Chapter 903 Sneak Attack
"Senior Brother Mi? Senior Brother Mi is here, let's see how arrogant they are now. Senior Brother Mi is our elite disciple, can we still be afraid of him?"

"Senior Brother Mi is the best candidate to replace Jianmen this time, and he will definitely be able to deal with him."

"But that guy even took care of Elder Lu, isn't it difficult for Senior Brother Mi to fight?"

"It's okay, Senior Brother Mi will definitely win. Elder Lu used to underestimate the enemy, and Ning Feng's current strength is greatly reduced, so he will definitely win."

This senior brother Mi seemed to be their life-saving straw, so he won all his expectations.

When this person came out, the sect master became even more entangled.

Should he be allowed to play after he comes out? If he wins, it will definitely be a good thing for Jianmen.After all, defeating him with disciples sounds a little nicer.

Don't be ashamed of yourself.

But if he loses, it will be even more embarrassing. If he makes a move at that time, it will be really shameless, and the person who will lose it will be a big one.

"Sect Master, Mi Yu asks to fight." He begged to the Sect Master.

The door master stared at it for a long time, then nodded and said, "Go."

Anyway, it's already embarrassing, and it's nothing to be ashamed anymore.If you lose, you lose, but if you win, the loss of the sect's reputation is much reduced.

"Is the sect master planning to use the wheel tactics?" Ning Feng said lightly, showing a burst of disdain in his expression, after all, this is his territory.No matter how many pills I have, I can't beat so many people.

While talking, his mind was spinning rapidly, what should be done next to make them stop?
If they have always used the disciple wheel battle, they will definitely lose in the end.

"Huh? Can't you? Let me see if you have more pills than mine." The sect master said proudly. In fact, he really had such an idea himself.

People outside can only say that the disciples in his sect are not strong enough, but what he is afraid of is that with so many disciples of his, there is no way to defeat the opponent, and he will make the move in the end, which would be embarrassing beyond measure.

In particular, Ning Feng still has the elixir to restore strength in his hands, and it is very difficult to win if the wheel goes down.So now he only dared to use Mi Yu to test Ning Feng, if he couldn't do it, he would make a move himself.

He really didn't dare to gamble, ruining his reputation is a trivial matter, but if his strength is seen by other sects, it would be bad.

The simple shell on the outside of Jianmen will be destroyed, and he will be bullied by more people in the future.Their Jianmen is now completely relying on their own strength to hold on.

The successor force couldn't keep up at all, and the most powerful one was Mi Yu, and there was no middle-aged backbone force at all.This is where they differ from other sects.

Ning Feng raised his mouth and nodded disdainfully, "Yes, I'll just see how many disciples you have."

After finishing speaking, he threw a washbasin-sized box on the ground.


As the box fell to the ground, the lid was also thrown open, and several pills popped out.

When everyone saw the contents of this box, they were going to be stupid. It was full of pills.There are at least hundreds of them.

He usually relies on refining this elixir to improve his control over the elixir fire, so quite a lot of this kind of elixir is refined.

Never thought that this kind of medicine could be used to pretend to be aggressive.

"Come and see, you have more disciples than I have more pills." Ning Feng was bragging at this time, and there was a time interval for him to take pills.

So he must not let Mi Yu make a move now, otherwise, after his own strength is consumed, he will not be able to survive a few rounds in the hands of the sect master.

After seeing so many pills, the face of the sect master still twitched, it was terrible, what kind of identity is this guy, there are so many pills.

Maybe the only way to get rid of him is to do it yourself.

But just when he was about to speak, Mi Yu had already made a move. "Boy, don't use these things to scare people, just follow me."

Ning Feng sighed, "You really don't have fucking eyes."

This guy didn't play his cards according to the routine, there was nothing he could do, and there were some mistakes in his calculations, but everything was still under control.

Ning Feng drew out his long sword directly, and directly killed him with a move of the immortal guiding the way.There is no need for other powerful moves to deal with him, this move is enough.

A person who is distracted at the peak still wants to win against himself?Where is it so easy?
As soon as Mi Yu saw Ning Feng make a move, he was a little scared.Because the surrounding forces have directly changed, he now realizes how terrifying the person who can defeat Elder Lu is.

As soon as he entered the attack circle, he felt a chill all over his body. This is the kind of coldness that comes from the heart, and it is really terrifying.

This kind of cold air and sword air are not the same thing at all, it is a kind of suppression, the suppression of strength.

"Kill!" He couldn't retreat now at all, and it was even more dangerous to retreat. Being chased and killed was absolutely irresistible.

Ning Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at him, and said two words, " must die!"

Suddenly the sword came out, as if a fairy descended from the sky, and stabbed at Mi Yu's brow.

He couldn't move at all at this moment. Under this kind of coercion, his body didn't obey orders at all.

"I'm going to die." This was his inner thought.

But when he saw the figure behind Ning Feng, he immediately became excited, and the sect master really wouldn't stand by and watch.

Of course he won't stand by and watch, and among the younger generation, he is the only one who can be regarded as a character.If he died, Jianmen would really have no future.

Ning Feng naturally sensed the danger behind him, and the sword stopped an inch between his eyebrows.

The sect master's sword also hit Ning Feng's back.

The three of them were maintained in such a weird atmosphere.

"It's shameless to sneak attack. After all, he is the master of the sect, and he did such a despicable thing." Fan Dong roared angrily from the side. Although he saw the master of the sect attack, he was powerless.

He can't do anything at all, his strength can't get close at all, if he walks in, he will be trapped and unable to move like Mi Yu.

They don't dare to speak, they are masters, they must have strong perception, speaking by themselves will disrupt the rhythm.

After the three had reached a balance, he unceremoniously scolded each other.This kind of sneak attack is really hateful, especially when the opponent is still the master of Jianmen, who is blatantly bullying the small with the big and using sneak attack tricks.

"The head of the sect is so courageous that he even engages in a sneak attack. Ning Feng admires it!" Ning Feng said to him coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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