Chapter 887
Ning Feng smiled at him.

But Lao Liang was obviously not very happy, because he found that the elixir seemed to be real.

"You... you... are you really a pharmacist?" He stared at Ning Feng in surprise and said, his lips were still trembling.It's okay for me to deceive ordinary people with this little ability, but there is no fig leaf in front of experts.

Jiang Tu also saw that this old Liang was really a fake, obviously what Ning Feng said was not wrong.

"Of course this Mr. Ning is real. He is also a fifth-grade pharmacist and a member of the elders of the Southeast League." He had already made full preparations before inviting someone.

He also has a good understanding of his identity.


He knelt directly on the ground, hugged Ning Feng's leg and said, "I was wrong...I...I shouldn't be fake..."

Pretend to be a pharmacist in front of the elders of the Southeast League, isn't that courting death?And he also knew that the Alchemy Alliance would not only protect the interests of alchemists, but also particularly dislike fake alchemists.

Because this would damage the image of a pharmacist.

Ning Feng waved his hand casually, looked at Jiang Tu and said, "This man is not a pharmacist, this is your territory, you should deal with it."

He basically knew that this person's fate would not be better, he cheated him of a lot of money with fake medicine, and he still used his daughter's life to test it.

It would be strange if he could be let go.

As expected, Jiang Tu's complexion darkened immediately, with anger in his eyes, he said to the few people outside: "Take me down and give me a good treat."

The two people who rushed in were obviously not good people, and the process of entertaining them would definitely not be gentle.

"Let me go... I was wrong, I am willing to return all the money to you..."

He was frightened now at last, but it was all to no avail.Ning Feng will not soften his heart on him, it is not an exaggeration to kill such a person.

It is likely that because of his medicine, countless patients delayed the timing of treatment, and countless people were even killed by his fake medicine.

Ning Feng didn't look at him coldly, turned around and went back into the room.

Jiang Tu gave him a hard look, then looked at the two of them and said, "Greeting to death."

After finishing speaking, he followed Ning Feng and walked in. His daughter's life was almost ruined in his hands, and he felt a moment of rejoicing and a moment of fear in his heart.

His wailing was heard outside, but neither of them softened their hearts.

Out to mix, sooner or later have to repay.

Ning Feng walked into the room, looked at this beautiful and lovely woman, and gently put the elixir into her mouth.There is no need to feed water at all, because this elixir melts in the mouth.

"Mr. Ning, how long will it take to see the effect?" He looked at Ning Feng nervously and said, "How much do I need to take?"

Ning Feng smiled and said: "If we let her wake up, it will be done in a while. But it is still very troublesome to completely control this physique."

In fact, controlling this physique is quite simple for Ning Feng, a fifth-rank pharmacist, but it is difficult to make him feel that he owes him a great favor.

If it was an ordinary person, he wouldn't be bothered to play such tricks, but his identity is very special.

Jiang Tu said to Ning Feng: "What kind of medicinal materials do you need, I will find someone to find them, and I must save her. She won't be until next month..."

"I know." Ning Feng interrupted him hastily, his father's love was as strong as a mountain. "I will definitely work hard to treat this."

"If I want to cure it completely, I need several herbs." As he spoke, he wrote down six or seven herbs on the paper.

Jiang Tu naturally didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly sent someone to look for him.

Ning Feng smiled maliciously, it's no wonder he could find it.These kinds of medicinal materials are quite difficult to find, each of which is the most difficult to find in the world.

How can he show how powerful he is without writing about such a few kinds of medicinal materials.

At this moment, Jiang Hongrong's eyes slowly opened.


Suddenly she said two words.

Jiang Tu almost shed tears of excitement. After three years, God finally opened his eyes and made people wake up.

"Hey..." I quickly poured a glass of water, because I was too excited, I spilled the water all over the floor.Not even soaking that 10,000+ euro carpet underneath.

"How is it? Rongrong!" He tried hard not to shake his hands, and slowly fed her the water.

After drinking a glass of water, she took a long breath. "I'm so tired, I feel like I've got a stiff neck." As he spoke, he tapped his own neck very obediently.

"Can you get up and move around?" He asked Ning Feng with a blank mind now.

Ning Feng was really convinced, he has been in a coma for so many years.Relying on liquid food every day to maintain physical strength, the muscles have to be exercised by outsiders so as not to shrink.Where does she have that physical strength now?

"No need, you can just support her and sit for a while." Ning Feng said.

He hurriedly followed suit, and the two were talking together, and the picture was very warm.

But uncomfortable things always happen, and after about 10 minutes, she passed out again.

"Mr. Ning, what is this?" When Jiang Tugang talked to her about being happy, she fell into a coma. How could he not be excited now.

Ning Feng waved his hands casually and said, "It's normal, it's not fully controlled yet, so the condition will recur."

"Where are the medicinal materials?" He shouted anxiously outside.

After a while, the middle-aged woman came over, nodded to him, frowned deeply and said: "We don't have these medicines here, I have already asked the forces close to us, and they haven't either..."

"Ah?" He was on the verge of going berserk, knowing that hope was ahead, but there was nothing he could do.

"These medicines are quite precious. Except for the high-level pharmacists who may have these medicines, no one else has the ability to make up these medicines."

The man gave Ning Feng a meaningful look, and then said.

What she said was true, because only high-level pharmacists would spend every possible means to find medicinal materials. Who would spend so much energy on such a thankless task in ordinary powers?

Jiang Tu's whole mind was stagnant. When it came to his daughter, he really didn't have any thoughts like this woman.

Ning Feng suddenly met the woman's eyes, looked at her and said with a smile, "I don't know your last name?"

She didn't hesitate, she smiled at Ning Feng and said, "Leng Qiu."

"Leng Qiu..." Ning Feng smiled, then ignored her, and said to Jiang Tu, "You don't have to worry, I have these herbs."

After he finished speaking, he stared at Ning Feng in surprise.

He knew that he would owe Mr. Ning Feng a favor, and these herbs were all priceless.Although it is very unpleasant to owe favors, after all, it was my daughter who was saved.

And Jiang Hongrong's identity is not just as simple as his daughter, the reason why such a stall has not been dismantled is because of her existence.

So even if you owe a big favor to God, you can be saved.

(End of this chapter)

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