Chapter 904 Killing the Elder

It is quite unethical to engage in a sneak attack at such a time. If the opponent was fully engaged in the previous battle and didn't notice the person coming from behind, he might be pierced by a sword.

Ning Feng despised his behavior quite a bit, and it also contained quite a bit of disdain.

If it is an upright competition, forget it.

"I can't let you kill him." The sect master stared at Ning Feng, and said flatly: "This matter is not for discussion."

Mi Yu was too frightened to speak, so he could only look at the head of the door foolishly, hoping that he could save his life.

Ning Feng said lightly: "I didn't intend to kill him at first, but if you make such a move, he will die!"

He really didn't intend to kill someone. After all, this is someone else's place. If he killed someone, it would be even more difficult to leave.

And if he slaughtered so wantonly, Jianmen would have no face to hang around here in the future.

After all, for a sect to have its elders and elite disciples killed by a young lad, no matter how embarrassing it is, it would be humiliated.

But the sect master's sudden attack made him feel angry.Because just now, he stopped the spiritual power that was about to spew out, if he slowed down for a while, he would be shocked to death by the spiritual power in his body.

So he decided to let it go, it's not his business whether he loses face or not, he can't blame himself for being unrighteous if he doesn't let it go.

"You can try, I will definitely kill you before you kill him." The sect master said confidently, he was confident in his own strength.

Ning Feng smiled slightly, "Then let's see whose sword is faster."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly slid away to one side.

But the sect master thought he was going to kill Mi Yu, so the sword directly stabbed forward.

But the situation doesn't seem to be like this, Ning Feng seems to be ready to back down.He didn't stab Mi Yu, but ran to the side.

"It shouldn't be." The sect master stared at Ning Feng suspiciously. Did this guy say that on purpose, just to divert his attention.

"Boy, you're cowardly." He looked at Ning Feng with a smug smile, but he was still cowardly facing himself.

But there was an evil smile on Ning Feng's face, and he said lightly: "I have never broken my promise."


As soon as his words fell, Mi Yu actually bled from all seven orifices, and then slowly lay on the ground without breathing.

"I said, I won't break my promise." Ning Feng smiled at him disdainfully, which was a provocation to him.This is the punishment for his attack. Since he bullied the few with more, don't blame himself for being vicious.

He continued to look at Mi Yu's body and said: "I didn't intend to kill you, if you want to blame, you can blame your sect master for not being moral."

The sect master's face has turned livid, this guy is simply extremely arrogant.Mi Yu was the future key disciple of Jianmen, but Ning Feng killed him like this.

This killed more than ten years of vitality, and it was even more difficult to find someone with good talent.

And he still killed him in front of himself, not only slapping Jianmen in the face, but also slapping him in the face.With such a high realm, the opponent succeeded.

It is also a joke to spread.

"You must die!" He couldn't think so much now, he only knew to kill Ning Feng quickly, and he didn't think about how this person died at all.

Ning Feng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, then looked at him and said, "Since you are immortal, then I will completely offend you. Your Elder Lu should die too."

After he finished speaking, he went straight to kill Lu Fengyu who was seriously injured.

"How dare you kid!" He hurriedly moved towards Lu Fengyu's place and stopped him.

If a young man killed elite disciples and elders of a sect, where would he put his face?

"See if I dare."

With such a short distance, Ning Feng arrived almost instantly. Looking at the disciples standing in front of him, he roared angrily, "Get out!"

In an instant, all the dozen or so disciples bled to death from their seven orifices.

He doesn't have any kindness now, the people around him want to kill him, so why don't they care whether they live or die.

With a sweep of mental power, these ordinary disciples couldn't bear it, and the sea of ​​consciousness was shattered and forgotten.

Seeing his terrifying attack power, none of the people around did anything, and no one dared to step forward to stop him.

"Stop!" Although the sect master's strength is relatively high, his distance is too short, and his strength advantage cannot be brought into play at all.

But almost instantly, he had already bullied Ning Feng.

If he had to kill Lu Fengyu, he would also be severely injured.


Regardless of his own safety, Ning Feng directly pierced his heart with a sword.


At the same time, a sword pierced Ning Feng's shoulder.

"Let me see what's going on with you?" Ning Feng rushed forward suddenly, pulling his body out of his sword.Looking at the stunned sect master not far away, he said, "I can see that you care about this person very much. But, I killed him, what can you do?"

"Ha ha……"

Ning Feng felt a sense of revenge now, even though his body was pierced, he was still very excited.

Facing so many disciples, if you don't pay attention, you have to hang up here, so you must earn enough money before you die.

"Elder Lu is dead? Stabbed to death by him? This guy..."

"Senior Brother Mi, Elder Lu, does he really want to offend everyone in our Jianmen?"

"Let's go together, we must cut this guy into pieces. Kill him, kill him..."

Everyone knew what today's incident meant. Jianmen's face had been completely humiliated, and it would be difficult to relieve the hatred in his heart if he was not killed.

For the first time, the sect master showed a furious expression on his face, but after the fury, his eyes were surprisingly calm.

He stared at Ning Feng, gritted his teeth and said, "I will never die with you."

"Don't say it so sweetly, since the guy surnamed Lu came out, I will never die with you." Ning Feng leaned on his sword, barely stood up straight, looked at him and said, "You guys are unrighteous in today's incident. So I have a clear conscience.”

"You have a clear conscience, then you can go to be buried with him." He picked up the long sword in his hand, and walked towards Ning Feng step by step.

Ning Feng couldn't lift the sword at all now, and his spiritual power had been exhausted again. Although he had taken the pill, there was no way for it to show its effect so quickly.

"I was originally invited by you to help, but you can see what you have done. Disciples, elite disciples, elders, and sect masters actually fought in a row. Even if this matter is said to break the sky, you are ashamed. Let's see if it spreads." What do you all think? Haha..." Ning Feng said proudly.

When this incident got out, Jianmen's reputation would definitely be ruined, and then each family would start to plot against them. There was the tiger skin of Badamen before, but now Ning Feng tore it all to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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