Chapter 875

"I'm going, it's going to be lively right now. He actually wants to challenge a member of the elders of the Southeast League. Is this person's brain broken? He is a fifth-rank pharmacist. Does he think he is relying on a fourth-rank pharmacist?" Can the pill win the opponent?"

"He really has a temper, but this time he really picked the wrong person. Although Lao Ji is not the most powerful among the elders, it is still very easy to beat him."

"It's not a good sign to be so proud after just winning a game. I think he's about to face a disastrous defeat."

Everyone was very surprised by Ning Feng's proposal, this kind of behavior was simply committing suicide.The popularity that has been accumulated with great difficulty will also be consumed.

But some people don't think so. One of them is Zhou Haobo. In his opinion, Ning Feng's strength is not so small. He always thinks that Ning Feng has not really displayed his strength, and it is estimated that he will show it this time. What about your own strength?

And the people from other leagues sitting on the other side didn't make any noise, and they could also see that Ning Feng had something to hide before.This time, it is estimated that he intends to give full play to his strength.

After hearing Ning Feng's challenge, Lao Ji was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing, "Haha... I laughed so hard, you want to challenge me, am I right? Are you sure?"

"You heard me right, I just want to challenge you. People like you are not worthy of sitting in this position in the elders' group." Ning Feng said righteously.

"I'm not worthy? Are you worthy?" Lao Ji's expression changed immediately, he looked at Ning Feng and said, "Do you think you are worthy?"

"At least better than you, I will not use my position to hinder the development of the Southeast League." Ning Feng said with a smile, "Do you dare to accept the challenge?"

"Hahaha... There's no reason why you don't dare. No wonder you don't want your previous position. You wanted to step on me. But I can tell you that you are the one who was stepped down in the end."

Lao Ji was also very upset and said that Ning Feng was only a fourth-rank superior, and with the help of the elders, he had already been able to refine a fifth-rank elixir, so it was almost impossible to step on his upper rank of.

Ning Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him and said, "Then let's compare."

Then he turned to Lao Niu and Lao Huo and said, "Those two, please be a witness, can you?"

"Yes." Lao Niu agreed almost without thinking.

After a while, Lao Huo said to Ning Feng: "Although I am your leader, I will be fair and just, and there will be no harm.
Partisan. "

"It's so good." Ning Feng said lightly, he just wanted to win him under a fair environment, so that he would be convinced.

At this time, Li Bingxue looked at Ning Feng with even more doubts. Ning Feng's spiritual power is very powerful, and his spiritual power is even stronger than his own. What a heaven-defying strength this must be.

And he is not the kind of reckless person. Since he dared to challenge, he must have his own ideas.Maybe his strength is even much stronger than his own.

I really didn't feel wronged at all when I lost this time.

"Can you win?" Li Bingxue didn't know why, but suddenly asked Ning Feng this question.

Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said, "Do you think I can win?"

Li Bingxue nodded. Although she didn't know why, she always felt that Ning Feng couldn't see through, hiding too much.

"Having confidence is one thing, but the opponent seems to be stronger in terms of superficial strength now. I know some information. That person has been able to refine the fifth-grade elixir before. I don't think it is easy for you to win."

She expressed what she knew, hoping to help Ning Feng.

Lao Niu looked at Li Bingxue in surprise, this person usually behaved coldly, never spoke more than ten sentences to anyone, and each sentence never exceeded five words.

But she seemed to be a different person in front of Ning Feng, and the communication was so kind.

Could it be that the two have something to do with each other?Otherwise, why would Ning Feng take the initiative to give her this position?
In fact, he really thought too much. Li Bingxue was unwilling to communicate with them before because no one was on the same channel.What do you let a person with such a strong mental power communicate with ordinary people?
Just like a college student, you have to let him play house with the kindergarteners happily.Obviously it is impossible, so if you want to communicate happily, you must first have a corresponding status.

If you don't have status, don't blame others for not wanting to talk to you. After all, there is still a lot of difference in strength.

And Ning Feng's strength is even stronger than hers, so when talking to Ning Feng, naturally he can't use a cold attitude, but to a certain extent, he has to be respectful.

"Fifth grade only." Ning Feng said to her, "Thank you very much."

"This guy is quite annoying, you must win him." Li Bingxue said, although this person is on her side, but the way things are disgusting, no one will like it.

"What accessories need to be prepared?" Lao Niu looked at the situation and said to the two of them.

The two wrote down their supplementary materials and handed them over to Lao Niu. It is now his territory, so it is very easy to find these supplementary materials.

Because of looking for auxiliary materials, Ning Feng also took advantage of this time to sit in front of the alchemy furnace and recover his physical strength lightly. After all, he had already refined the elixir once before, and his mental and physical strength were still somewhat exhausted.

But the other party is also old, so I should respect the old and love the young.

The two are now on the same starting line, and no one takes advantage of the other.

Lao Ji gave Ning Feng a disdainful look, then sat not far away, and suddenly took out a pill furnace.This pill furnace looks quite weird, it is different from ordinary pill furnaces.

Its alchemy furnace is not round, but square, with a large top and a small bottom, and a golden tripod is placed on top of the alchemy furnace.In the southeast and northwest, fill in the five colored soils of blue, yellow, red, white and black respectively.

"Weiji Furnace!"

People who know the goods blurt out.

Of course, Weiji furnace is also a kind of elixir furnace, but it is quite different from the general Bagua furnace.

Around this Weiji furnace, matching the five-color soil is the five-element dojo, which coincides with the invisible world, which is indeed a good thing.

However, it is uncertain whether Weiji Furnace or Bagua Furnace is good or bad. Each has its own advantages. In the end, it depends on the ability of the alchemist.

But at least it kept him from falling behind Ning Feng from the beginning, this alchemy furnace is still very good.

"The supplementary medicine is ready." At this moment, a person came over and said to the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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