Chapter 873
"Isn't this nonsense? Why is it like this? The victor will represent the Southeast League in the future to compete with other alliances. Of course, choose the stronger one. Should you choose the weaker one?"

"That's right, it's really boring to care about those things at this time."

"How can you avenge yourself in such a public manner? Everyone can see that Ning Feng's strength is superior. Now it is so straightforward to judge him as a loser. Is it really good?"

"But others can't say anything. After all, both of them are at the top of the fourth rank. Although there is a big difference in efficacy, this kind of thing can't be touched or seen."

Everyone looked at the referee and said that he was clearly avenging his personal revenge by doing so, but what he did was indeed not excessive.

Ning Feng stared at him, he really forgot for the first time, and Lao Huo had already come to apologize for this matter, and explained the situation clearly to others.

It's really rude to trip you up on such an important occasion.

Everyone now wants the Southeast League to win, but as a member of the Southeast League, he would rather do it for his own sake.

Ning Feng was a little angry. He didn't participate in this competition for himself.He even put on such a face for himself.

"Referee, I think this matter is still related to the future of the Southeast League. I advise you to think about it. If I offended you in the past, I apologize to you now." Ning Feng said sincerely. Try to suppress your inner anger.

After all, he is the referee, it would be great if he could speak clearly.

In this game, it is understandable that he won.Everyone knew that he had won, but because of the referee's words, he lost the game.

If you lose, you lose, but you represent the Southeast League, and you have to face more opponents in the future, if you send a slightly weaker one.After going out, he must have been hanged and beaten, even if Li Bingxue's strength is not bad.

But wouldn't it be better to send someone with better strength to win?

Ning Feng stared at him, waiting for his reply without moving.But he seems like a bastard who has eaten the weight and is determined.

"Do you think offending our South Island League can be solved with an apology?" The man looked at Ning Feng and said, "Isn't it very painful to lose the game now?"

After Ning Feng heard his words, he suddenly laughed. "You are wrong, why would I suffer? Do you think I am willing to participate in this competition? If someone is not begging me, I would not participate in such a thankless task?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the man and said, "I participated for the status of the Southeast League. Since you have done this, I am also happy to be free."

Ning Feng's performance disappointed him very much. He wanted to see Ning Feng in pain, but he really didn't seem to be in great pain.

But even if he doesn't suffer, it's enough to make him ashamed.The strength is obviously superior to the opponent, but in the end he lost the game helplessly. This kind of thing is enough for him to regret for a lifetime.

"Hmph, whatever you want, then I declare that the winner this time is Li Bing..."

"Wait!" Before he finished speaking, Li Bingxue interrupted suddenly.

Then he said coldly: "I admit defeat."

admit defeat?
admit defeat.

"Why did she suddenly admit defeat? Isn't she judged to have won? Why did she take the initiative to admit defeat? If she wins, she will be a member of the elders of the Southeast League."

"Why did you admit defeat with such a favorable condition? Did you take the wrong medicine? Since the referee judged it, she can't blame her in the end, so let's just admit it. I have participated in the national league competition, and I will say it in the future." A great fortune."

"Do you think everyone is like you? With Li Bingxue's current strength, she doesn't need the title of National Competition at all. Within five years, he and she will definitely be famous all over the country."

"Now she is a genius. It won't take five years at all. As long as she shows her strength, she will definitely win."

"Look at his enlightenment, and then look at the referee's enlightenment. I really feel ashamed for him. Such a big man, with such a small mind, he is too modest, and he still refuses to let go. I really think I have a little power."

"He actually disregarded the interests of the alliance for his own sake. What use is this kind of person for him? Hurry up and quit the elders."

Everyone was completely ignited by Li Bingxue's conceding defeat. This guy really didn't care about fairness or the League's face for his own benefit.

Ning Feng thought that on such an important occasion, he would not trip him up, right?After all, everyone is from the Southeast League.

It's a pity that he overestimated his heart.

When Li Bingxue conceded in such a way, he couldn't hold back his face immediately. Isn't this slapping himself in the face?Just said she won, and she lost immediately.

If her strength is really high, it's fine to admit defeat on purpose.

But her victory was given by herself, wouldn't she just slap her in the face after admitting defeat?
"Why admit defeat?" He looked at Li Bingxue puzzled and said, "You have won, you can join the elders."

"I'm not that shameless." She said lightly, then looked at him and said, "I know that I lost, and if I lose, I lose, and I won't resort to petty tricks. I believe that Ning Feng should give us lead to better outcomes."

Ning Feng thought the same way, and in the end, he had grasped Li Bingxue's strength.Participating by yourself does have a much better chance of winning than her, after all, my mental strength is one level higher than hers.

After she finished catching, the referee's face darkened even more.Even being scolded by herself dragged Ning Feng down from victory, but in the end she surrendered on her own initiative.

And the old cow behind did not stop her behavior.

Looking at it this way, the audience is full of impartial and selfless people, and I am the only one who persecutes others because of my grievances between the four, and I suddenly lose face.

"How? Is it okay to admit defeat?" Li Bingxue said coldly.Although she was eager to win, she didn't win in this way.And in the competition, Ning Feng did beat him, and there was still a gap between his mental strength and his.

The referee could only look at Ning Feng bitterly, and said, "He won."

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile. This round was his own victory, but he let his victory be covered with dust.Moreover, this kind of narrow-minded person actually set himself a trap openly, and even after apologizing, he still refused to let go.

He is very unhappy in his heart now, if he makes himself unhappy, then he cannot make him happy.

(End of this chapter)

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