Chapter 900
The two of them are now at war with each other, and their spiritual power collides from time to time. Before they start to exert their strength, they know that this fight must be endless.

"Huh? What kind of power is Ning Feng? Why does it feel so powerful? I can hardly breathe."

"Indeed, I also have this feeling. With his current strength, it is simply impossible for him to have such a powerful move. Could it be some peerless martial skill?"

"It shouldn't be so, what strength can a foreign aid have? I think Elder Lu will win."

Although everyone felt that Ning Feng's power was great, they still believed that Lu Fengyu's Lingfeng Sword was a martial skill of Jianmen after all.


A gust of wind blew by, and the two of them moved suddenly.

Lu Fengyu flicked the snow-white sword lightly, and suddenly a gust of wind blew up in the room. Although it was not lethal, everyone knew that there would be a big move next.

The wind blew through Ning Feng's hair, and he also moved.

Suddenly, the whole room seemed to be a pool of spring water wrinkled by the spring wind.Lu Fengyu's wind directly stirred up the water in Ning Feng's lake.


As soon as Lu Fengyu's eyes lit up, hundreds of sword qi sprang out from his hands, the force was quite powerful.

The pillars in the hall were unfortunately hit, and half of them were cut off in an instant.

Lu Fengyu is very confident now, but he is just a guy in the state of distraction. Although he has made significant progress, he is still far from winning if he wants to win.

The gap between realms cannot be resolved by talking.

What's more, I have been on guard against him for a long time, and this martial skill of my own is even the most powerful move I have mastered.It will definitely take his life, and the sword energy he sent out just now has begun to lock him, and he wants to escape unless he dies.

The fundamental power of this martial skill of mine is control, not killing.

No matter how powerful Ning Feng's martial arts were, he would be intercepted and killed by his own sword energy in the middle of the road.Because my sword energy moves with the wind, wherever the wind goes, the sword energy will go there.

As long as his power produces air fluctuations, I can stop him instantly.His moves are much faster than his.

"Boy, let me tell you, our Spirit Wind Sword moves with the wind, wherever the wind blows, the sword will go there, so your martial skills can't hurt me at all." He looked at Ning Feng proudly and said.

"The sword moves with the wind? This thing is really too powerful. Elder Lu has practiced this move to such an extent? The sword moves with the wind? This is the highest state."

"Elder Lu has been comprehending this move for decades, so it's not difficult to understand to reach this level?"

"This is indeed the first time I have seen it, but I will try it first."

"Don't look for death, if you are accidentally injured by sword energy, no one will be able to save you."

"You don't understand Lingfeng sword. Although this kind of sword energy will actively block attacks, it will definitely not actively kill people."

One of the disciples said proudly that he knew the power of the Lingfeng Sword, and his status must be quite high, otherwise he wouldn't be able to touch such a high martial skill.

I saw that he got a fragment and smashed it towards the place where there was no sword energy.

But as soon as the stone came out, a sword energy suddenly appeared out of thin air, and instantly cut the stone into pieces.

"This... is amazing, you don't know if you don't look at it, it's too powerful." He looked at Lu Fengyu excitedly and said.

Lu Fengyu wasn't angry either, because this would just increase his prestige and let his disciples see his own strength.Also let Ning Feng see his strength.


Ning Feng didn't react at all to his performance just now, but spit out a word lightly from between his lips and teeth.

Almost instantly, Lu Fengyu felt a burst of fear, because this performance was really surprising. According to the general situation, shouldn't it be Ning Feng who bowed his head and bowed?

How could there be such a performance? His martial arts had no chance to appear at all. How could he be so confident?Didn't you see the test just now?

"What do you mean? What does this word mean?" Everyone didn't know what this sentence meant, but they all understood that things might be reversed.

Especially Fatty, who was so scared that he didn't know what to say just now.After all, the Lingfeng Sword was really terrifying, he felt that Ning Feng was going to die, and he was ready to run away.

But Ning Feng's words gave him a shot in the arm.

He must have a second hand, his martial arts didn't show up yet.

Ning Feng opened his eyes, looked at Lu Fengyu, and said, "Isn't your martial skill just relying on the power of the wind and instantly transferring your spiritual power to block it?"

After he finished speaking, Lu Fengyu froze for a moment.

But after thinking about it, I understand that this trick of mine is actually not difficult in theory, but the key is that it is difficult to practice.

Lu Fengyu smiled and said to Ning Feng: "Anyone can say this kind of theory, but can you crack the key?"

"If my martial arts don't generate a little wind and explode around you, I wonder if your spirit wind swords can stop it?" Ning Feng had a playful smile on his face.

After he said it exploded, it never exploded, which made him even more scared.Because this means that he has been threatened by a hidden force.

Although he may just be talking nonsense, he still feels that there is a certain degree of truth, after all, the solution he said is the best solution.

"But you don't have this chance anymore." He didn't plan to keep him anymore, he just planned to kill Ning Feng.This kind of controlled swordsmanship is also very powerful when killing people.

As the sword energy rushed towards him, Ning Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth, waiting for now.

Seeing that the corner of Ning Feng's mouth changed, he felt something was wrong. Ning Feng was known for his conspiracies, and he had a lot of tricks. How could he reveal his shortcomings so easily.

There must be a back move!

He quickly recovered his strength.

"Are you aware? It's too late!" Ning Feng said lightly, "Explosive!"

Just after he finished speaking, a violent sound came out.


This sound sounds quite loud, but the destructive power is not very large, and the damage range is also very small, basically concentrated around Lu Fengyu.

This also illustrates a problem.

Such a large force did not destroy the surrounding things, so it can only show that all these forces are concentrated on Lu Fengyu, and basically no force is wasted.

"Just waiting for you to be fooled." Ning Feng said lightly, and after finishing speaking, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

His behavior shocked everyone. It was really unexpected. No one thought that he would win, but he did win.

(End of this chapter)

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