Chapter 902
"Sect master? Is there no need to discuss this matter?" Li Weixiong watched from the side, not daring to look at Ning Feng at all, he really felt that he was sorry for him.

He anxiously begged the door master.

But deep down in his heart, he also understood that there should be no room for reversion to this matter.That force is indeed not something he can offend.

The door master didn't look at him, just stared at Ning Feng, and then said lightly: "There is no need to discuss this matter, you can step back."

"Master, we can't do this! I will find it very difficult for you to do this." His eye circles were a little red.

"Drag it on." The door master suddenly said to the people around him, and then those people dragged Li Weixiong away like a wolf.

In fact, anyone who is a little smarter can see that he is deliberately giving Li Weixiong another step.He's really embarrassed here, so it's all his own fault.

The corners of Ning Feng's mouth raised slightly, "He's such a good sect master, he doesn't leak anything, and it's interesting to put the blame on his head hard."

The sect master did not deny it, looked at Ning Feng and said, "It is true that he is sorry for you, but you must die."

"For Lu Fengyu, the sect master did not hesitate to let Jianmen bear such a bad reputation. It seems that this guy is not simple." Ning Feng smiled slightly.

But deep down in their hearts, they were already furious. They were invited to help, and not only were they ungrateful, they even wanted to kill themselves.

"This is beyond your control." The sect master said indifferently: "If you don't offend him, you will definitely be invited as a guest of honor by my sword sect."

"But that's only if." Ning Feng pushed Fan Dong away, and then said with a smile.

"Your sect's way of doing things is really admirable. I don't know if the sect master has the courage to let me recover my strength before fighting?"

He is trying to stall for time now, he needs a chance to escape.

I can't beat this sect master, even though my mental strength is already at level five, but facing him who is at the peak of the Condensing Spirit Realm, he is still far behind.

The sect master is obviously an experienced person, so he is quite familiar with Ning Feng's tricks.The corners of his mouth slightly opened, and he said lightly: "I have seen your attack just now, and your attack was quite decisive, and you would never let go of a chance. And you are quite smart, I can't give you any chance."

"The master of the door is really careful. What chance do I have for a person who is exhausted? Are you planning to bully the weak? Aren't you afraid of making jokes if you spread it?" Ning Feng still didn't give up, he had to fight for himself To the front line of life.

The sect master said: "I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid that even the strong will not be able to bully the weak. Wouldn't it be more ugly if it spread like this?"

He attaches great importance to Ning Feng, and this guy's brain is really scary.Although it looks like an arrested lamb now, its strength is still quite powerful.

He had to use all his strength to clean him up.

"Master, don't talk nonsense with him, he is just a man with no strength. Let me deal with him." A disciple behind said, and after finishing speaking, he rushed towards Ning Feng.

This person should be just an ordinary inner disciple, the elite disciples are busy preparing for the competition now.As for those elders, they really want to save face, even if they knew about it, they wouldn't make a move.

After all, winning Ning Feng doesn't have much capital to show off.

"Idiot!" Ning Feng spit out two words lightly from the corner of his mouth.

Didn't you see that there was still someone beside you?Naturally, these foreign aids have their own strengths if they can be seen.Every year, there are several foreign players who can reach the finals and play against elite disciples.

So he, an inner disciple, was so arrogant that he didn't even look at the situation around Ning Feng.

Ning Feng judged his strength in an instant, but he was just a beginner, so he definitely couldn't beat Fan Dong.

He originally wanted to solve the trouble for the sect master, but this time he would only embarrass him even more.

Sure enough, as soon as he rushed out, Fan Dong immediately leaned over.

Effortlessly avoiding his fist, and leaning against his chest with his wide back, he threw his elbow towards the man's head.

Fan Dong was confident that he would win, this guy would not be his opponent at all.

But after he passed with an elbow, he found that the person behind him was empty.

Immediately realized something was wrong.

Then in the next instant, a person suddenly pulled himself two steps forward.

"This is?" He looked at Ning Feng and said in surprise. "Aren't you powerless?" It wasn't his opponent who felt strange at first, but he already understood it.

It should be that the sect master made a move, took the other party away, and was about to kill himself, but fortunately Ning Feng suddenly shot to help him.

Ning Feng didn't speak, just shook his hand, and stuffed something into his hand without a trace.

"You..." Feeling the thing in his hand, he admired Ning Feng even more. He never thought that he would have this identity.

"I will create an opportunity for you." Ning Feng looked at him and smiled, he should understand what it meant.This guy's IQ is quite high.

"Understood." He rolled his eyeballs, then turned to look at the door master and cursed.

"Smelly shameless, bullying the small with the big, bullying the weak with the strong, and you are ashamed to make a move. Your disciple is inferior to others, and then the sect master will make a move. If the sect master can't beat you, he plans to clear you out Shame! There is no one in the dignified sword sect who can fight, and the sect master has to do everything himself, and whoever is not convinced will come out and challenge me one-on-one."

This guy pointed directly at the door owner Pokou and cursed.This guy is really smart, and he can get it right.

The surrounding disciples were blushed by what he said, but if they didn't refute at all, they really couldn't beat him now, and his strength was indeed formidable.

The elders have been taken care of by others, but they are masters in the condensed spirit realm, even elite disciples dare not act rashly here.

Especially that guy Ning Feng, there is still a pill, which can repair spiritual power.

Ning Feng talked so much nonsense with him before, just waiting for the elixir to work.Although these elixirs can replenish spiritual power, they need a certain amount of time to buffer, and it is just right now.

The sect master was stunned when he was scolded, it was really sad when he thought about it, the dignified sword gate was messed up by two little guys, and he had to be the master of the sect, it was really a shameful thing.

"Boy, don't take advantage of your words, I will meet you." A man came out from behind, "I am a disciple of Jianmen, so I am not bullying you, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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