Chapter 888 Comprehensive
At this critical moment, he still cares about these things.

Feeling annoyed for a while, he immediately said to Ning Feng: "I also ask Mr. Ning to help, the whole Jiang family is very grateful to you."

The middle-aged woman glanced at Ning Feng, feeling that this guy had achieved his goal.Especially when I asked my name just now, it made me even more unpredictable.

Ning Feng was naturally quite generous, and said to him: "I helped with this matter. After all, saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. And it can also make this woman a peerless master. I will definitely do such a good deed." made."

This sentence seems to express my attitude again, but it is actually telling them, look at how hard I am.Not only saved your daughter with your own money, but also turned a patient into a master.

You owe me a lot.

"Mr. Ning is kind." He hastened to flatter him.

Ning Feng still likes to listen to flattery, but this kind of matter cannot be solved by flattery.

"But do you know the value of these pills?" Ning Feng said with a smile, the patient is out of danger now, and he has to pay for it.

You can't stick it upside down like this.

You have to pay for it yourself to save people, and it's that kind of money that's worth heaven.

They are all smart people, and they immediately knew what it meant.Although people are willing to use these medicines to save people first, you can't just accept it in such a deadpan way, can you?
The middle-aged woman knows the value of these medicines, she said calmly: "These medicines are priceless, and any one of them can be worth more than the money in the Jiang family's warehouse."

Ning Feng nodded, that is indeed the case, these medicinal materials are indeed very precious.Because he wrote these medicinal materials at will, and he didn't own them himself, but in order to let them feel the weight of this kindness, he said so on purpose.

Anyway, I have a way to cure the patient, so I can't say that I can cure the patient with the dogtail grass on the roadside.This seems to be too low-end.

There is a purpose in it, so there is nothing wrong with using a little trick.

"Ah—" Jiang Tu was surprised, he didn't expect these medicines to be so precious.His kindness would not even be worth the entire Jiang family.

"These herbs are hard to come by. Even if I exchange all the treasures in your warehouse with me, I won't exchange a single leaf for you." Ning Feng looked at them and said: "There is no price. city……"

"Just saying that this is the cheapest conjoined grass is something you can't just find." Ning Feng said as he took out a conjoined grass.

Although the medicinal materials above are all fake, there are also one or two plants that are real, otherwise how could they believe in themselves with such serious suspicions.

Just now, the middle-aged woman had doubts about herself.

Because she suspected that she didn't even have this thing, she had to take out something to bluff her.

The effect was obvious, as soon as his medicinal herb lit up, the doubt in the man's eyes disappeared.She took the initiative to reveal a piece of medicinal material, if she dared to continue to doubt it.

He walked away with his own hands, and the alchemist also has a temper.

With such a smart character, she would never do such a stupid thing.

So this matter has basically been completed, and I have given them such a great favor, shouldn't I show it?
"Your kindness, we are afraid that we will not be able to pay it." Jiang Tu looked at Ning Feng and said, this kindness is really too great, they are just a small force, they are not worth it at all.

If there is no split, there may still be a certain chance.

Why is this person's brain not working?Ning Feng was surprised, didn't he express himself clearly enough?

Fortunately, there are smart people around. The middle-aged woman said to Ning Feng: "We may not be able to repay your kindness, but we are not people who don't repay your kindness. As long as you can save Rongrong, we are willing to help you." Driven by you. I will treat you as the honored guest..."

Isn't that right?Isn't that what my purpose is.It's really enough, it's just a statement.

Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said: "It's serious, it's serious, it's our duty to save the dying and heal the wounded." This face looked very shameless.

The corners of Leng Qiu's mouth are twitching, how can this guy be so shameless?

It was so obvious before, but now it is like this again.But no matter what, Ning Feng did spend his own things to save people, and he did show his gratitude.

Others may not know, but of course these old people know what Jiang Hongrong's identity is.And when Ning Feng said that she had a physique, she actually thought of something worth celebrating.

If it is true, isn't it very easy for them to rise?

"You wait outside, no one comes in." Ning Feng said to them: "Remember, no one should interfere with me. This process is quite dangerous. If you are disturbed, you will either die or be injured."

This consequence is a bit serious, and it is just to scare them.

After all, I don't have so many medicinal materials, and I don't need those medicinal materials to treat this patient.Naturally they cannot be allowed to see what this process is.

But the final result is that it is enough to cure the person. Anyway, after the cure, no one knows what is going on.

Ning Feng's words now have quite a deterrent effect, because he really woke people up just now.Everyone also admired him very much. For the safety of Jiang Hongrong's life, they naturally had to be obedient.

After driving everyone away, Ning Feng stayed in the room, watching her sleeping face.

Sighing, "I don't know if it's good or bad for you! It's a pity you don't have a choice."

After finishing speaking, he walked in front of her, then helped him up, took out eight silver needles, and pierced them all into the head.

Ning Feng took out a talisman and stuck it on her back. This talisman had no effect, it was just to make her feel better.

Just for warmth.

Ning Feng took out a medicinal herb, which was not Siamese herb, but a hundred poisonous herb.Hundred poisonous grass is the best item to restrain this kind of physique. The most important thing is that he has a lot of hundred poisonous grass.

This is thanks to Wang Shan and the others for their contribution.

He directly crushed the grass, and then used the juice to form a formation in her dantian.

If you want to completely control this physique, you must invite people in place, not only must be a high-level alchemist, this alchemist must also have rich materials.

And you have to understand formations and medical skills. It would be even better if you know a little bit of talisman.

Who else has such a comprehensive talent besides Ning Feng?Who else?
This time, they were also lucky to meet themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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