Chapter 874 Unhappy
Ning Fengfeng looked at him with a faint smile on his face, and then looked at him with a grin.

I don't know why, when the referee saw this smile, he felt a little weird. He always felt that Ning Feng wanted to have some weird ideas.

The referee looked at Ning Feng very disdainfully, and then said: "Since you have conceded, then you have won. The winner will be promoted to be a member of the elders of the Southeast League."

In fact, being a member of the elders of the Southeast League is a very tempting position. He himself barely joined the elders of the South Island League until he was in his 40s.

He reluctantly joined the elders of the Southeast League when he was in his 60s. This young man did not have any reputation, but he suddenly joined at such a young age, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

But after he finished speaking, Ning Feng smiled at him, "I don't want this position as a member of the elders group, I'll leave it to her. Her strength is enough to hold this position."

Now his decision surprised everyone. The position of the elders of the Southeast League was given up so easily. This is just like a joke, and only a fool would do this.

But Ning Feng still looked at him firmly, obviously not stupid.

"What does he mean? Why don't you want this position? The elders of the Southeast League, what a rare position, if I kill him, I won't let it go."

"Only geniuses like them can do this kind of thing. When they want to join the elders, they don't need to work hard at all, because their talents give them this confidence."

"Yes, I think he is repaying his favor. He just admitted defeat and wants to make up for him."

Of course, most people think so, and the reason why Ning Feng did this is to make up for it.

Even Li Bingxue thought so. She looked at Ning Feng and said, "Although I want this position, I don't need to get it this way. I will take it myself."

She is also a person with backbone.

Ning Feng looked at her and shrugged, "I didn't do this for you. I have my own plans. Even if you don't want this position, I won't want it either."

After he finished speaking, Li Bingxue was also stunned, what was he planning?In fact, the position of the elders of the Southeast Asian Association is very attractive.Not because of how much power it has, but because it can provide inexhaustible resources.

For a pharmacist, there are resources and ability.All human abilities are refined, and if a lot of resources are squandered, they can improve very quickly.

So when Ning Feng said this, she was still tempted.

In fact, even if she wasn't tempted, the old cow behind her was tempted too.Are you kidding me, the elders of the Southeast League, it would not be too good to have one more person of your own in, isn't it?
Ning Feng's performance was too good before, so they couldn't claim that victory.If you ask for it, you will be poked in the spine.

But it's different now, he didn't want the position of the elders group, he didn't force it by himself.Anyway, there is a place for everyone, so don’t let it go for nothing.

"We want it." Lao Niu couldn't wait to stand up and said: "Old Ji, anyway, he will be given a place. If he doesn't want it, then he doesn't want it. Our Li Bingxue is not bad, he is more than enough to be a member of the elders group Bar?"

In fact, Lao Ji also prefers to let Li Bingxue join the elders group, because after all, he has a grudge with Ning Feng. After entering it, there must be all kinds of bumps and bangs between them. Much more comfortable than Ningfeng.

Besides, the higher-ups gave her a quota anyway, so it would be a waste to not use it, so it would be better to count it as a favor for her.

"Okay, since he doesn't want it, let Li Bingxue get this spot. Anyway, her strength is obvious to all, and the strength of the two is also equal. Since he voluntarily withdrew, then Li Bingxue has become a newcomer." Members of the elders."

When he finished saying this, Lao Niu was already so excited that he didn't know where he was headed. It was really a bright future. Wasn't his purpose for participating in this competition for such a position? It doesn't matter anymore.

Lao Huo looked at Lao Niu's complacent look, looked at Ning Feng very dissatisfied, and said, "What are you doing this for? Don't you want to join the elders group? With the protection of the elders group, resources are inexhaustible of."

He was very heartbroken. If Ning Feng joined, he would be his leader, and the future was bright. He threw this position out so casually.

Ning Feng smiled slightly, and said to him: "Of course I am willing to join the elders, but I have my own way to join."

"Are you planning?" He almost already thought of Ning Feng's idea. If he can't join in this way, then there are only two options left. Location.Lao Ji relied on this method to get promoted.

Of course, there is another way, and that is to defeat anyone in the elders.

The first way, Ning Feng obviously can't do it.Then we can only use the second method, but the second method is very offensive.

The characters in the elders' group are either geniuses or senior seniors. If one of them really wins in the end, how can he hang around in the elders' group in the future.

The defeated elders can only be ranked at the bottom of the elders group.

Therefore, if there is no hatred, basically this method will not be adopted.

"Enen." He said with a smile, there is no need to use this method if there is no hatred, but what if there is hatred?Don't blame yourself for taking this approach.

If you disregard the interests of the Southeastern League for your own private interests, then you don't have to estimate his face.

"Hmph, self-righteous." Lao Ji looked at Ning Feng very dissatisfied and said, "You were lucky to win this time. If you meet my judgment next time, I will definitely let you lose."

He really hated Ning Feng. Although their South Island League was really bad, Ning Feng was the first one not to fight against the South Island League.In the end, they even made it to the finals, which was a humiliation to them, and the enmity with Ning Feng could not be resolved with an apology.

Ning Feng suddenly pointed at him and said: "Since you and I are fighting hard, then I will challenge you! Now!"

These words immediately caused a lot of fluctuations around, challenge the referee?This is really an anecdote.And this referee is still a member of the elders, the purpose is too clear.

(End of this chapter)

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