Chapter 872 Lost
When the time was almost noon, a fragrance was emitted from the alchemy furnaces of the two of them almost at the same time, and the two fragrances were very strong.

But in comparison, it seems that Ning Feng's fragrance is stronger, maybe it has something to do with the elixir he refined.

Ning Feng's elixir has that kind of strong fragrance, and this kind of fragrance obviously has an advantage.The other party's elixir has that kind of faint fragrance, which is obviously not dominant.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Ning Feng slapped the unformed elixir out of the elixir furnace. After cooling down for a while, it returned to the elixir furnace again.

Everyone thought that Ning Feng was showing off his skills and showing off his control ability.In the heat of the flames, dare to let the pill come out once, except for those with super strength, it is just for death.

Because if there is no strict spiritual power package, the elixir is likely to be useless.

But there are still people who understand.

"It's not abolished, but because the Ten God Pill must be released once." Someone explained: "This kind of pill has such characteristics, in fact, he just exposed it on purpose, not a show of skill."

After being explained, everyone realized that there are so many doorways, and obviously they are still a little far behind.

Because Ning Feng's steps are a little more complicated, when he finally becomes a pill, the opponent has to be one step ahead.

With a trace of solemnity on Li Bingxue's face, she slammed the cover off, and she was already ready.The moment the pill flew out, he put it in his hand.

Looking at the pure and white elixir, there was a burst of exclamation from the surroundings. It really is Ningtai Dan, a top-ranking elixir of the fourth rank.

"Fourth-grade high-grade medicine, I didn't expect her to hide it so deeply before. It really deserves to be the No.1 of the Southeast League. This strength is really not to be underestimated. It seems that the opponent also has to work hard. Okay."

"Ning Feng's elixir is not bad. As for whether it can be superior, it depends on his strength. I think Xuan, after all, Li Bingxue is recognized as No.1. I always feel that she didn't try her best."

"I also think that she seems to be hiding some of her own strength. Could it be that she did it on purpose?"

Everyone looked at Li Bingxue in surprise and said, how dare she hide her strength at this time, is she so confident.

There was some disappointment in Li Bingxue's eyes, but she still refined this elixir perfectly.

Naturally, Ning Feng ended the refining of the elixir smoothly.

The whole body is dark in color, this is the real color of the Ten God Pill. The last time the Ten God Pill was too long, the effect was a little weaker, but this time it was quite perfect.

He naturally knew the reason for the disappointment on Li Bingxue's face, because if nothing else happened, his elixir was obviously going to win.

Because this competition does not count time, so in terms of efficacy, he did win.But as a contestant, his result still depends on what the referee means.

Moreover, he and Li Bingxue were not only competing in strength, but also in their observation skills.Obviously Ning Feng saw the elixir she had refined, and adopted a plan to suppress her.

But she didn't see Ning Feng's elixir. In fact, from the very beginning, she thought she had lost the game.

"Is this Ten God Pill? It's really Ten God Pill. If you count it like this, his pill seems to be more superior in grade."

"Yes, this competition doesn't seem to count time, so even if it is refined early, it has no other meaning, so this time is meaningless. After all, this matter is quite a pity."

"Li Bingxue is about to lose. This is too scary. No. 1 in the Southeast League will lose. The key is that I didn't try my best. It's a pity."

"How do you know that Ning Feng is doing his best? There are so many people on the field, they are obviously hiding their strength on purpose, and Ning Feng is obviously better. The reason why the No.1 of the Southeast League is Li Ice and snow, that's because he has never shown his mountains or dew his water."

The person who spoke was naturally Zhou Haobo. He had competed with Ning Feng before, and he knew that Ning Feng was able to do so with ease. Moreover, it could be seen from this round that Ning Feng also completed it very easily, hiding his strength.

The two put the elixir they refined in front of the referee, looked at each other, and smiled at each other.

Everyone looked at the two elixirs and whispered, "The elixir that Ning Feng refined this time is a ten-sacred elixir, and its efficacy should be stronger than that of Li Bingxue. In the end, Ning Feng probably won.

"It's not certain. Don't you know that Ning Feng offended the South Island League before, and this referee may cause some trouble."

"Isn't that right? After all, as a whole, the Southeast League will go out to compete with other alliances. Of course, it is necessary to send the strongest lineup. Could it be that he will still use the public to benefit his own interests?"

"Who knows? Let's see the result. But the big things have to be let go, after all, it represents the Southeast League."

Everyone looked at the referee nervously.

Lao Huo already felt that he had won. After all, the efficacy of the Ten God Pill obviously overlapped with that of Ningtai Pill, and it was much better than that of Ningtai Pill.

If Ningtai Dan is considered to be the middle class among the fourth-grade pills, the Ten God Pills belong to the top-ranked pills. Basically, anyone with a little common sense knows who will win.

The referee gave Ning Feng a dark look.

Ning Feng happened to see him looking at him, and his heart skipped a beat. Something bad was going to happen. This guy seemed to really hold a grudge.

The man fiddled with the elixir for a while, and then said: "The result came out. The elixirs of the two are of the same level, both of the fourth-grade top-tier. Li Bingxue took a shorter time, so Li Bingxue won."

"Nonsense!" Lao Huo himself couldn't help but jumped up from the stool and cursed.

"This time, the time standard is not considered, but the efficacy. Ask the people at the scene, is there anyone who doesn't know that the efficacy of the Ten God Pill is much stronger than that of Ningtai Pill? I advise you not to bring your personal emotions to the table. Come in."

"Are you a referee?" The referee said to Huo with disdain.

He obviously wanted revenge for Ning Feng's failure to compete last time.

"Old Ji, I came to apologize last time and explained the matter clearly to you. Why are you so aggressive? What you do is destroying the overall interests of the Southeastern Alliance." Lao Huo said angrily.

The Southeastern League finally had such an opportunity to compete for the boss, how could it be so uselessly missed?
Judging from the performance just now, Li Bingxue is indeed worse than Ning Feng, and sending Ning Feng out has a better chance of winning.

"Hmph, do you think the apology is the end? Your Haicheng League wants to win, there is no way." He looked at Ning Feng bitterly, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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