Chapter 876
After hearing this, the corner of Ning Feng's mouth curled into a smile, he was destined to be his stepping stone.

The man looked at Ning Feng and said with a smile: "Boy, being young is a good thing, but I have to tell you that the gap between people cannot be made up by simple talents."

After he finished speaking, he threw a disdainful look at Ning Feng.

Although his talent is not very good, but at least he has reached the fifth rank. It is very easy to win a fourth rank pharmacist like Ning Feng.

I don't know if he was careless, or if he deliberately paralyzed himself.In fact, everyone knows that Ning Feng hides his strength, and if he hides his strength, he can refine the top-ranked pills of the fourth rank. If he doesn't hide his strength, wouldn't he have to be at the fifth rank?

Perhaps he also knew that Ning Feng might be able to refine fifth-grade pills, but he still felt that even if Ning Feng could refine fifth-grade pills, the failure rate would be very high. Otherwise, on such an important occasion, why didn't he try his best at the beginning? Woolen cloth?

In fact, he really didn't know about the contest between Ning Feng and Li Bingxue. If the two of them just wanted to win, they could just refine the elixir with the highest ability.

But the two are in a full-scale confrontation, not only to refine the pill, but also to know the level of the opponent's refining, and then use that little bit of height to win him.

This is a bad taste among geniuses.

There's no way, it's just so willful, talented, and able to mess around.

Ning Feng shook his head at him, "Actually, as you get older, it's better to be less angry. If you get slapped in the face, how can you hang around in the elders' group in the future? What do you think?"

The man gave Ning Feng a disdainful look, and then said very disdainfully: "You want to beat me with your brat's strength? It's impossible."

"Then who's right, why don't we try?" Ning Feng said with a smile: "If you lose, give me one or two of your treasured medicinal herbs?"

Although Ning Feng has no shortage of medicinal materials, what he lacks now is the main medicine, and those main medicines are really hard to find.Especially those precious medicinal materials are even more difficult to find.

So he will not let go of any opportunity.

"Old man, why should I compete with you? Could it be that you are willing to quit the pharmacist business after losing?" Although he was refusing, he had already stated his purpose.

If you want to bet with him, you must bet with his future.

After hearing what he said, Ning Feng said with a smile: "Yes, but I wonder if you can come up with something sincere?" Good stuff.

If I don't blackmail him, I will be sorry for myself.

A look of joy lit up on Lao Ji's face, as soon as he said this, Ning Feng must quit.Let him have all the strength but no way to integrate into the profession of alchemist.


Before he finished speaking, Ning Feng immediately interrupted him, looked at him and said, "Well...are we being too stingy? Are you willing to take out the fourth-grade evergreen fruit? Do you think this thing is suitable for you? on your identity?"

Although he said so, he was telling him, do you think this thing can make me withdraw from the Alchemist Union?Don't you think it's a little too cheap?

After all, isn't it unreliable to bet on the future of a genius with such a thing?

Lao Ji thought about it, and it was indeed the case, the fourth-grade evergreen fruit was indeed a little lighter.But he was also reluctant to come up with something better, but suddenly he smiled.

Could Ning Feng still beat himself?Thinking about this, I suddenly became happy, looked at him and said, "How about this thing?"

When he finished speaking, he directly took out a plant of grass. The whole body of this plant was golden yellow, and it grew very strangely, as if it was a scepter.There is actually a small fruit growing on the stem.

"Siamese grass?"

Ning Feng's heart skipped a beat. This thing is indeed very precious, because this conjoined grass is the material needed to refine the sixth-grade elixir.Moreover, there are too many elixirs that can be refined as the main thing.

This thing is quite precious. In the eyes of alchemists, this kind of material that can be used as the main material of many pills is the most precious thing. After all, it can save a lot of trouble.

If a medicinal material can only refine one kind of elixir, but he happens to not know how to refine it, will it be embarrassing?But this kind of medicinal material will not appear in this situation.

"How is it? Is this lottery okay?" He looked at Ning Feng and said with a smile: "This is the dream of countless alchemists. I also spent a lot of effort to get it."

Originally, everyone was unwilling to sympathize with Ning Feng for withdrawing from the Alchemy Alliance and betting with him, but after the appearance of this conjoined grass, everyone seemed to shut up.

It is enough to prove the preciousness of this conjoined grass.

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said: "Yes, this lottery is not bad, so let's start?"

Both of them now have full confidence in being able to clean up each other, so the bet is quite high.It is conceivable that in the final result, one party will suffer to death, because the price is too high.

Old Huo sighed, "It seems that Ning Feng is really angry, and even bet with him with his future? It's really too risky."

"Then what is his strength?" Lao Niu looked at him and said, in fact, he is more inclined to Ning Feng in his heart, after all, he is a talented junior, so he must have the meaning of supporting him in his heart.

Lao Huo shook his head and said, "I don't know either. His strength is hidden very well. I don't know his depth at all. But against Lao Ji, I don't think the odds of winning are great."

At this time, Li Bingxue came over and said to him: "Ning Feng's strength is not weak. In terms of the final victory or defeat, I can feel that his hidden strength is very strong, maybe a little stronger than him."

"Huh?" The two looked at him puzzled and said.Because Li Bingxue had indeed fought against Ning Feng, he should have a better understanding of Ning Feng's strength, but whether Ning Feng's strength can defeat Lao Youtiao and Lao Ji, this matter should not be obvious.

She smiled sweetly, "I feel the same way."

"In fact, it's not a feeling. His spiritual power is far beyond my imagination. Sometimes I wonder if he has a sixth-level mental power. I have tested him countless times, and it is really amazing. He His spiritual defense is far beyond my imagination, but I can see everything in front of him." She looked at Ning Feng in the field and said.

In fact, Ning Feng has not yet reached the sixth level of mental strength, but because his sea of ​​consciousness is too strong, and his mental strength is much stronger than others, that's why she has this misunderstanding.

(End of this chapter)

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