Chapter 879
"Huh? What's going on here?" Lao Niu looked at Lao Huo and said, "What's the trap in this matter?" He stared at the two people in the field puzzled.

Lao Huo said to him: "You should have felt that Ning Feng suddenly raised the temperature of the pill fire technique just now, right?"

"Well, I really felt it, could it be..." Lao Huo just reminded him here that he understood that Ning Feng's previous behavior was premeditated and not a rash action at all.

"The characteristic of Weiji Furnace is the combination of water and fire, and his Dan fire skill also intersects with water and fire. But Ning Feng suddenly increased his Dan fire skill before and consumed the water in the old Ji Dan fire skill..."

"Yes." Lao Huo said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "This kid is just so bad. The reason why Lao Ji's pill fire technique does not have high temperature is because he is afraid of dissipating the water, but Ning Feng's doing this is obviously to put him The balance was broken. After those water cups were baked like this, I don’t know how much they dissipated.”

"The sudden reduction of moisture will cause a huge change in the temperature difference of the medicinal materials, which will easily lead to the destruction of the medicinal materials. Without the cooling of moisture, the sudden increase in temperature will burn everything to ashes."

"If Lao Ji didn't want to destroy things, he could only pinch off the pill fire skill. The sudden extinguishment of the pill fire skill caused the atmosphere inside the pill furnace to be disordered, which made that kind of explosion sound. It made everyone think it was Lao Ji. Insufficient fire control capabilities."

Lao Niu glanced at the auditorium, and sure enough everyone's reaction was the same.Everyone thought that his ability to control fire was insufficient. After all, no one could have imagined that Ning Feng would use this move to destroy the opponent's Fire Pill skill.

If it wasn't for Lao Huo's reminder, he wouldn't even know the reason.

"This kid just wanted to humiliate him once. This kid is really..." Lao Niu shook his head and said.

"Didn't you see it? The two of them are already dying, and what Ning Feng did was to hit him in the face. So the two are competing at every moment, trying to overwhelm each other in any place. "Old Huo sighed: "Ning Feng is really angry."

After Lao Huo finished speaking, Lao Niu stared at Ning Feng in surprise. This guy really had a scheming plan, so he was here waiting to trick him.

Li Bingxue looked at Ning Feng with a smile on the corner of her mouth. His strength was indeed extraordinary. Not to mention anything else, just this calculation was admirable.

The fryer this time was indeed deliberately designed by Ning Feng. His medicinal material can be used with strong fire, but Weiji furnace can't work, it must be done with water and fire.

From the very beginning, he thought about using the flame to roast the opponent's moisture, and then make him feel ashamed.Of course, this will not affect the overall situation, but it is considered to be [-]% moved back.

With a thoughtful smile on the corner of Ning Feng's mouth, he lifted the lid and took out the refined medicinal powder.

He also said to Lao Ji very unceremoniously: "For such an old man, he can't control the alchemy fire skills well. Hey, you still don't believe that you eat vegetarian food in the corpse."

Now Lao Ji's mood is as if his wife was stolen by Ning Feng, and he can't wait to strangle him to death.

It's really aggrieved to feel like I've been cheated, but I can't speak.

After all, he didn't notice Ning Feng's scheming because his thinking was not very comprehensive.

Ning Feng is called a genius not only because he can refine medicine, but because he has a comprehensive understanding of various aspects.

"Don't think that you can win by being careful. Let me tell you, it still depends on your strength in the end. I will see if you can succeed in the end?" He could only say a harsh word.

Of course Ning Feng wasn't nervous at all, he looked at him and said, "I'll let you take a good look at it, don't worry." After speaking, he showed a shameful big smile.

Lao Ji turned around and ignored him. If he continued to talk to Ning Feng, he would probably be pissed off.

Ning Feng then began to refine his own main medicine. Because of Ning Feng's disturbance, Lao Ji didn't dare to use the pill fire technique, so he could only roast obediently.

He was quite afraid that Ning Feng would do it again. Although he reacted quickly enough to withdraw the Pill Fire Skill this time, if he didn't withdraw it in time, he might destroy his medicinal materials.

In this kind of competition, destroying the medicinal material once is simply a shameful rhythm.

Even if the medicinal materials were not destroyed, it would be quite embarrassing to make that frying sound again, and there was no place for his old face.

But the next step is the most important time. Next, I will use my fifth-level mental power to show him what is the strength of a fifth-rank pharmacist.

Because of Ning Feng's interruption, he managed to overtake Lao Ji in the end, refining all the raw materials a few minutes earlier.

"The next step is the key." Ning Feng let out a long breath. This was his first time refining a fifth-grade elixir, and he was actually uncertain.

If he didn't really look down on this guy, he would not have competed with him so rashly.

"Boy, let me show you what real strength is." Lao Ji suddenly said to him.

In such a short while, he also finished refining the medicinal materials.

Ning Feng looked at him, rolled his eyes around, and then watched him say two words coldly. "hehe!"

Oh your sister!
Lao Ji was angry in his heart, and he was speaking harshly. Can you face this enemy seriously?
"Boy, arrogance has to pay a price, you just wait to accept failure." The man said to Ning Feng fiercely.

Ning Feng really didn't know why he had such strong self-confidence?

I didn't bother to pay attention to him, I sorted out my mood, and then threw the two ingredients into the alchemy furnace.

Lao Ji seemed to think that Ning Feng's behavior was very impolite, so he let go of all his mental power in an instant.

"The spiritual power of the fifth grade?"

"Fifth grade? He can already be sure of this elixir, and it must be a fifth-grade elixir. He plans to go all out this time, and Ning Feng seems a little dangerous."

"Fifth grade elixir is indeed difficult to defeat. After all, he is still young, so he is indeed a little impatient. If we wait a few more years, the effect may be different."

"Rank [-] vs. Rank [-], I guess we can't win, but Ning Feng is said to be hiding his strength. I don't know what his real strength is. I'm looking forward to it. But he hides his spiritual power very well. "

Everyone looked at Lao Ji Wupin's spiritual power and felt quite shocked.

But deep down in Ning Feng's heart, he just silently scolded him for being a fool, wasn't it just to show off his spiritual power?It's pretty disrespectful to do that.

And how did he have the nerve to show off his fifth-level mental power?I already have level [-] spiritual power, but he only has level [-] mental power at such an old age.

Didn't he reflect on himself in the dead of night?Don't you feel empty, lonely, and a little cold?

(End of this chapter)

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