Chapter 891
But what Ning Feng wanted was this empty talk, because their identities were unusual.

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile, and said, "There will be a chance."

"Huh?" What does it mean to have a chance?Now he either refuses or agrees, how could it be this sentence?

Jiang Tu said to Ning Feng with a confused face, "What do you mean?"

"I mean there is still a chance?" Ning Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "You will have a chance to repay your kindness in the future."

His words were very meaningful, Jiang Tu didn't understand very well, neither did Leng Qiu.

But Ning Feng didn't care. They would understand in the future that their identities had a huge effect on Ning Feng.

He didn't stay here too long, and went home after saving the good people.

Su Miaohan is currently busy with the establishment of a new company, her feet are so busy that she has no time to talk to Ning Feng.

He also took a good rest at his own home. No matter how good the outside environment is, it gives people a feeling of running around. Only home is the most comfortable.

But obviously, his wish is not so easy to realize.

Because he had just fallen asleep when someone knocked on the door.

"Xiaofeng, Mr. Li Weixiong is looking for you." Sister Qing shouted at Ning Feng.

Li Weixiong?The boss of the Li family, the elder of Jianmen?I haven't seen him for a long time, but he helped me a lot back then.

He shook off his drowsiness, then got up, looked at Li Weixiong's healthy and healthy body and said with a smile, "Old Li, long time no see."

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a few months, but your life is getting better and better." Li Weixiong laughed.

Ning Feng waved his hands modestly and said, "It's all a joke, please sit down quickly."

After speaking, he invited Li Weixiong to sit on the sofa.

Of course, the program still has to go, so it’s natural to catch up on the old days. You can’t just come up and say it’s troublesome, which will be very annoying.

Li Weixiong, as an old Jianghu, naturally understands this truth, chatted with Ning Feng for a long time, then his face darkened, he sighed, and said to Ning Feng: "I'm annoying recently."

That's it for business.

Ning Feng had to continue quickly. He had given him so many benefits at the beginning. If it wasn't for his help, they might not be able to beat Cheng Hua now.

"If you have anything to say, please tell me, I will help if I can."

"Shortly there will be a big competition among the disciples of the sect, so as to determine the order among the eight sects." He looked at Ning Feng and said, "And I don't think anyone in the sword sect can afford this task." task, so please do me a favor."

Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, and now there was some conflict with his own plan. He actually had his own plan for this matter.

But he finally opened his mouth, and he couldn't refuse him so directly. He could only look at him and say, "I can try it."

Besides, I had offended people from Jianmen before, and they really might not agree to let me participate.

"But my ugly words are up front, and I am willing to help. But if Jianmen kills me and doesn't let me participate, you can't blame me." Ning Feng smiled and Li Weixiong said.

Li Weixiong smiled and waved his hands. Of course he knew Ning Feng's strength. How could a person with such strength be rejected when he joined Jianmen.

But he suddenly thought of some styles in the door, and seemed to think it was possible to do so.Otherwise, why hasn't Jianmen produced a genius in so many years?
But think about it, Ning Feng is the one who specially brought them victory, how could he be rejected?

"As long as you agree, I'll take care of the rest." Li Weixiong gritted his teeth and said.

Ning Feng nodded and agreed, "Of course I won't refuse you."

"However, this matter is more troublesome. I hope you will go with me. After all, you have to participate in the big competition inside the sect, so..." He said a little embarrassed. After all, he was asking someone to do something. A little too much.

Ning Feng agreed without even thinking about it, "Okay, I agree. This is normal, and the name is not right. You just need to get your identity right. I will give you an answer for the rest."

The matter was originally such a coincidence, because of Li Weixiong's relationship, it seemed that his previous plan had to be changed.

But to see if changes are needed in the end, it still depends on Jianmen's reaction.

"Okay, can I do it tomorrow?" Li Weixiong asked in a low voice.

"Go to Jianmen?"


"So anxious?" Ning Feng didn't expect that he didn't have time to prepare.

"I can't help it. I have looked for you several times, but you are not at home." Li Weixiong said with a sad face.

Ning Feng thought for a while, and it is true that he has been floating outside for the past few days, and it is normal that he cannot be found.

"Yes, it's not in a hurry." Ning Feng said with a smile: "Anyway, there is no need to prepare anything."

After the two reached an agreement, they chatted for a while, and then left.

Ning Feng thought about his plan carefully, and there are still two steps left. Going to Jianmen this time is actually a road. Although there will be some twists and turns, the momentum is not very grand.

But after all, there is a human relationship here, so I can't refuse it like this.

Day two.

Li Weixiong came to pick up Ning Feng as scheduled.

Ning Feng was not pretentious either, and walked directly towards Jianmen with him.I will definitely have to compete with those people this time, and I don't know what the final result will be.

But I hope that Li Weixiong, as the guiding elder, will still have some face.

Wouldn't it be humiliating to go by yourself?
Jianmen is the closest to Haicheng, basically less than an hour away.The buildings here are quite complete, but there seem to be very few people.

"Where are people?" Ning Feng looked at the open space and said.

"Of course I went to participate in the selection." Li Weixiong said: "The others should have gone to watch."

In Ning Feng's heart, he suddenly felt bad about Jianmen. After all, it is a big force. Why is there no one watching the gate? What should we do if there is a force coming up?
Doesn't this have to be taken over by someone?
But after all, it is Li Weixiong's power, so I can't say anything.

"Then let's go too." Ning Feng said to him.

Li Weixiong also saw Ning Feng's expression, and he himself felt a little embarrassed, but he had no choice but to lead Ning Feng towards the martial arts field.

Sure enough, there were already crowds of people around the martial arts arena. Obviously, this selection competition is quite important.

"This time, many inner disciples of our Jianmen will participate, and their strength should not be underestimated." Li Weixiong said to Ning Feng: "I will discuss your matter with the sect master, you just need to compete well That's it."

"They can't beat you," he said after a pause.

(End of this chapter)

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