Chapter 890
Ning Feng's heart is quite broken, even a fool can see it, this must be bad.

But what Leng Qiu said next broke him down even more.

"Let's not mess around. As a fifth-rank pharmacist, he is generally super confident in his actions. I think this is also within his expectations." She seemed to make sense.

This thing is such an accident.

Can Ning Feng say that he didn't expect this incident?Obviously he couldn't tell.

But others agreed with this point, Jiang Tu nodded very seriously.He felt that what Leng Qiu said made sense. Ning Feng was so confident at the beginning, which showed that everything was under control.

It's easy to get into trouble if he behaves like this, so he decided to leave Ning Feng here.

"Let's leave first, and leave this place to him." He was very confident, and then left with his people.

If it wasn't for the sincerity of his voice, Ning Feng would have felt that he didn't want to repay the debt, and wanted to kill himself here justifiably.

"Hey, why is it that no one understands his own heart?" Ning Feng's heart was broken.

A while after the people left, Leng Qiu came into the room again.

"Oh, finally there is someone who understands." He thought excitedly, even if you can't think of a way, at least pretend to be thinking of a way.

Leng Qiu is still sensible.

But after Leng Qiu came in, he turned off the lights and closed the door.

"Save electricity!"

Still leaving such a cold sentence, Ning Feng's heart hurts, why is there no one who understands?
He could almost figure it out. Those people must have celebrated outside. After all, the person who had been in a coma for such a long time woke up and didn't care about a life-saving person like himself.

Ning Feng drew circles and cursed them bitterly in his heart.

But in the end, I still have to return to reality, and I still have to find a way to settle this matter of myself, otherwise it would be a pity to hang here.

"Huh?" After numerous failures, Ning Feng finally discovered a strange thing, one of his own arms could move freely.

After careful observation, it turned out to be a crimson energy circulating in his body.

He felt relieved at once, and finally found a solution.Don't hang here, and then carefully observe the situation.

Where the power passed, all the frozen meridians were indeed dissolved, but the cold air didn't seem to dissipate, but was directly integrated into the spiritual power.

Ning Feng didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but what was certain was that it was absolutely different from before.

He himself has no way to deal with this situation, after all, his current body is out of his control, and that power can do whatever he wants.

That power was like a wriggling little snake, running through the meridians continuously, and it took about an hour.The meridians of the whole body are basically opened up.

In the end, it flowed obediently into the tortoise shell.

He looked at his spiritual power, and there was a trace of coldness in the spiritual power all over his body, which was a bit interesting.

He sank all his spiritual power into his dantian.

I found that these spiritual powers are basically the same as usual, and I don't know what kind of effect these cold airs have.

But these chills are all under his control.

Ning Feng stood up and finally unblocked himself, almost hanging here.Fortunately, I should not die...

Listening to the voices outside, it was basically confirmed that they really started to celebrate outside, and let themselves, the hero, bear the pain alone here.

Just not human.

As soon as Ning Feng moved his spiritual power, all the ice cubes on his body collapsed immediately.

"Bang!" All the ice on his body turned into slag.

It was obviously very lively outside, but they didn't notice such a big commotion inside, they were really too inhumane.

I can't play happily anymore, this time I almost risked my own life to save his noble daughter, this time no matter what, I have to let him know that I need to pay back such a big debt of gratitude to myself.

A trace of spiritual energy emerged from Ning Feng's hand, and he touched the bed lightly.

Almost instantly, the bed turned into a bed of ice.

"Hiss—this power is too great." Ning Feng did not expect that the cold energy gathered in his body would be so useful.

This is a good thing that fell from the sky. Not only did it have no impact, but it also greatly increased my combat effectiveness, not bad.

It's a good deal.

But for Jiangtu's remuneration, he still had to ask for it, and he had to ask for more and more.

Ning Feng tidied up his appearance, and then walked outside in big strides.Sure enough, they were eating and drinking, and they put the table directly in the living room.

After seeing Ning Feng coming out, they came up to greet him very enthusiastically, without any feeling that Ning Feng had just experienced a life-and-death experience.

These people are too careless.

Leng Qiu said to Ning Feng: "I knew you had enough confidence."

"A fifth-rank pharmacist is different." Jiang Tu flattered Ning Feng.

These people don't know the danger they just faced, so they have to speak out about it themselves, otherwise others won't feel their sacrifice.

Ning Feng looked at them and said, "It was too dangerous just now, and I almost lost sight of everyone."

"It's so dangerous?" Apparently Jiang Tu didn't quite believe it, because he thought Ning Feng should be easy to deal with.

Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him, "Almost died, do you think it's dangerous?"

"This cold air is much stronger than I thought, and Rongrong's Nine Cold Body is also much purer than I thought." Ning Feng looked at Jiang Hongrong and said.

While speaking, he pointed at a stool, and that stool immediately turned into ice cubes.

"Did you see? I've been invaded by the cold air." He finally told his achievements, it was really not easy.

"So it's so dangerous?" Jiang Tu looked at Ning Feng in shock, "Thank you, Mr. Ning, for sacrificing yourself. The entire Jiang family will definitely be grateful to you. You are the only one who follows the lead. As long as you speak, you will do your best."

Jiang Hongrong looked at Ning Feng with a puzzled expression on his face, obviously he didn't understand what Ning Feng said, nor what Jiang Tu meant.

Since the child doesn't understand, just go back and let his father teach him.They must have their own plans, so they won't answer her questions.She has been in a coma for such a long time, and there are many things that need to be understood.

After listening to Jiang Tu's words, Leng Qiu also nodded in agreement.

What else can they say besides this empty talk now that they owe such a big favor?
(End of this chapter)

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