Chapter 896 Breaking the Formation
"He will definitely not be able to escape. No one in the killing formation of the Nineteen Swords Formation has been able to escape."

"If there was a chance to escape before closing, there is no chance now. Killing the formation and closing, unless the strength is supernatural, it will definitely be over."

"With his strength, if he participates in the competition, he really has a chance to fight against the elite disciples. But now he will definitely not be able to escape."

Everyone watched the killing formation close, and immediately shook their heads to express their regrets to Ning Feng.

Director Lu is already full of joy, boy, you dare to provoke me, the strength of the law enforcement team is quite terrifying.This time it must be dead!

Uncle Huang sighed, there was no other way, Dude Lu was the nephew of Elder Lu, how could he not make use of the law enforcement team?
Although he himself understands this guy's pissing nature, what can he do?Who let people have a good background.

This guy can only be regarded as unlucky, who made him blindly provoke Lu Du.However, being able to pass such a long time in the Nineteen Swords Formation is quite good.

Ning Feng was not in a hurry at all, he just glanced at the surrounding situation lightly, then shook his head slightly.

"This is the Nineteen Sword Formation. It's not as powerful as I imagined. It looks very ordinary."

All the people who heard this were shocked, and they dared to speak harshly even at a very high time.

"This kid is really arrogant. At this time, he dared to utter wild words. He is really courting death."

"You can say whatever you want, anyway, the result will come out in a while, the killing array has been combined, and the final blow is waiting."

"Cao Yu probably feels quite upset right now. The Nineteen Sword Formation that I am so proud of is actually said to be very simple. How can I bear this tone?"

Cao Yu is really in a bad mood right now. Although his sword array is a low-end version, his strength is still quite powerful. People in the Ning Ling realm have to weigh themselves if they want to win.

He dared to utter wild words.


As soon as he gave an order, the 19 people directly moved towards Ning Feng and killed them.

"He's finished this time." There was a smirk on the corner of Lu Du's mouth. " will definitely die, let's die!"

The last blow of the Nineteen Swords Formation is very subtle, no matter which direction the people in the formation want to kill, they will be restricted by other directions.

In other words, before the people in the formation tried to open a person, they would definitely be killed, because the nineteen swords had already sealed off any possibility.


After a loud noise, a figure was thrown out, followed by another figure.

The figure that flew out was not Ning Feng as everyone imagined, but one of the disciples.

And the person behind is Ning Feng.

He actually took out the sword array.

"He... he escaped? How is this possible? Isn't the Nineteen Sword Formation unsolvable under the spirit congealing realm?"

"The ghost knows what's going on. It's too powerful. This guy can break the sword formation so easily. It's quite powerful. I don't know what method he used."

"This is really amazing. If it wasn't for his supernatural strength, then he must be a formation genius."

Everyone looked at Ning Feng standing coquettishly and looked at the other 18 people, talking a lot.

"How is this possible? How could he break through this formation? This is impossible, impossible..."

Du Du Lu looked at Ning Feng in amazement, with an unbelievable expression on his face. He didn't have the strength to condense the spirit at all, so how could he escape.

Uncle Huang was even more shocked at this time.It seems that I have provoked a trouble that is more difficult to provoke. The identity of this person should not be simple.

Cao Yu was even more stupid at this time, this is impossible, such a situation should not have happened.

"I knew that you are a very powerful person, such a little trouble can't help you at all. As soon as I saw you, I knew that your bones were amazing, and you were born extraordinary..."

"Okay, stop flattering." Ning Feng interrupted Fatty directly, "Praises are not distracted at all, can you organize your words before praising?"

The fat man grinned and touched his head, "Hey... just feel the meaning, just feel my admiration for you."

"How did you do it?" Cao Yu looked at Er Ningfeng sullenly and said.

Ning Feng showed a bright smile, and then said very meanly: "I won't tell you, it's a secret!"

After finishing speaking, he said to the fat man, "Let's leave!"

Leading the fat man directly to the outside, "There is no place to stay here, but there is a place to stay here."

After beating everyone, he left such a coquettish sentence and left.Very pretentious, is there wood?Are you arrogant?It's very infuriating, but what's the point of five?

But Cao Yu stepped in front of Ning Feng in a flash, pointed his sword at him and said, "Tell me."

"Threatening me? Will it work?" Ning Feng said flatly; "You can't beat me, so it's useless. I won't tell you. Are you in a hurry? Are you angry? That's right, I'm happy when I'm mad. "

"That's right, I'm also happy to piss you off." Fatty said proudly from the side, this is a good thigh on the list, so he was naturally arrogant.

Holding the sword, Cao Yu had no way out, even his own sword array couldn't keep him, and even more so by himself.

"Can I go?" Ning Feng looked at him as if he had no choice, smiled and walked away from the side to leave.

"Can't go."

Suddenly a voice came in, and then a figure walked in.

"Your sister!" When Ning Feng saw this person, he couldn't help cursing, isn't this damn acquaintance?

"Lu Fengyu?" Ning Feng looked at him and said with a smile, "Your strength has recovered? Last time I beat you to death, are you planning to take revenge?"

It is better to strike first, he is obviously a bad comer, so let him disgust him once before talking.

After he finished speaking, the expressions of the people around him changed suddenly. After all, after Lu Fengyu came back, his strength was indeed partially damaged, but then he suddenly recovered, which was a bit surprising.

It turned out that the loss of strength before was actually because of this guy, what is his identity.

Lu Fengyu was wronged, he didn't even know who this person was?He just heard that his nephew was taken care of, and that he even joined forces with the law enforcement team, so he wanted to come and have a look.

I didn't expect it to be this guy at all, and this guy revealed the previous situation so suddenly, it's really shameless.

But he never let him go, knowing that it was his words, he would definitely tear him to pieces.

"It turned out to be you. It's true that there is a way to heaven. If you don't go, there is no way to hell..."

(End of this chapter)

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