Chapter 871 Goodbye Ten God Pills

After the two saw each other's auxiliary medicine, they both smiled at each other, obviously they wanted to go together.

"Why did they prepare so many supplementary medicines? Is it necessary? What kind of pill needs so many supplementary medicines?" One of the spectators looked at the two of them and said.

"Why am I so stupid." Zhou Haobo suddenly patted his thigh.Then he looked at him and said, "Why am I so stupid, why didn't I understand at the beginning?"

"What's going on?" The man looked at him puzzled and said, "What is so powerful?"

"They prepared so many auxiliary medicines not for use, but to confuse the other party's thinking and make the other party unable to adopt the corresponding method." Zhou Haobo said heartbroken.

The last time I competed with the other party was because Li Bingxue knew what her elixir was, and the elixir she refined was of the same grade as her own.But he is stronger than himself, and he himself is convinced.

Because although other people's elixirs are at the same level as my own elixirs, the effect is much better than my own elixirs.

"Oh, that's how it is." The man looked at him suspiciously and said, "But it's already the finals, so why hide your strength, just give it your all. As long as you have enough strength, you can win."

Zhou Haobo was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said, "Because the goals of the two are different, they never thought that winning the Southeast League would be the end. Their goal is to hide their strengths and hide their true strength."

"It's this time, and you still hide your strength?" The man asked in confusion: "Could it be that their strength is already so strong?"

"They are all very strong." Zhou Haobo said: "I didn't feel wronged when I lost. It turns out that he hasn't exerted his full strength. Look at the people in the stands over there, they are all from other alliances. Pay attention too."

He was actually right, the two never felt that the Southeastern League was where they stopped, and they were going to win the final honor.A genius is a proud genius.

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "It seems that we all have the same idea."

"Then let's see the main chapter." Li Bingxue looked at Ning Feng with a smile and said, after speaking, threw some of each medicinal material into the alchemy furnace.

Ning Feng was naturally not far behind, and immediately started to act.

Even though Ning Feng's refining process was smooth and smooth, his final speed was still not as powerful as Li Bingxue's.This shows how powerful the pill furnace is.

Although Ning Feng's refining medicines entered one after another, Li Bingxue's alchemy furnace could refine four at the same time, so she refined four by four.

So she refined all the medicinal materials into powder almost in the blink of an eye.

Because the speed is relatively fast, the time gap between the two is not very obvious.But it is enough to see that the basic strength of the two is still very solid.

After the refining, the two looked at each other, and then smiled at each other.

They were paying attention to each other's spiritual power during the refining process just now, but obviously both of them were restrained, and both only used the third level of spiritual power.

So you can't see anything at all.

The next step is the final process, which cannot be hidden.

Ning Feng and her calmly threw some raw materials into the alchemy furnace. Obviously, they each threw a lot of unnecessary raw materials.This kind of raw material will be burned when it enters the alchemy furnace.

But outsiders don't know what's going on.

Although this process was very troublesome, when everyone threw all the raw materials in, Ning Feng already had a general understanding of what was going on.

Li Bingxue's highest strength is the fourth rank high.

In fact, this is just an inference, because he also judged by the fluctuation of spiritual power after each raw material thrown in.

Because every fusion of raw materials will cause the surrounding spiritual power to decrease suddenly.

Although the range is very small, and the alchemy furnace will offset most of this fluctuation, if you are careful, you can still catch a little subtle difference.

Based on this result, Ning Feng has already judged that the elixir she is refining now is a fourth-grade high-grade elixir——Ningtaidan.

Ningtai Dan is indeed a pretty good pill, which has a huge effect on the restoration of mental power, but this kind of pill can only repair the loss of mental power, but it has no effect on the restoration of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The sea of ​​consciousness cannot be repaired.

This time, what he refined was the elixir that he had already refined last time—the ten god elixir!

Last time, although I modified a Eight Gods Pill to a Ten Gods Pill, the time and heat were not very perfect, so in the end I only reached a fourth-grade elementary level.

Ning Feng had already given that elixir to Su Miaohan, her sea of ​​consciousness was quite weak, if she wanted to be a bit resistant to mental attacks, she had to go through a later stage of improvement.

Ning Feng had already given her a lot of talismans. Although she hadn't reached the level of attacking with mental power, the mental power below level five wouldn't even try to break her sea of ​​consciousness.

And my ten god pill this time is also a fourth-grade top-notch, but it can just suppress her by one head.

In the following process, there is no need for the two parties to guard against each other, because everything is settled, and it only needs to be completed.So the two devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the refining of their elixir.

This time is very long, and the two of them basically did not start preparing for the end until two days later.

Because there is no time limit, both of them are striving for excellence and want to refine their elixir to the highest level.

Of course, none of the people around left the field. This was a textbook-level match, something that could only be met but not sought after. Everyone watched every movement on the field carefully for two consecutive days.

"What kind of elixir are the two of them refining? Why can't I understand at all?" One person was blinded from the beginning.

Zhou Haobo said indifferently: "One person refines it should be Ningtai Dan or Suye Dan, and the other refines it, there is no doubt that it is Ten God Pill."

He wasn't very familiar with Li Bingxue's elixir, but he was quite familiar with Ning Feng's ten gods elixir, all of which were quoted from the ten directions.

He taught himself a lesson directly. The Ten God Pills he refined were only of the third rank, while the Ten God Pills refined by others turned out to be of the fourth rank.

This gap is big.

At this time, the two have already finished, so it can be seen that it should be done.The refining methods of Ning Tai Dan and Su Ye Dan are somewhat similar, so it is not easy to distinguish them.

"What level of elixir is this?" One person asked cautiously, and he himself felt that this elixir must be very powerful.

Zhou Haobo paused for a while and said divinely: "It should be the fourth rank...the first class..."

(End of this chapter)

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