Chapter 908 Pit

Ning Feng didn't dare to stop at all, he could feel a force chasing after him.

Obviously it was the guy summoned by the sect master. He probably wanted to take credit for his own life.The guy behind is quite fast, and he can obviously feel the speed is approaching.

It can be seen that this person's strength must have broken through the realm of congealing spirits, and even the realm of Jindan is possible.

It would be too dangerous to go on like this.

"It's not that simple." Ning Feng threw Fan Dong aside, "Hide your breath inside, and I'll lure him away."

Fan Dong originally wanted to say that it was difficult to be the same, but after thinking about it, forget it, following others will only slow down his speed.

He must be that guy's target, and his target is too many, he obviously won't notice Fan Dong.

"Chasing me is not such an easy task." Ning Feng smiled, and then took out a string of talismans, throwing one at intervals.

Anyway, he has a lot of talismans, so he doesn't care.

He threw at least a hundred talismans along the way.When the force was only two kilometers away from him, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Ning Feng's mouth.

The fire starter in his hand was thrown down directly.

When the fire talisman hit the yin talisman, it immediately caused a violent explosion. When this talisman exploded, it quickly detonated the yin talisman dropped in front.

Just such a series of detonating each other.

As the Supreme Elder, Huang Taiji has not made a move for more than ten years.After so many years, I am the only one left here.It's hard to kill those old things, but I don't have the chance to master the sword.

This time, he was summoned by the sect master. It is really a road that never ends.

I must turn that guy's head off this time, and then establish a prestige for myself.

I am now at the Jindan stage, so it is not too simple to treat a person who is only in the middle stage of Condensation and is still seriously injured.According to the current pursuit speed of the two, it only takes an hour to catch this guy completely.

I don't believe he can run past me.

But for some reason, when he came to this road, he always felt something was wrong?
Although I can't tell where the problem is, it always feels dangerous.

But chasing Ning Feng is the important event this time, and no one at the Golden Core level would dare to ambush him, right?He didn't think about it anymore, he just gave up his defense, and then accelerated with all his strength, chasing in the direction of Ning Feng.

But just as he advanced a few hundred meters, he saw a huge explosion mushroom cloud appearing in front of him.

"Oops, there's an ambush!"

He wanted to retreat quickly, but how could his speed be as fast as the explosion?When he saw the explosion, it was already too late, because the next Yin Sha Talisman would be ignited in an instant.


The sound of a huge explosion rang directly in his ears, and he wanted to fight back with all his strength, but every time he took a few steps back, he would be hit by the next explosion.

This is human nature. Every time we encounter danger, we always want to go back the same way.

What he didn't know was that Ning Feng had only released the fire starter when he reached the middle part.

As long as he walked back, he would be exploded by the Yin Sha Talisman that had just been ignited.

Huang Taiji has been bombarded, what's going on?How come you get bombed once you take a step?Could it be that someone ambushed himself?

It didn't stop until he had survived all the explosions and retreated a kilometer.

Panting, he looked at the road ahead and slammed the tree next to him hard.

"That kid did it!"

Of course it was Ning Feng's fault. Such a series of explosions would not only hurt him, but most importantly, it would shock him psychologically, preventing him from chasing him.

It took him a long time to understand it.

This was prepared by that guy in advance, just like firecrackers, after being ignited from the front, it will keep blowing up.

If he had headed towards the explosion place recklessly, he would have passed through it easily, and he would have been able to get closer to him.He spent a lot of time preparing these things.

But he ran backwards, and was bombed all the way.Not only retreated a kilometer, but also wasted a lot of time.

Ning Feng took this opportunity to run for at least four or five kilometers.The speed between masters is very fast, and it is difficult to catch up with two masters in one kilometer.

But he was not reconciled, he rushed towards Ning Feng resolutely, regardless of his already blackened appearance.

"Huh? That guy actually only ran two kilometers. It seems that he was seriously injured." He said proudly, "It's easy to catch up with him."

In his opinion, Ning Feng should have run at least four or five kilometers at this time, but unexpectedly, he only ran two kilometers.This made him feel that he should be able to catch up, and he immediately gained confidence.

As for running slowly, it is naturally due to serious injuries.

So he chased forward with full confidence. Although reason told him to be more careful, the temptation of Ning Feng right in front was too great.

Slowly, he picked up the speed, and relaxed a little bit, without seeing the small pieces of paper falling in the weeds by the roadside.

Ning Feng ran so slowly, of course it was not because of his serious injury, even if he was seriously injured, he ran faster than now.

Huang Taiji was completely eager for meritorious service, and then thought that Ning Feng ran slowly because he was seriously injured.

In fact, he is very treacherous, his purpose is to blow Huang Taiji into a daze, make you chase me, make you want to make meritorious deeds, and even chase after me?
Do you think you are awesome at the Golden Core stage?

After Ning Feng felt that he had entered the ambush circle again, he threw the ice talisman in his hand directly.

"Hey... things won't be that simple this time."

After finishing speaking, he ran away towards the distance.

Huang Taiji chased him very happily. He even saw Ning Feng's back, and he felt a burst of excitement deep in his heart.

But just when he was excited, a series of cold currents hit directly, freezing the whole surrounding instantly.

"Damn, come again?" Huang Taiji was taken aback for a moment. It was an explosion just now, but this time it was ice again?

Do you really think this little fire and ice can stop yourself?
He shattered the ice in front of him with one palm. This time he didn't retreat, but rushed forward. He is very good at summarizing. The last time he ran backwards and was blown all the way, he ran backwards this time Isn't it frozen all the way?
Go ahead this time.

But he is not the only smart person in the world, Ning Feng is also quite smart.Didn't you think of this place?
(End of this chapter)

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