Chapter 916 A Move

Fortunately, Ning Feng had already made preparations, and he could understand Feng Aiguo's choice.

From the standpoint of the sect, it should indeed be done. After all, such a big business still hopes to find a capable person to take the helm.

"In my opinion of you, you should be able to do it. After all, you were quite reliable in handling things before." He looked at Ning Feng and said with a smile: "People are coming soon, and I have only reminded you so much. gone."

"I understand." Ning Feng said with a smile, "A Tiankui general..."

While he was talking, someone rushed in, "Who summoned us? Have you found the seal of the sea shark?"

The man wobbled as he walked, like a child with ADHD.

He stared at Ning Feng and said, "Could it be you, kid?"

"Don't be rude." Feng Aiguo yelled at this person, "This is our big benefactor. We can achieve what we are now, all because of his support."

"Hey hey..." After being scolded by Feng Aiguo, he was not angry, but just smiled at Ning Feng, and then said: "I'm sorry, Lao Wu, I offended, I offended."

"Ning Feng, let me introduce you. This man is Wu De, the chief general under my Ministry of Water. Although he speaks straightforwardly, he is quite a good man." Feng Aiguo said with a smile.

"This is Ning Feng who has donated a lot of money to us, and is also the controller of the Sea Shark Seal."

Feng Aiguo introduced to Wu De.

After Wu De heard this, he knelt down on one knee in front of Ning Feng, and said in a loud voice: "Thank you for keeping our Guhua Palace alive. I will support you for your kindness. As long as you have the ability to persuade Jia Si Huo, I will definitely obey your command."

Ning Feng avoided the body, he didn't dare to accept this gift, smiled, and quickly helped him up and said: "You are welcome, I dare not accept your big gift. I accidentally got the seal of the sea shark to prove that I and the sea shark There is still a fate in the palace, I am returning the sea shark seal this time, if you have sages, I will naturally return the sea shark seal."

"Hey...he's a slippery boy, you should be no less than a palace lord." He said without holding back.

Ning Feng didn't know whether he was praising himself or scolding himself.

His face was very embarrassed, and he didn't know how to answer this question. He was indeed playing tricks in front of him.Obviously most of the upper echelons have already regarded him as the palace lord, yet he even said to return the seal of the sea shark.

This seems very hypocritical, but as a person with pure Chinese blood, shouldn't it be a little humble?Do you just say that you must be the one?That would be even more annoying.

"Don't worry too much, I'm not afraid of you. The leadership position of the palace lord must have a bit of hypocrisy, otherwise things won't be handled well." Wu De continued.

After Feng Aiguo slapped him several times, he finally shut up.His mouth must have offended many people.

After a while, all kinds of Tian Kui generals and Di Kui generals came.Each Tiankui general has two Dikui generals, which is basically the basic structure of the Sea Shark Palace.

After they came in, they all greeted Ning Feng warmly.Whether someone is a leader or not is one thing, but it is true that someone has helped.This is something to be thankful for anyway.

But these people obviously have no strength, but no flexible mind. Can I say that I am the master of the palace now?

Isn't it a bit too shameless to say that?
However, Ning Feng also discovered a situation in the conversation with Wu De just now. These people have always been straightforward people, and maybe they don't like that kind of euphemistic words very much.

He decided to change tactics.

Everyone arrived, even Jia Sihuo, who had some opinions about him, also came, and after thanking himself very calmly, he sat on a chair.

He has never shown any feelings of loathing himself.

Ning Feng knew that it wasn't because he didn't doubt himself anymore, but because he didn't arrive at the right time.If he said that he wanted to be the palace lord, he would definitely stand up and oppose him.

All of them looked at Ning Feng with a playful look, as if they knew you were going to be the boss, so let's see how you opened your mouth.

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth smiled slightly. He had also seen big scenes before. Didn't he create the underground forces in Haicheng back then?
Facing them is the same as facing those people, the following are all younger brothers.

These people may not have a feeling of watching their own jokes in their hearts.

Ning Feng glanced at Feng Aiguo, his expression was indifferent, basically he couldn't see what was going on, obviously he wanted to know how Ning Feng would handle this cold situation.

Seeing that these people basically couldn't get any information, only when they found Wu De, this guy stared at Ning Feng with a smile on his face.

Needless to say, they must have discussed it before, and this should be one of the tests they gave themselves.

It is basically confirmed from Wu De that they did it on purpose, and since it was intentional, it would be easy to handle.

Ning Feng coughed, and then took out a square seal from the ring. The pure white material was illuminated by the sun, giving off a warm color.

When everyone's eyes saw the seal, their eyes lit up.After that turmoil, the sea shark seal that disappeared finally reappeared.

"The person holding the seal of the sea shark is the master of the sea shark palace." Ning Feng said this sentence slowly and forcefully, and then glanced at the people below.


This principle was originally obtained from Tie Shou, and the first article of their regulations is this!
Everyone was stunned by Ning Feng at such a moment, they didn't know how to answer.If he answered honestly, his identity would be confirmed directly.

But if he didn't answer, wouldn't it be a denial of the door rules.

"There is such a rule." Jia Shuo stood up, looked at Ning Feng and said, "There is indeed such a rule, but now is a special period, if the candidate for the palace master does not satisfy everyone, it will cause the collapse of the entire power."

"Then you mean, this one doesn't count?" Ning Feng looked at him with a smile, and finally made a move. I'm afraid that if you don't make a move, there will be a solution if you make a move.

"Of course it counts. The regulations of our Sea Shark Palace will naturally not be changed. But we must treat them specially during special periods, so we have to add other conditions." Jia Sihuo also practiced Tai Chi, so he didn't give Ning Feng any strength.

I have not yet determined my position.

Ning Feng smiled at him, and then said very directly: "I got this Sea Shark Seal, and I also have the intention to become the Palace Master of Sea Shark Palace. What do you guys think?"

"I have no objection." That Wude said directly without thinking, and after being stared at by everyone, he quickly added: "If everyone has no objection."

(End of this chapter)

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