Chapter 899

Cao Yu's thoughts were obviously not here, but the sword that Ning Feng had brought over before him.

Ning Feng snatched the sword from one of the disciples before, but now he still has a sword in his hand, which is strange.

Suddenly he understood, understood why Ning Feng was able to break this formation.

"Where did that sword come from just now?" Cao Yu stared at the disciple gloomyly and asked.

That disciple was still in a daze, he shook his head foolishly and said, "I don't know when it came into my hands, I'm also stupid now."

"Are you left-handed?" Cao Yu said to the disciple.

The disciple froze for a moment, looked at him and said, "How do you know?"

Cao Yu suddenly sighed, "No wonder, no wonder."

He finally knew why Ning Feng was able to escape from the formation. In this formation, nineteen swords were actually connected, and each sword supported each other.

One less sword will not work, nor will one more sword.

And the reason why the formation just now was broken was because of the addition of an extra sword, resulting in a huge loophole, which caused Ning Feng to rush out directly.

It turned out that he was able to find a left-handed person in such a tense environment, and at the most critical moment, he sent the sword in his hand to the opponent's hand.

This disciple is indeed left-handed, but in order to cooperate with everyone, he must use his right hand to hold the sword.But under normal circumstances, he can also control himself.

There is only one situation where such a low-level mistake will occur, and that is when this person is at the most critical time.

At critical moments, everyone acts subconsciously. Holding a sword in his left hand for a long time will make him subconsciously catch the extended sword with his left hand.

Now there will be a loophole.

After trying to understand the situation, he looked at Ning Feng with even more admiration.

Ning Feng is showing a rather arrogant smile now, because the move just now has indeed overshadowed the other party, and he is quite satisfied with the result.

But Lu Fengyu is not satisfied at all now.

He stood up and looked at Ning Feng with hatred in his eyes. How could he forget that this guy is actually a vicious person?
"You're looking for death." Lu Fengyu looked at him and said with gritted teeth.

Ning Feng was not nervous at all, pointed his sword at him and said, "Then you can try it."

"Beat him, beat him until his mother doesn't recognize him." Fatty said to Ning Feng excitedly at the side: "Brother, come on, the elder is just like that, clean him up."

Ning Feng is really melancholy now, his brain is really a good thing.

This guy obviously didn't see that he didn't make a move just now, but he could do it just after being beaten, which is already quite awesome.

He didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, pointed at Lu Fengyu with the sword in his hand, and said with a smile: "If you are not convinced, come and fight."

Of course Lu Fengyu wasn't polite to him anymore. He wasn't ready before, but now he was quite well prepared.He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ning Feng, and a sword appeared in his hand.

The whole body of this sword is snow white, and it is not ordinary at first glance.

The tip of his sword swept across the circle. Although he was very embarrassed, his temperament was quite good.Almost instantly, he felt his temperament change.

"This is... the Spirit Wind Sword?"

"Spiritual Wind Sword? Is Elder Lu actually going to use the Spiritual Wind Sword to deal with him? Isn't this a bit of a big deal?"

"How could it be a fuss? It's not like you haven't seen the strength of this guy just now. He made Elder Lu suffer a lot from the very beginning. Of course you have to use this big move, and Elder Lu's face has been taken by him. It’s good to be cautious.”

"Hey, Elder Lu's strength is already much stronger than him, but now he still uses such a strong move, I think he will leave an excuse."

"Leave no excuses, the Lingfeng Sword is just the second sword move in my sword sect. The real strong move is the sect master's Lingfeng Qianjian! Don't look at the two less than a thousand, the level is far worse .But only the sect master can practice this kind of swordsmanship."

Everyone looked at Lu Fengyu's movements and said in amazement, they may know this opening gesture, the typical one is Lingfeng Sword.

From their point of view, Lingfengjian's treatment of Ning Feng was like making a big fuss. Although he had shown some strength before, that was when Lu Fengyu was unprepared.

Now it is enough to compete in strength.

But Lu Fengyu didn't think so, Ning Feng had too many tricks, he was really afraid of falling into Ning Feng's hands.If it continues to fall in his hands, it will be quite a shame.

Of course Ning Feng didn't dare to relax, he didn't doubt the power of Lingfeng Sword at all, he took a step back, and then pointed his sword at the opponent, his temperament changed suddenly.

"Master, stop them quickly. Ning Feng's strength can definitely help us make great progress in the battle of the Eight Gates. We can't let them fight. Ning Feng's strength is no match for Elder Lu at all." Li Weixiong said nervously to the sect master.

But the door master looked at the two people in the hall, with a slight smile on his mouth, looked at him and said: "Elder Lu is the backbone of our Jianmen, as for Ning Feng... our Jianmen's elite disciples also have good talents. Those with strength can also help us..."

"Master." Li Weixiong emphasized again, "Our Jianmen has been the last for three consecutive years. If we are the last this time, we will have to withdraw from the eight sects."

The head of the sect gave a haha, looked into the hall, and said: "This year's elite disciples are pretty good, Lao Li, Elder Lu is the backbone of our Jian Sect, and have you forgotten who his elder brother is? Just let him out, don't get involved.

Offending him is much more serious than quitting the Eight Great Sects. "

After he finished speaking, he sighed deeply.

Li Weixiong was stunned, he did not expect such a situation to exist.I shouldn't have brought Ning Feng in. Didn't I personally harm him?

But he has nothing to do, the sect master has said so, and he has nothing to do. He can only hope that Ning Feng can support him a little bit more.

At the very least, don't die in Lu Fengyu's hands, so you can save him by yourself.

The situation in the arena had changed, and Ning Feng was a little nervous, waving the long sword in his hand.The sword waves rippled in a circle, and the whole hall seemed to be rippled by a strange wave.

"Huh?" The door master frowned deeply, this Ning Feng seemed to be more interesting than he imagined.

But Lu Fengyu was not idle at the moment, he could already feel the strong killing intent before the sword move was made.It seemed like an awl that could burst out of the bag at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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