Chapter 893
"Boy, what's the background?" He looked at Ning Feng and said with disdain. "The person who dared to touch me, Governor Lu, is really impatient?"

Ning Feng clapped his hands and said: "Don't bother me, I'm depressed, be careful to beat you together."

These words are quite arrogant, even the elite disciples in the sect dare not say such words.He himself is the No. 1 inner disciple, and his status is quite distinguished.

This kid is looking for death.

Sure enough, Governor Lu's complexion suddenly changed, becoming rather ugly.This kind of disrespectful words broke his heart.In so many years, I have never met such a short-sighted person.

"Boy, are you looking for death? Do you want to die if you dare to talk to our Brother Du like this?"

"Do you know who our brother Du is? No. 1 inner disciple, quickly kneel down and apologize, and make our brother Du happy."

"This guy is just a foreign aid. How dare a foreign aid be so arrogant. Be careful making fun of your foreign aid status."

"Foreign aid, a foreign aid is so arrogant, it seems that we should show him some color."

These people were cursing at the side, but Ning Feng simply ignored them.He was thinking about his identity now, and whether he should give Li Weixiong face.

"Fuck, you dare to ignore us, brothers, let me do it."

A guy looked at Ning Feng without looking at them, and immediately became angry, and then rushed towards Ning Feng.

But Ning Feng didn't make a move, a fat figure rushed over and sent the man flying with one punch.

"You...don't bully people too much. Although we are foreign aid, we don't allow you to insult me ​​like this." He said angrily, his little face turned red.

"Hey? You've got some skills." One of them said, "You still have a little bit of strength, and you can actually get rid of Lao Wang."

"You took our stool first, why are we bullying you?" Another disciple looked at him and said with a smile.

"Who said this is your stool, and it's okay to have your logo? It's obviously a public place, so you're talking about sitting casually." He seriously reasoned with these people.

Ning Feng shook his head, this child is really too naive.They are just making an excuse, no matter whether the reason is reasonable or not.

"I said yes, and I said yes." He said proudly.

"Stop talking nonsense, beat him up." Lu Du didn't bother to talk nonsense, and said directly to the people around him, "It's just two foreign aid disciples, as long as they don't die. Beat him up!"

What a joke, he came out to find trouble.People like foreign aid disciples are the easiest to bully. Not only do they have no status, but they also have no background.

After beating is beating, it doesn't matter if you die.

And what I experience is this kind of pleasure of bullying the weak with the strong, and bullying more and less makes people the most happy.

As soon as he finished speaking, an innate disciple behind him threw at the fat man.

Ning Feng didn't move, he just watched the fat man's condition.

Facts have proved that the foreign aid that can be invited is obviously quite powerful.At least not weak, at least not weaker than these people.

Although the fat man was fat, his body was still quite flexible, and with a swipe of his foot, he immediately dodged the man's attack.

The palm came out, just hitting the man's lower back.

The man couldn't stand still and threw himself on the ground, and a dog ate shit.Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter around.

After Ning Feng saw it, he shook his head, the fat man was still relenting.If the slap just now was powerful, it could directly cripple that person.

But in the end, he pulled back.It just throws him off balance.

Obviously, it was more painful for this dog to eat shit than to beat him up.

This was simply a humiliation to him. After getting up from the ground, he glared at the fat man, "Okay, okay...then don't blame me for being rude."

"You don't need to continue, you can't beat me, I don't want to kill you. If I didn't stop just now, you must be disabled." Although he was telling the truth.

But how can they admit it?Isn't this admitting that you are weak in front of everyone?

"Boy, go to hell." After being told the truth, he became even more angry, and he must be killed. "What are you looking at, let's go together!"

He also understood that he really couldn't fight alone, so he directly found someone to participate.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the three of them rushed towards the fat man.

"Bang bang bang!"

After three consecutive loud bangs, the other three people lay directly on the ground, and each received a kick in the chest.

Ning Feng volleyed down in a fit of anger, patted the dirt on his legs, then glanced at the people around him with his glasses and said, "You will be meddled in other people's affairs. Just pick one if you have the guts, don't look for others."

After finishing speaking, he said to the fat man; "Teach this guy hard, don't hold back. Let him know what strength is. Do you really think everyone in the world is fucking?"

"If something goes wrong, I'll take care of it, so beat me to death!"

He returned Governor Lu's words intact.

After hearing Ning Feng's words, the fat man immediately became energetic. Others didn't know, but he knew that Ning Feng's identity was unusual.He is the person invited, and his identity is different from his own.

There is definitely nothing wrong with following him.

Immediately, all the strength of the whole person exploded, and there was actually a state of distraction. It seemed that he had kept too much hands on that person just now.

Without hesitation, he kicked towards that person. He didn't even have time to dodge, so he was kicked out, flew ten meters away, and then slammed into the wall hard.

Can't even pull out.

"Damn, I really thought I couldn't beat you, Fat Master." He also imitated Ning Feng, patted his leg and said, "Isn't he handsome?"

"The action just now was like a meatball carrying two sticks." Ning Feng said with a smile.

"The mouth is really poisonous."

Seeing the playful smiles of the two, Du Du Lu was very upset. He was a troublemaker, how could he be troubled?
"Damn it, I don't believe they're all going to fight with me. Both of them can't handle it." He took the lead and rushed towards Ning Feng, but obviously overestimated his own strength.

Also underestimated the strength of the two of them.

Almost in the blink of an eye, so many people were all thrown to the ground.

The gap between the distracted state and the innate state is huge.

Ning Feng walked towards Governor Lu slowly, stepped on his hand, then squatted down and looked at him and said, "What's the matter? Are you still looking for trouble?"

I wasn't in a good mood today, but he even came to make trouble. I can only blame him for being too short-sighted.

"No, no, no... dare not, dare not, wrong, wrong..."

(End of this chapter)

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