Chapter 920 Disciple's Objection

These heavenly and earthly generals were not my main goals. I had countless ways to make them submit, and they were not my biggest resistance at all.

The next disciples were the ones he had to face the most.

The efficiency was still very fast. After an hour, they were all standing in the square.All of them were full of energy, all holding swords in their hands.

This is the experience gained in the last battle of destroying the door. At the beginning, he was caught by surprise, so now he can never leave his sword at any time.

"Attention everyone!" Feng Aiguo stood on the stage, looked at the people below and shouted: "I called everyone here this time, there is an important matter to inform everyone."

His voice contained spiritual power, so it was very loud, and basically everyone could hear it clearly.

"This time, I want everyone to meet our new Palace Master."

"Ah - Palace Master? When did it happen? Who is it? Is there anyone else with higher qualifications than Mr. Feng?"

"I don't know what's going on, and there's no sign of this incident. But I seem to have heard a little bit of news before, and it seems that it's not a few Tiankui generals."

"Oh? Who? Can you still take on this important task?"

"Do you know the one who gave us money before?"

"Oh, him, if his strength can be recognized by a few celestial generals, that's fine. After all, our rise is inseparable from them."

"However, I heard that he is a young man in his 20s, about the same age as Senior Brother Lu."

"In his 20s? Impossible? Isn't this too young? How can we entrust such great power to him?"

Everyone was discussing, and in the center of the field, a man frowned tightly, and his eyes were fixed on the stage.

"I invite the Palace Master."

Feng Aiguo yelled directly.

Ning Feng stepped onto the stage with firm steps, and shouted at the people below: "Hi everyone, I am the new Palace Master, Ning Feng!"

The people below immediately exploded, because the palace lord is too young, and he can't convince the crowd at all.

"Isn't this too young? If he can be the master of the palace, wouldn't Senior Brother Lu also be able to be the master of the palace? Besides, the Buddha Sutras of our Guhua Palace practiced by Senior Brother Lu have already reached the first stage. He is simply a genius." okay?"

"We really can't let such a young person become our palace master. Although he is rich, it still depends on his strength."

"Yes, we are a force after all, not just having money, but strength."

Ning Feng naturally took all the scene below into his eyes, and his eyes scanned the surroundings below.He thought of this situation, but someone should come out next time.

Suddenly, he felt a violent shock in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The corner of his mouth raised inadvertently, "Haha, I'm just waiting for you now."

"He has actually reached the first level of Gu Huayu. Yes, he does have potential. This person is enough to shock him."

Easily offset this attack with the Buddha Sutra.

He swept his eyes around, and then roared, "Who did it?"

The sound was actually not very loud, but it made everyone jump.Everyone still doesn't understand this person's temper. What if he has a bad temper?

"Do you dare to do it or not? If you have an opinion on me, just stand up."

Ning Feng's eyes had locked on to one person.

It was the young man standing in the front row with a hint of arrogance on his face.

After being stared at by Ning Feng for a while, he probably couldn't bear it any longer, and then rushed directly to the stage, looked at him and said, "I'm not convinced by you. You're too young, I don't think you may be able to bear this big burden." flag."

"Senior Brother Lu? Why did he go up there? Isn't this the fault of the Palace Master? General Tiankui agreed, what did he do?"

"Even if I'm not satisfied, how can a person who is about the same age as me become the Palace Master, be convinced? His talent is the best among us, so it's no wonder he can bear it."

"If I have to go up too, if the other party wants to be the Palace Master just because they are richer than me, I will not agree."

"I also support him to go up and test his weight."

Ning Feng stared at him and smiled, "Very well, I'll take you as my stepping stone."

"Tell me, why am I not qualified?"

Brother Lu looked at the Tiankui generals around him, and he didn't seem to want to stop him, they seemed to agree to let him try it out.Naturally, he is not a fool, he knows how to measure.

Since none of the Tiankui generals made a statement, then this matter can be done.

"First of all, to become our palace lord, one must have the seal of the sea shark. You must know that the seal of the sea shark has been lost for many years, and only those who have the seal of the sea shark can become the palace lord."

The sea shark seal was lost when it was defeated, and it was not easy to find it.

Everyone also felt that this point of effort was right. After all, there was indeed such a requirement at the beginning, and only those who could find the seal of the sea shark were eligible.

Ning Feng smiled slightly, this guy is really awesome, he threatened himself with this question when he came up.

In fact, this problem is not fatal, after all, the sea shark seal is lost, so if you can't find it, you don't want the Palace Master?Obviously, asking this question is just to make oneself no longer have the moral high ground.

"Bring it up."

This sea shark seal is so ingenious, it happens to be in my own hands.

When Senior Brother Lu saw the seal of the sea shark, he was stunned.Can this be found?This is too incredible, right?

"I really have the sea shark mark."

Ning Feng looked at him and said, if it wasn't for the sea shark seal, he wouldn't have anything to do with them.

He still doesn't understand what's going on.

"Really found it? We spent so much effort but failed to find it, and he found it? Isn't this too lucky?"

"It's not just luck, it's very lucky. I thought I couldn't get it back. Could it be destiny."

"Having this thing does not mean that you have qualifications. The most important thing is strength."

Although everyone expressed shock, it only meant that he was lucky, and it didn't mean that Ning Feng had enough strength to support their power.

Brother Lu's face was burning hot, and he was slapped in the face so easily.

"Any more requests?"

"To become the lord of the Sea Shark Palace, one must master the two skills that the lord of the Sea Shark Palace must know, "Ancient Huayu" and "Buddha Sutra"!" Senior Brother Lu looked at Ning Feng and said.

"If you want to become the Palace Master, you must defeat me in these two aspects."

He is very confident, and it is impossible for people around his age to beat him.I am the best talent in these two aspects of cultivation in Guhua Palace.

The corners of Ning Feng's mouth raised, it's you looking for death.

(End of this chapter)

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