Chapter 880 An Accident Happened
Ning Feng meant to say these words quietly, but he didn't deliberately withdraw his voice, and then let him hear it not far away.

After receiving a sharp gaze, Ning Feng suddenly showed an embarrassed smile, looked at him and said, "This is an inner activity of mine, I don't intend to let you hear it, I'm sorry."

your sister!Now Lao Ji's heart is breaking down even more, your fucking mental activity is so loud, whose IQ is not enough?
"You are jealous, you are..."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, he casually flashed his mental strength, and the fifth-level mental strength was immediately displayed in front of everyone.

"Eh..." With Ning Feng showing his strength, Lao Ji took back the second half of his sentence in a daze.

Your sister, this is the real aggrieved.You fucking have the spiritual power of an item, what kind of world is this, such a young person actually has this kind of strength, are you going to die?
"Ah—this is...he is also a fifth-rank mental power. I didn't expect him to have reached this level. I only knew that he was hiding his strength before. I didn't expect to hide so much."

"Yeah - I didn't expect him to have such a strong strength. It's rare to see such a young fifth-rank alchemist. No wonder he dared to fight the opponent so arrogantly. It turns out that he has strength."

"The spiritual power of the fifth rank, let alone comparing with the disciples, is more than enough to directly enter the elders group. And his potential is still so great, it is worth throwing away."

After everyone felt Ning Feng's spiritual power, they were still a little shocked. After all, such a young fifth-grade pharmacist is still very rare.

Although Ning Feng had stimulated Zhou Haobo quite a bit, he was quite surprised after the fifth-level mental power was released.Level [-] mental power, that is something he can't even imagine now.

Li Bingxue was also surprised, her small mouth was so dazed that she couldn't keep her mouth shut, "Level [-] mental power? His mental power is already so good?"

She glanced at Lao Huo in disbelief, hoping that he would be able to explain her doubts, but seeing that he seemed to be more surprised than herself, she knew that he must not be able to answer her own questions.

"Level five?" Lao Niu blinked at Lao Huo.

Lao Huo also had a wry smile on his face, "I don't know what's going on, this incident is really unexpected. I never thought he would have such strength."

The most painful thing now is Lao Ji, who doesn't play like this.

He had just shown his spiritual power, and before he had enjoyed enough admiration from everyone, he actually showed his spiritual power directly.The spirit of Level [-] can only be achieved by working hard for a lifetime.

In such a comparison, I am simply a waste, and I already have a fifth-level mental power in my 20s.I am in my 50s and have only reached level five.

This is simply a mess.If it wasn't because he couldn't beat him, he would definitely come up and beat him.

Ning Feng showed his innocent smile to him, "Sorry, pretending to be a failure..."

His tone of voice was more hateful than his behavior.

"Boy, don't think that you can be arrogant because of your strong mental strength. Let me tell you, alchemy is not just about mental strength. You have a fifth-level spiritual strength, but you don't necessarily have the strength to refine a fifth-grade elixir."

He can only speak so viciously. Although these words are meant to be harsh, they are also true.

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile on his face and said: "Let's express ourselves well, but I have to remind you that there must be a limit to pretending to be aggressive. For such an old person, if you are not careful, you will fail to pretend to be aggressive." Think about how embarrassing it is, wouldn't it be better to keep a low profile?"

At this time, he really had the urge to hit Ning Feng with a stool.

"Huh." He snorted again, he ignored Ning Feng and started refining his own elixir.

Seeing his orderly movements, Ning Feng sighed, he was still not angry enough, his mind was not confused by anger, it seemed that he still had to show his old background.

Ning Feng quickly withdrew his mind, stared at the alchemy furnace wholeheartedly, and then slowly fused the ingredients, this time he had to be more serious.

In fact, there is some truth in what he said. You have a fifth-level mental power, which just means that you are qualified to refine fifth-grade elixir, but it is really not certain whether you can refine it.

The failure rate is quite high.

In the following process, neither of them had any elements of showing off their skills, because both of them felt that this process was quite difficult, and they would fail if they were distracted.

So no one made up their minds to harass each other.

The elixir that Ning Feng refined this time is a very important five-color golden elixir. The five-color golden elixir plays an important role in improving strength. Although Ning Feng has just broken through, it is not appropriate to swallow the elixir again.

But it is always good to have the elixir, after all, there is a prodigal woman in my family.I don't even know when I will be squeezed dry.

Every time before going to bed, I have to prepare a golden pill first, in case it is drained, I can quickly replenish it, so as not to fall into the realm.

Slowly under the control of mental power, the first few kinds of medicinal materials are fused quite smoothly. Although the first few are not difficult, the latter two kinds of ingredients need to be fully concentrated when fused.

The first thing he threw into the alchemy furnace was the five-colored golden lotus, but the earth mine fruit was not directly put into it.

The powder of the multicolored golden lotus entered the pill furnace, and a huge repulsive force rushed out immediately.

Although Ning Feng had been prepared for a long time, he did not expect that the repulsive force would be so strong that it almost collapsed the fused pill in such an instant.

"I'll go, I didn't expect the repelling force to be so strong." Fortunately, his mental strength was strong enough to protect the pill.

The aura of this multicolored golden lotus is quite abundant, and its grade is also very high compared to other materials.The difficulty of integrating is considerable.

"But this matter is beyond your control." Ning Feng put all his mental strength on it directly. Although the repulsion was quite large, Ning Feng did not give up at all.

This stalemate lasted for a long time, but the effect did not seem to be very significant, but Ning Feng could feel that he had gradually understood the characteristics of the five-colored golden lotus.

It's time for Tulego to come forward.

In an instant, Ning Feng threw the earth mine fruit into it.Its function is to neutralize the repulsion of the colorful golden lotus. Ning Feng thinks he has mastered its characteristics, and he can succeed as long as he neutralizes it with the earth mine fruit.

So he was very confident, and directly threw the powder of tule fruit into it.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

(End of this chapter)

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