Chapter 915 Test

The place where they live sounds good, and they have encircled a large piece of land, but the building is not so luxurious, and it is not full of villas like other sects.

It was a row of bungalows, but these bungalows were still unconventional, and from time to time there were people in uniform walking around on patrol.

The construction site here is very simple, and the clothes of these people are not so tall.Apparently it was caused by a shortage of funds.

Ning Feng also didn't expect the expenses to be so large. The money he had already felt was quite a lot, but it obviously didn't seem like a lot.

"Is the money I gave you tight?" Ning Feng looked at Tie Shou and said, "It's okay, tell me the truth."

Tie Shou was stunned for a moment, and originally wanted to politely refuse, after all, it was quite embarrassing to spend other people's money.

But after Ning Feng added something, Tie Shou still told the truth.

"There are some!" Tie Shou looked at Ning Feng and said, "We are not like other big factions now, we don't have the influence and secular income of our subordinates. So we are all supported by your money, and naturally our life is not as good as before. .

But at any rate, it can be considered to be able to support it, and it will not collapse. It can eat and have a few cultivation resources.

But you also know that practice is a matter of burning money. There are so many people in our sect, so much money is not enough to spend.So I can only make life a little simpler. "

Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, the money was already quite a big expense.I thought it would be enough to make them live well, but now it seems that it is not enough.

"We are mainly spending money all the time and have no income, so spending money is like flowing water." Tie Shou said a little embarrassed.

Ning Feng nodded, looked at him and said, "I'll find a way to solve this matter. Since our goal is to re-emerge, we have to look like a big school."

In fact, he himself still has a large part of his income, that is, every time he gets a dividend from the Su Corporation, that is also a large part of the money.

"But there is no way to go on like this. Without a status, we can't make money in a fair and honest way." Tie Shou said helplessly: "The destruction of our Sea Shark Palace is also related to the forces above, so we don't dare to make a big show. Now we only I can shrink here."

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, money is not a problem, and neither is fame. I am here this time to solve this matter."

"Let's go, let's meet some of the chief generals first!" Ning Feng patted him on the shoulder and said.

In the status of Guhua Palace, the most senior is the Tiankui general, the next is the Dikui general, and the next is the Dikui general.

Tiankui will be similar to the elders in the major sects, and his status is quite detached.The Dikui general is similar to a Dharma protector, and the position of the Dikui general is equivalent to the elder of the outer sect.

Tiankui generals and Dikui generals belong to the top forces of the sect, and these dikui generals are responsible for the daily affairs of the sect.But Ning Feng first came into contact with Tie Shou and the others, so his relationship with him is relatively close.

"What about the chief general?" Tie Shou asked.

"Let's go together and meet in the conference hall." Ning Feng said to him: "After all, we have to get their approval. I'm not arrogant. I'm going to find them one by one because it's too troublesome. In an emergency , we must act urgently."

"Understood." Tie Shou said with a smile: "Everyone did not leave after they dispersed in Guhua Palace, most of them are sensible people."

Tie Shou's reassurance made Ning Feng feel that things should not be so difficult.

To integrate this sect, it is natural to integrate the upper echelons.You have to convince them all of yourself. Whether it's coercion or temptation, you have to get them together.

"Be careful, General Huobu Tiankui. When he was practicing kung fu, he was burned by fire poison. His temper is also quite violent, and he is still not very satisfied with you." Tie Shou reminded, "I only know him The situation of others, the situation of other people, I can't get in touch."

"Thank you." At any rate, this made him somewhat prepared, so that he wouldn't be caught off guard by the beating.

Tie Shou found a few disciples, and went to find several Tiankui generals and Dikui generals respectively, and asked one of his disciples to bring Ning Feng to the meeting hall, and then went to find Feng Aiguo himself.

Feng Aiguo is the chief general of the Ministry of Water, and he is also a mature and prudent person among the crowd. It is also because of his support that when Tie Shou discovered Ning Feng, he was the first to tell him.

After following Ning Feng for a long time, he also fell to this side.

With his support, Ning Feng could be supported by a large number of people.Although most people do not object, most people still need Ning Feng to conquer with strength.

But he made a good start before, giving such a large amount of money unconditionally, and he continued to give himself money later.

At least they didn't get to the point of reselling their properties, and they barely got a foothold so they wouldn't break up.

So people nowadays are still somewhat moved by Ning Feng.

In fact, the meeting hall is not very luxurious, but fortunately, it is big enough, and it still has momentum.After Ning Feng came in, he turned around and looked around.

There are some paintings around, just for decoration, not much artistry.But Ning Feng's thoughts are not here, he is now thinking about how to face it next.

"How is the level of these words?" A voice sounded.

Ning Feng turned his head quickly, and then saw Feng Aiguo's face.In fact, the two met once from the back of Mu's house, and they never saw each other again.

But at any rate, it can be regarded as a one-sided relationship. In this strange place, at any rate, it feels a little more familiar.

"Mr. Feng." Ning Feng hurriedly said to Feng Aiguo.

"Sit down." Feng Aiguo looked at Ning Feng's nervous expression and said, "I really have to thank you for your generous support, so we won't be scattered."

Ning Feng quickly waved his hand, "Don't see each other like this anymore. The time is urgent, and I won't go around with you anymore. I'm here this time to plan to be the palace lord."

Although he has been recognized as the Palace Master by these people, there are still some who do not recognize him.

When he said this, he meant to make those people agree.

Feng Aiguo naturally understood, looked at Ning Feng and said: "Actually, these are not difficult, most people are actually slightly on your side. As long as you have enough strength to convince them, they will follow you.

But whether they follow falsely or sincerely depends on your ability. "

"Just to remind you, if Tiankui of the Ministry of Fire manages Jia Siyan, the matter will be largely successful." Feng Aiguo pointed out to Ning Feng: "As long as he is convinced, others will be convinced too. of."

"If you can't handle this person, I have to doubt your ability. Everything depends on your own actions!"

The meaning of Feng Aiguo's words is obvious. This is actually a challenge. If Ning Feng can't handle it, he won't support him anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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