Chapter 897
"Take it!" Ning Feng directly interrupted him and said, "It's alright, don't say such old-fashioned words, it can be summed up in three words 'you're done', right?"

"Boy, don't play tricks here. You cheated me back then, but you dared to come here this time. Do you think you are looking for death?" He stared at Ning Feng and said with hatred. This has always been a pain in his heart. , who would have thought that three people in the condensed spirit realm could be played by a little doll?
This hatred must be avenged, and he should still have the five-colored golden lotus on his body, which he also wants.If you kill him, the things can just belong to you.

"You want to fight?" Ning Feng is really not afraid of this guy now, with countless hole cards and his mental strength, although it is not easy to win him, it is definitely possible to win.

"You must die today." Lu Fengyu stared at Ning Feng and said.

The fat man pulled Ning Feng and said: "This guy has the strength of the condensed spirit realm. Are we really going to fight him head-on? Should we just run away?"

"It's okay, it's just a small person, don't worry." Ning Feng said, this was very shameless.

When did the masters in the condensed spirit realm become small people with him, so what are these people like himself?
"Brother, let's stop pretending. Your strength is just a distraction. The gap between you and the Ningling Realm is heaven and earth. Besides, this is their territory, and we can't beat them."

The fat man looked at Ning Feng and said, "I know there is a small road. Although we can't win with our strength, we can definitely run."

"Man, how can you run away when something happens?" Ning Feng said disdainfully.

The fat man rolled his eyes, looked at Ning Feng and said, "Is there any way you can win him? Sprinkle the powder or dig a trap?"

"Why are you thinking about such wretched moves? You must beat him upright and let him see what kind of hero the world is like." Ning Feng said arrogantly.

But in Fatty's eyes, he was just pretending, "Pretend, keep pretending, I knew from the first moment I saw you that you and I are the same kind of people, no, you are even more shameless than me. Pretend to me, tell me, are you confident?"

Ning Feng was puzzled, how did he see it?Are two identical temperaments still attracted to each other?

"Fuck off." Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him, "Whoever is as shameless as you is, you are shameless."

"Okay, okay...I'm shameless, I'm shameless, are you sure you don't want to run?" the fat man asked again.


"Okay then, I'll show you a little while, and I'll show you the little guys around you." He said very seriously.

"Why don't you run, I attract firepower, you can run by yourself, you will be able to run away." Ning Feng looked at him and said, this guy seems to have some advantages.

"Am I such a shameless person? Besides, can I run out alone? Why don't I clean up an elder with you, and it will be very face-saving to say it when the time comes." He waved his hand and said.

"Hmph, do you think you can get out alive?" Lu Fengyu stared at Ning Feng and said, "No matter what, you have to die here."

"Try it, I won't let you die here today, I'll take your surname." Ning Feng also said, at the beginning he had no strength, but because of this guy's power, he was locked up for several days, and finally won him by playing tricks of.This time, we must avenge the last time.

"and many more……"

When the two were burning with anger, a figure ran over.

It was Li Weixiong. He said to the two of them: "It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. This person is a foreign aid I recruited. He participated in the battle of the Eight Gates for us. Don't start a fight."

"Old Lu, don't fight! Ning Feng, calm down too."

He came at the right time, and the fight would start a little later.

But with the scene like this, even if he came, it didn't seem to have much effect, because the two of them could start fighting almost anytime.

"Hmph, I have to kill this person. You, an executive elder, can't control me." Lu Fengyu said without losing face.

In fact, although Li Weixiong is only an executive elder in the sect, and his status is not very high, everyone respects him very much.

Because all of Jianmen's wealth is basically earned by him, he is easy to talk to.Although he is easy to talk, it does not mean that he has no temper.

How could a person with no temper get into this position.

As long as those who offend him will not have so much income next month.Cultivation is basically a waste of money. Without money, it is basically impossible to make much progress.

It was also because Lu Fengyu was too angry, otherwise he wouldn't have said that to Li Weixiong.

Li Weixiong's complexion really changed, even the sect master inside the sect did not dare to talk to him like this.

At any rate, Ning Feng still maintained a little rationality, looked at Li Weixiong and said, "Mr. Li, it's not that I don't give you face. I'll wait here and encounter that guy's fault, and then he called the law enforcement team to kill me. In the end, seeing that everyone had no way to beat me, the elder actually made a move himself."

"I never intended to find trouble, but trouble always finds me, and there is nothing I can do."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, Li Weixiong's expression changed.It's not because so many people troubled Ning Feng, but because Ning Feng actually defeated so many people.

No matter how you say it, Director Lu is the best disciple in the inner sect, and even so many younger brothers were directly defeated.This matter is understandable, after all, Ning Feng's strength is already very high.

But he didn't expect that all the nineteen sword formations of the law enforcement team would be broken.

This is unusual, there are really not many people with this strength, if they can replace Jianmen to participate in the Battle of the Eight Gates, they will definitely be able to advance from the marginal position.

The position of the eight sects can be reserved once.

No matter how big the hatred of this kind of person is, it must be put aside, after all, the battle of the eight sects is more important than anything else.

He glanced at Governor Lu, Uncle Huang and Cao Yu, and said indifferently, "Your rations for next month are gone. Find a way for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, ignoring their surprised eyes, he said to Lu Fengyu: "Elder Lu, can you let go of your personal grievances temporarily? This is the person who broke the Nineteen Sword Formation. If you represent us in the Battle of Eight Gates, Do you know what that means?"

"Are you educating me? Are you going to withhold my ration?" He was always superior, and he looked down on him in his heart.

Especially seeing that Li Weixiong cut off the rations of Governor Lu and the others, he felt that this was a blow to himself.

Immediately, I became even more dissatisfied in my heart, and when I spoke, my tone became much tougher.

(End of this chapter)

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