Chapter 907 Crazy Transformation Pill

He actually used this method to push his own responsibility away, it was extremely shameless.

Although the owner of the door has solved a lot of troubles with bribes, he has also spent a lot of wealth.So there was no smile on his face, instead he transferred this anger to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng looked at old man Xing, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Haha... I didn't expect there to be someone like you in the Alchemy Alliance. If I don't die today, I will kill you!"

"Boy, you have a serious tone. Do you think you can survive?" The door master stepped forward, looked at Ning Feng lightly and said, "I tell you, don't even think about leaving today."

Ning Feng stretched his waist, then took a long breath, and said, "I never thought of relying on him. Outsiders will never be able to rely on me."

When he finished speaking, the strength of the whole person suddenly climbed up, reaching the state of congealing spirit in an instant.

And it doesn't seem like it's going to stop.

In the end, it reached the middle stage of Condensation before barely stopping.

Seeing that Ning Feng's strength suddenly soared, everyone was surprised. After all, the sudden soaring of spiritual power is very terrifying.

It will also cause a huge shock.

" actually took the elixir?" The door master looked at Ning Feng's appearance and was a little scared. He didn't know how many cards Ning Feng still had.

But it seems that even if he took the elixir, he was only in the mid-stage of Condensing Spirit Realm, and he was not his opponent yet.

Ning Feng had a wicked smile on his lips, "The answer is correct, I don't know if it's that easy for you to kill me?" This question has a strong sense of ridicule.

At the peak of Congealing Spirit, it is more than difficult to kill the middle stage of Condensing Spirit, and it is still a mid-stage Condensing Spirit with good martial arts and super high spiritual power?It is even possible to be counter-killed.

"Hmph, using the elixir to forcibly increase your strength, as long as you delay until the effect of the elixir is over, you will have nothing to do." The door master also knows the shortcomings of this elixir.

After the effect of the medicine wore off, his own condition was even worse than before.

Ning Feng smiled faintly, looked at him and said, "For the sake of your ignorance, I will explain to you, do you know what is the madness pill? After taking it, the strength is forcibly improved, but there are no side effects.

Don't be surprised, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that its medicinal effect can last for a day.Do you think the battle of two masters will last a day? "

This moment shocked everyone, and it was terrifying that it could last for a day.Generally, in a contest between masters, as long as they catch a loophole, they can kill the opponent.

How could there be such a long delay.

Within a day the battle would surely be over.

Sure enough, you can't go against alchemists, especially not against alchemists whose spiritual power is not weaker than spiritual power.All kinds of elixirs are knocked out like they are being opened, how can they play?
After saying this, the head of the sect master was sweating.This guy is simply too difficult to deal with. Even if he wins by chance, he will be killed and seriously injured. If he invades next time, he has nothing to do.

It seems that at the critical moment, the Supreme Elder has to make a move, this guy is simply too difficult to deal with.

"You are only in the early stage of condensing your spirit, and you will still be defeated by me in the end." The sect master gritted his teeth and rushed towards Ning Feng.He had to kill, although the Supreme Elder had been summoned, but the Supreme Elder was here to sit in the town, and the person had to commit suicide by himself.

Otherwise, his prestige will be completely gone.

In fact, if it wasn't for special circumstances, he would not have summoned the Supreme Elder. The Supreme Elder is generally bound by the ancestral system and must not interfere with the sect's management.

But there is one exception, that is after the sect master personally summons.

This kind of behavior also shows a situation, the head of the sect personally handed over the power to the elders.But he is not helpless, but behind him is a door-to-door background.

It is not certain who is in power.

It seems that Ning Feng made a lot of trouble this time.

After seeing him gnashing his teeth, Ning Feng could feel a stronger force in the northeast direction.He killed the opponent without hesitation.

"Thousands of Feathers!"

The strongest move of Ning Feng's spiritual attack directly stabbed towards the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, and then the long sword in his hand also directly slashed towards the sect master.


Ning Feng's mental skills are no joke, they are fatal.

Although the sect master's sea of ​​consciousness is very strong, under the attack of such a strong mental force, he was slightly injured.This was the result after the sect master quickly retreated after discovering that Ning Feng's attack was quite powerful.

If he was at the very center of the attack, he might have been killed immediately.

Thinking of Ning Feng's strength, the sect master felt a bit of fear.This guy is much more terrifying than the forces behind Lu Fengyu, it looks like he wants to slaughter the entire sect by himself.

In fact, he was intimidated by Ning Feng's move. After all, Ning Feng is a seriously injured body now, and it is not bad to be able to display half of his strength.

Although this spiritual attack is powerful, with his current strength, he can only use it once.

The reason why Ning Feng used this move directly was not to kill, but to escape.

After the sect master retreated violently, he raised Fan Dong and fled outside.

Although it is difficult to kill the sect master in the middle stage of Condensation, it is not difficult to escape at all. It is impossible for people at the peak of Condensation to catch up with those in the middle stage.

In fact, it wasn't that Ning Feng didn't have a chance to win, but he did his own calculations and it wasn't worth it.

Because if I want to kill the sect master, I will definitely be seriously injured, and I will not be able to escape the sword gate if I am seriously injured.And he seems to have summoned a powerful figure who is coming, if he arrives, he will definitely not be able to escape.

One's own life is extremely precious, so one would not throw one's life here for a moment of anger.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

"Listen to the people of Jianmen, I will definitely level Jianmen and make him disappear from now on."

Everyone didn't think he was talking nonsense at all, because he did have the strength to turn Jianmen upside down by himself, let alone after that.

This sentence was infused with spiritual power by Ning Feng, basically anyone could hear it clearly.All the people who heard it changed their colors. This threat was too terrifying.

They were not the only ones who changed color, old man Xing was also scared to death, and the first thing Ning Feng did after he escaped was to seek revenge on himself.I don't have such a deep background in Jianmen, and revenge is just a matter of sword.

He was so scared that he sat down on the ground directly, and he felt that he was going to die soon.

(End of this chapter)

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