Chapter 892 Brother Du
Naturally, Ning Feng didn't care, he was here to help, it's fine if he doesn't want to, it saves his time.

Li Weixiong arranged him in a hall, and there were quite a few people in the hall.

Everyone sat together in small groups, while Li Weixiong went to go through the messy procedures for Ning Feng.

Ning Feng found a seat and sat down, his eyes casually glanced around the center of the venue.Most of these people's strength is based on the innate realm.

But there are obviously no elite disciples of Jianmen among these people.

While Ning Feng was observing the surrounding situation, a figure came over, looked at Ning Feng and said, "Brother, are you also here to participate in the competition?"

Ning Feng turned around and looked at him. This man was chubby, with a round head and two very cute dimples when he laughed.

But he leaned in front of Ning Feng like this, and the way he asked was very wretched.

With a smile, the eyes disappeared immediately.

Ning Feng nodded and said, "Could it be you too?"

"Of course." He said excitedly, and regardless of Ning Feng's expression, he squeezed Ning Feng directly, sat next to him, looked at him and said, "Finally, we have found the troops."

"You too?" Ning Feng looked at him curiously, he thought he was the only one who was invited to be a foreign aid.

"Of course." He looked at Ning Feng with a smile and said, "Jianmen invites several foreign aids every year. But not many can win..."

When he spoke, there was a trace of sadness on his face.

"En? What's going on?" Ning Feng looked at him puzzled, this fat man was familiar with him, this kind of personality was simply too amusing.

He himself happens to be completely blank about this, and he just happens to learn from him.

He looked at himself and said: "In order to have a better chance of winning the battle of the eight gates, the people of Jianmen invited some young people with good strength to help. Although his idea is good, but in the process of execution, he always biased.

Those of us will become the targets of our disciples, after all, we are slapping them in the face.So during the competition, they will be targeted. "

After finishing speaking, he spread his hands helplessly.

Ning Feng didn't expect these things to happen. He looked at him and said, "But I see that the strength of these disciples is also very average. Even if they are targeted, they are not threatening."

"What kind of disciples are these people?" He looked at the people around him with disdain and said, "These people are all soy saucers. The real elite disciples haven't appeared yet. They can be recommended. Wait until the top ten are determined." After that, they will show up."

"Isn't this very unfair?" Ning Feng frowned. He was invited by them to help, so how could he not be treated as well as their own disciples?
"Actually, it's not unfair. The strength of these elite disciples is quite powerful. In fact, even if they participate in the competition, they will definitely make it to the end." The fat man shrugged and said, "They can save time by not participating in the previous competition." Woolen cloth."

The fat man took out two big bags of snacks from his bag, handed one to Ning Feng, and ate one by himself, but Ning Feng refused, because after all, the two had just met and were not very familiar yet.

Who knows whether his things are good or bad, he himself is not so easy to show his heart and soul to others.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Then what's the point of these disciples participating in this? Anyway, they don't have anything to do in the end."

"How is it possible?" He looked at Ning Feng excitedly and said, "Why do we want to participate in this competition?"

"Because they invited me here." Ning Feng said very flatly.

"Uh... You were not chosen?" He looked at Ning Feng in surprise, "You were specially invited?"

"En. That's right, it was their executive elder who personally invited me up." Ning Feng said very seriously, "Don't you?"

"Of course not, we don't get this kind of treatment." He said with a look of grievance, and took two bites of snacks along the way. "We all lined up and waited for others to choose, and it took the boss's effort to be selected."

"Then you eat too much? You have to work hard for others, and you have to lick your face and wait for others to choose." Ning Feng couldn't understand this situation.

"You don't understand that, it's seniority, it's capital." He looked at Ning Feng, and said seriously: "Think about it, if you said after you went out that you had been a foreign aid for Jianmen, wouldn't it be special? Have a face."

"Generally, I don't feel that way."

"Well, the realm is different." He said helplessly: "No matter what, we are all foreign aid after all, and we help each other during the competition."

After speaking, he smiled at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng nodded, it was just a word, it might not be what it looks like during the competition.

At this moment, a person walked towards Ning Feng surrounded by a group of people.

"You know him?" Fatty asked Ning Feng suspiciously.

Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him, "Does he look like he knows me? He's obviously here to ask for trouble."

"Why bother you? Did you steal someone's girlfriend?"

"how could I know?"

Ning Feng looked at this man suspiciously, he looked very arrogant, his neck was raised to the sky, he created a standard look of a dude.

And it's still the kind of special draw.

"Boy, who told you to sit here." The sycophant behind him rushed out and shouted at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng said indifferently: "There is no one here, why can't we sit?"

"This is the exclusive seat for Brother Du, you are so fucking blind." The man yelled at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he slapped him directly.


The man looked at Ning Feng in disbelief, this guy dared to hit him, doesn't he know who he is?He is the dog leg of the elder's son, Governor Lu.

He dared to hit himself.

"Stupid!" Ning Feng said lightly after finishing the beating.

His behavior not only shocked the fat man, but also surprised Brother Du.Although he is only an inner disciple, he can walk sideways in the entire sect.

Besides elite disciples, who else would I be afraid of.

This guy doesn't pay attention, he just slaps his own people when he comes up, it's a slap in the face.

"Brother Du..." The man saw that Ning Feng was not easy to provoke, and then turned to Brother Du with tears in his eyes. "He beat me……"

"You won't beat me back?" Brother Du finally lowered his eyes, and said with hatred; "Trash."

"I can not."

"Get out!" Brother Du kicked him directly, it was too much to lose his own person.Why did you accept such a worthless little brother.

(End of this chapter)

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