrassing if it was a misunderstanding.

Ning Feng originally met him because he was touched by the same person and he took a second look. There is no need to be misunderstood because of this, he is not so cheap.

But just as Ning Feng was about to leave, a dozen people rushed out from the alley next to him, each of them holding iron bars, knives and the like.

One of them, Ning Feng, still knew him. He was the same guy who had touched the porcelain before. It seemed that the people who touched the porcelain had backgrounds.No wonder you dare to be so arrogant.

This guy came over with a big-looking man, and said, "It's the two of them who beat me twice in a row."

He was wronged and cried to the boss.

The boss glanced at Ning Feng, and when he caught sight of the woman, his eyes lit up.He didn't even look at it, and said to the younger brother behind him: "This man, useless! That woman, I want it."

The woman looked at Ning Feng, and from the man's words, she also knew that she seemed to have really wronged Ning Feng.Maybe he really is on the same road as himself.

Ning Feng looked at the man in front of him, he really wouldn't die if he didn't die.

He looked at the man and said, "Are you looking for trouble?"

"Nonsense, you are blind!" The guy who touched porcelain seemed to have a backstage, and said very arrogantly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Triple jump!
Before the guy finished speaking, he flew out suddenly, then fell to the ground suddenly, then bounced up and down, then bounced and fell again.

Anyway, when Ning Feng saw this scene, he felt very painful.

As the man flew out, a beautiful figure landed on the ground, clapped his hands and looked at Ning Feng and said, "Sorry, I misunderstood you just now."

After saying this to Ning Feng, he rushed towards the boss angrily.

Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be a master, Ning Feng stared at her with a smile.The strength is extraordinary, it is still very easy to clean up a boss.

"You... who are you?" After seeing the woman's performance, the boss was shocked for a while. This kind of strength is really terrifying.

A woman kicked someone flying and fell unconscious. He suddenly realized how ignorant he was.

"Beat me, and dry the wool in a daze." He was a little panicked, and said to the little brother beside him.

"Go up, go up!"

He pushed the younger brother beside him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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