Chapter 906
"I don't know what's the matter with you?" The door owner has already realized that something is not right. The time for this guy to come is not right.

Elder Xing glanced at the sect master, and then swept across the crowd.Looking at the sect master with a grin, he said, "There's no point in coming here this time, it's just a distress signal sent by a member of our Alchemy Alliance, do you see?"

What he said was already very obvious. Just now, someone from the Alchemy Alliance sent out a signal to let him go.

Of course the sect master was smiling, the people from the Alchemy Alliance were not so easy to deal with.

"Except for this guy, you can take anyone away." The door master pointed to Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng stood up with a smile, then looked at Old Xing and said, "Unfortunately, I sent the signal just now, and I happen to be a member of the Alchemy Alliance."

The sect master really hated his teeth, he didn't expect this guy to have such an identity.Especially this identity is really tricky, if I had known that I would have taken action to deal with him early on.

It won't let Mr. Xing show up either.

When Mr. Xing appeared, things couldn't be hidden.But they can't afford to offend the Alchemy Alliance, so what should they do about this matter?
"How do you prove that you are a member of the Alchemy Alliance?" The door master stared at him and said.

He must not let Mr. Xing take them away, otherwise their Jianmen face will really be lost at all.How will you mess around in the future?

Ning Feng nodded and said, "Isn't level [-] mental strength an explanation? Isn't the unique signal transmission tool of the Alchemy Alliance not evidence?"

These evidences are indeed quite complete, and it is indeed enough to prove that this person is a member of the Alchemy Alliance.

Elder Xing looked at the sect master with a grin and said, "You see this?"

The sect master clenched his fists tightly and stared at Ning Feng without speaking, his eyes were full of hatred, why didn't he think of this.

This guy's fifth-level mental power is naturally very likely to be a member of the Alchemy Alliance.And every big faction will have a branch of the Alchemy League around it, why should he be given such a long time?

Fan Dong ran over, and then showed him the information transmission machine: "Master, you can see it clearly. Do you know the sign on it? This medicine furnace is the sign of the Alchemy Alliance, so let people go." Bar."

Although Ning Feng felt that everything was almost over, emotionally he always felt that things could not be settled so easily.He quietly swallowed two pills, he needed time.

It's okay to delay for a while.

Of course, it's best to save myself, after all, I don't want to fight him.

Life is so precious, I have spent so much effort, using all my strength to attract everyone's attention, not just to let Fan Dong have a chance to send out the signal.

And keep delaying time with them, just waiting for the arrival of these people.

After pondering for a while, the head of the door looked at Lao Xing and said, "Old Xing, three Jiyang trees will be exchanged for his life!" Obviously, he is very skilled in this matter.

It doesn't look like it's the first time.

And Mr. Xing actually acted like he already knew you had to do this.

This made Ning Feng feel scared, and he realized in an instant that this old Xing must have some shady deal with the sect master.Maybe the sect master has killed many alchemists.

And Mr. Xing didn't intend to avenge them at all, but instead used this incident for his own benefit.

The Alchemy Alliance was originally an organization to protect alchemists, but he turned it into a place for his own personal gain, which is simply hateful.

Moreover, the two of them traded so blatantly that they treated Ning Feng as a dead person.

"Old Xing, do you still remember the responsibilities of the Alchemy Alliance?" Ning Feng shouted loudly, this person is his life-saving straw, if he becomes corrupt, he will be in trouble.

Xing Lao raised his head and glanced at him, his eyes were full of greedy light.

He ignored Ning Feng at all, and then said to the sect master, "Five plants."

"The three plants are really our limit. Every time I bid, I bid according to the strength of the other party. I haven't cheated you, have I?" the door owner said coldly.

He really knows these people too well, there is no one who cannot be bribed, as long as the benefits are sufficient.

"If I didn't hate him so much, I would never have paid such a high price."

After hearing what the sect master said, Mr. Xing knew that it was impossible to get more things.So he nodded and agreed, "Okay, leave this matter to me."

"Old man, you will suffer retribution for doing so." Fan Dong pointed at old man Xing.

"The signal has been sent. If you don't save me, you will not be able to explain this matter." Ning Feng said viciously, there are such shameless people in the Alchemy Alliance.

"What is there to explain?" Elder Xing looked at Ning Feng and said, "It was this little fat man who sent the signal, so I just need to take him away this time."

"But I sent the signal for him." Fan Dong said excitedly, "You are cheating."

"I'm just cheating." Old man Xing looked at Ning Feng proudly and said, "Do you think I'll save him?" Then he pointed at Fan Dong.

In fact, Ning Feng really thought so. Although he thought of such a plan, he barely removed himself from the outside, but at least he saved the fat man.

It's okay!

"If you rescue me, I will definitely expose your affairs and let everyone see your face." Fan Dong said viciously, this person is more hated than the sect master.

But old man Xing said with a weird smile: "Old man, I will do this kind of dirty ass thing, and I will kill you halfway. The reason is very simple, you are not a pharmacist at all, this signal transmitter does not know I snatched it from a pharmacist, and I am helping him to avenge it.

Not only will you not be punished, but you will also be praised. "

After he finished speaking, he walked up to Ning Feng proudly, and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I have encountered countless such things, and not only was I not punished, but I was promoted higher and higher."


Ning Feng looked at him and said viciously.

"Haha...Little Fatty, come with me." He looked at Fan Dong proudly and said, "It's the signal you sent, we'll be fine if we leave."

The head of the sect also looked at old man Xing with contempt in his eyes. This kind of person would not be respected no matter what the occasion.

But people probably don't care, after all, they are already shameless and just want to make money.

"Get out, I won't go with a scum like you." Fan Dong spat at him hard.

"Master, I have asked them to leave, but if they don't leave, you can deal with it as you like." Old man Xing said, this is his plan, it's because they don't leave, not because they don't take them with them.

(End of this chapter)

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