Chapter 914 Go to Guhua Palace
"Who are you?" Ning Feng looked at his back and asked.

Although he knew that this old guy must be very powerful, but he helped him for no reason, which made him uncomfortable.

The old man turned and smiled at him.

"You'll see me later."

After speaking, he waved his sleeves and left without taking a cloud.

This guy is deliberately pretending to be obsessive-compulsive.Why don't you just tell me?Why bother to pretend like this?Anyway, let me know in a few days, you are very hateful for doing this.

Since the old guy didn't say anything, and he didn't ask, just pretend that he never showed up.

Anyway, I can handle this matter by myself. Although he said that he would wipe his ass, he would not accept his love for no reason.

He had already thought about the impact of engraving his own chapter on it.

Since everyone will keep their hearts clear at this time and not talk about it, then this chapter will not have much influence.

Ning Feng and Jin talked about their situation, and then went home directly.

It has been many days since Su Miaohan came out, although Su Miaohan did not call herself, but she sent a lot of text messages.There is no hypocritical question in each text message, but there is a seemingly random question every day.

Ning Feng could feel her worry and unwillingness to disturb him from it.

"Beauty? Where are you cooking?" Ning Feng asked after entering the door, looking at Su Miaohan who was busy in the kitchen. "Haven't you stopped cooking recently?"

Su Miaohan's work is quite busy, so she usually doesn't cook.Ever since she took control of the Su Group, she hasn't been cooking so seriously.

After hearing the voice, she froze for a moment, then looked back at Ning Feng.The corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and he said to him: "Your nose is really smart, there is nothing to do today. I was thinking about cooking, but you came back in time for dinner."

Ning Feng couldn't believe what she said that he was out of work. He had sent a text message to inform her that he would be back.It must be to make a meal for myself, and deliberately turned down a lot of work.

He came over, wrapped his arms around her waist, and buried his head in her hair.

"It's so sweet."

"It's so nasty." She pressed her face against Ning Feng's, and then said, "I'm occupying my hand now, you should sit down quickly, it will be fine in a while."

"I just like numbness." Ning Feng whispered in her ear, and then kissed her ear lightly.


Su Miaohan really has a way of cooking, quite powerful, all the meals are her favorite.She is always so sweet.

In the next few days, Ning Feng followed Su Miaohan to and from get off work, and had nothing else to do.

He has actually been thinking about a very important matter these days. This matter is not only related to the rise of the Sea Shark Palace, but also related to the demise of Jianmen.

The details here are very important, and if you try to do it on one side, you will make a lot of mistakes.

"Has Cheng Hua been quiet recently?" Ning Feng looked at Su Miaohan who was lying on his lap in pajamas.

"Not yet, she seems to want to make the product now. Before it's done, everything is unnecessary." Su Miaohan said while playing with her hair.

"I don't need to worry about that side for the time being, and everything is relatively stable here, and things are developing steadily."

Ning Feng nodded, "It's true that everything is good, but your strength hasn't improved for a long time, right?"

After hearing this, Su Miaohan blushed, she knew how she made progress best.When Ning Feng said this, it was obvious that he had a conspiracy.

But this time she didn't use the reason of being reserved to reject Ning Feng.Instead, he nodded shyly.

Seeing her shy look, Ning Feng became even more interested, and immediately hugged her horizontally, followed by a speechless scene.

Anyway, I tossed and tossed for a long time that night.

On the second day, Ning Feng woke up naturally after sleeping until Su Miaohan was gone.The company can't do without her, no matter how tired she is, she has to go every day.

After Ning Feng washed his face and brushed his teeth, he made a phone call.

I took advantage of this time to have breakfast.

As soon as breakfast was over, someone came right away.

Ning Feng opened the door, looked at Tie Shou and said, "I'm going to visit our Guhua Palace people this time."

When he said this, Tie Shou excitedly shook Ning Feng's hand and said, " finally plan to see them."

"I have planned this for a long time, but I have not prepared enough. I will be slapped in the face if I am not prepared enough." Ning Feng said with a smile: "It is better to prepare carefully."

Tie Shou said excitedly: "No one will slap you in the face, even Nangong Yunhuan and Feng Aiguo are quite convinced by you."

He knew what Ning Feng's purpose of going to Guhua Palace meant, it meant that they had a chance to rise.

Ning Feng smiled and said to him: "Those people are easy to serve, but it is the people below who are really difficult to serve."

Even if these people feel that their strength is not enough, they can see their potential and will not oppose themselves.The ordinary disciples below will have considerable opinions on themselves.

Especially some disciples with excellent talents are even more dissatisfied with themselves.

Because everyone is about the same age, if I am in this position, everyone will be jealous, and pink eye disease will kill people.

So Ning Feng had to arm himself without any loopholes before going.

"Then are you ready now?" Tetsukari asked carefully.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who fights unprepared?" Ning Feng said with a smile: "Once I appear, I will definitely integrate our Guhua Palace first."

Guhua Palace has not had a unified leader for such a long time, and the people below must only obey their own leader.As for the people above, they must be very united, otherwise this place would have been dispersed long ago.

So after I appeared, I had to convince them and all the disciples.

To convince all the disciples is to convince one kind of people, that is, the best disciples, who are the spokespersons of the disciples.

"You really have to show up quickly, otherwise none of us can survive. Without a leader, everything is very troublesome." Tie Shou sighed and said: "The disciples below are not convinced that those Tiankui will become leaders. "

"Everyone feels that the other party will treat them badly after they go up."

Ning Feng smiled, "Let's go!" He is confident about this, and he will go after he understands everything.

"En." Tie Shou drove Ning Feng directly in one direction.

(End of this chapter)

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