Chapter 898 Black Hand
Li Weixiong was stunned for a moment. Although he did possess wealth from the secular world, there was really no way for him to detain him.

His status already belonged to the person second only to the sect master, and there would be no shortage of his cultivation resources no matter what.So this method can't threaten him at all.

And he is not willing to use this kind of threat.

"No, Elder Lu, why would I threaten you?" He looked at him and said, "It's because this person's strength is quite good. Look at how powerful he is. I think the disciples in our sect No one should be able to beat it, right?"

"If he can represent us to participate in the eight-door competition, we will definitely be able to advance a lot of positions, and we will not be relegated in the end."

The more he talked, the more excited he became. He really thought about the sect, but why did they all act according to their own ideas?No consideration was given to the interests of the sect at all.

And Ning Feng was brought up by him, if something happened, how would he face him.

Elder Lu did this not only to avenge Ning Feng, but also to slap himself in the face.

"Hmph, you still think highly of him. This guy is just a little opportunistic, and his strength is far behind. Let alone compared with the elite disciples in our sect." Lu Fengyu said disdainfully.

When he met Ning Feng not long ago, his strength was only in the concentration state, and a person with this strength was like an ant that could be crushed to death at any time in front of him.

This kind of person wants to represent the battle, but there is no door.

His own enemy fought on behalf of his sect, and he, Lu Fengyu, could not afford to lose this person.

"How is it possible? Didn't you realize that he had already broken the formation? Nineteen Sword Formation, you didn't even break it back then." Li Weixiong said.

But what he said was still a little anxious, and he even revealed another embarrassing thing.

He had just entered the realm of condensing spirits at the beginning, and he was still quite unconvinced by the Nineteen Sword Formation, so he tried it once at that time.The result was of course quite embarrassing. He was directly trapped in the sword formation.

When Li Weixiong said that, he immediately thought that he was also humiliating himself.

Ning Feng can break the formation now, but he was still trapped in it when he was in the Condensed Spirit Realm. Isn't this telling everyone that he is not as good as Ning Feng?

"Shut up." Lu Fengyu's face was gloomy, his eyes were like a knife, ready to kill at any time. "I've decided on this matter, this guy will undoubtedly die."

"Hey...don't brag, I was able to beat you away once, and now I can beat you away a second time." Ning Feng said quite proudly, shaking his head.

Ning Feng's words contained too much information, and he actually beat Lu Fengyu away, which was too surprising.

"What? He actually beat the elder away? Isn't this a fool's dream? He is not just bragging."

"It doesn't look like it. Elder Lu was indeed injured once, and his strength was suppressed. And seeing how angry he was with this guy, I knew it should be true."

"But how did this guy win? What was his strength back then? He was able to win against Elder Lu. This is too strange, probably by chance."

"It must have been accidental. I guess some tricks were played in the end. The gap in strength is not so easy to make up."

There was a lot of discussion.

After Lu Fengyu heard it, he was about to go berserk, this guy did it on purpose.

"Shut up." He stared at Ning Feng and shouted, "Nonsense."

"Really?" Ning Feng said casually: "Do you dare to touch your conscience and say that you were not forced to leave by me at that time? If you dare to say yes, then I don't care. Anyway, there are too many thick-skinned people. .”

He wanted to disgust this person, so he was not polite at all.

"Looking for death!" Lu Fengyu stopped being entangled, and rushed towards Ning Feng directly, wrapped in a ball of spiritual power in his hand, and threw towards Ning Feng.

He obviously wanted to test Ning Feng's depth with this move. According to the general routine, Ning Feng should also test the opponent's strength.

However, having only dealt with him not long ago, Ning Feng believed that with his talent, it would still be difficult to upgrade after a few days.It is estimated that the current strength has not fluctuated greatly.

So he didn't try at all, he directly took his sword from the hand of the person next to him, drew a sword flower and stabbed at him.

He didn't even bother to test it out, so he just killed him with a single move of martial arts.

"Luo Shui condenses light."

Ning Feng's sword light danced, and the surrounding power seemed to go through an explosion, and then condensed to the tip of the sword.The tip of the sword finally formed a light spot, and this light spot shone with enormous power.

Lu Fengyu who had just rushed out was stunned for a moment, why didn't this guy play his cards according to the routine?Is this the big move coming up?
Moreover, he himself didn't have much defense against Ning Feng. In fact, he was not scared away by Ning Feng, but drugged by him.

In terms of strength, he has absolute strength.

So when I rushed out this time, I went all out without any precautions at all. Now it is quite difficult to turn around.

And Ning Feng just waited for a period of time after he made the move, and just didn't give him such a chance.


No way, the two collided directly, and the consequences were quite obvious.Ning Feng went all out with this move, but he only used the trick of probing.

Ning Feng took two steps back, and the blade of the sword stuck directly behind him, stopping his steps.As for Lu Fengyu, it was even more miserable, the whole person could almost be said to have fallen and flew out.

The whole person's hair and clothes have been torn into a mess.

The whole person looks quite embarrassed, and it seems that he has fallen behind.

"Hiss——Elder Lu seems to have suffered a disadvantage. His move just now was at a disadvantage."

"Indeed, this guy is not authentic. He used martial arts from the very beginning, and there was no transition at all. This guy is not authentic, he is too dark."

"However, Elder Lu only seems to have suffered a bit on the surface. In fact, he has not suffered any major injuries. He has made his best choice."

"Well, that's true, that's all he can do."

Everyone was quite surprised when they saw this situation. Ning Feng's strength was very different from Lu Fengyu's, and it was quite amazing to be able to force the other party to this extent.

Li Weixiong looked at the situation in front of him and shook his head.In fact, although it seemed that Lu Fengyu had suffered a bit just now, everyone knew that Ning Feng had the advantage of making a sudden shot, otherwise it would be difficult to have this effect.

Moreover, Lu Fengyu only looked a little ugly, but he was not seriously injured.When he finally had no way to dodge, he directly contracted his strength to defend against this move.

In the end, although it looked a little ugly, it didn't suffer any injuries.But even this appearance was enough to annoy him. He was a high-ranking elder, how could he be insulted like this?
(End of this chapter)

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