Chapter 921 This Realm
Regarding this matter, it is obvious that Senior Brother Lu is very confident in his own strength.After all, he is the most powerful disciple of Sea Shark Palace in this area.

"Indeed, you must know the most iconic spiritual skill of the Sea Shark Palace. If our palace master doesn't know our own martial skills, it really doesn't make sense."

"It seems that Senior Brother Lu has already had an idea, and this time he has a good chance of winning."

"That's true. It's still difficult to win against him at this age."

Everyone expressed their satisfaction. They really didn't know what Ning Feng's current strength was.But in this regard, he still felt that Senior Brother Lu had a better chance of winning.

After all, there is no way for such a young person to win.

Those Tiankui generals didn't make a statement, but just looked at the two with a smile, obviously wanting to weigh the strength of their future palace master.

Because Ning Feng's strength directly determines their future power.If it is a powerful Palace Master, they will naturally follow obediently in the future.

However, the rise of the Sea Shark Palace naturally requires a powerful Palace Master to lead it, but they don't want the Palace Master to have too much power.

So they are also contradictory.

Under the contradictory heart, he did not make any reaction to this matter.In fact, it was a default. After all, Ning Feng's talent in refining medicine was already too strong. If he overwhelmed them in this aspect, he would really have less right to speak in the future.

Ning Feng smiled and took everyone's thoughts into his eyes, that's why he didn't come early, he had to be ready before he could come.

Only when they are ready can they be rendered speechless.

"Okay." Ning Feng agreed directly, looked at him and said, "Let's come here and attack each other, is that okay?"

Brother Lu didn't expect that Ning Feng would dare to agree. Isn't he afraid of death? "My mental strength is not weak. If you smash your sea of ​​consciousness, the consequences will be very serious."

"Don't worry, your strength can't hurt me." Ning Feng said lightly.

"It's really outrageous. He actually said that Senior Brother Lu couldn't hurt him? This is underestimating the power of a thousand pounds."

"Gu Huayu's power is enough to expand his mental power several times, he is courting death."

They looked at Ning Feng from below, and they felt that what Ning Feng said was arrogance.

"Okay, I won't hold back. If you die here, it's none of my business." Brother Lu said through gritted teeth.

Ning Feng said lightly: "It's my fault for not being good at learning, and it's no fault of you."

"Okay, your words are enough." Senior Brother Lu took three steps back, and then fixed his eyes on Ning Feng, "I won't keep my hands. The Sea Shark Palace cannot be handed over to ordinary people."

"I said you can't hurt me, just attack with all your strength." Ning Feng looked at him indifferently and said.

"Then accept the offer."

After Senior Brother Lu finished speaking, a spiritual force rushed towards Ning Feng directly.

It feels so familiar, a close call?
This kind of power seems to have reached a great achievement, and with a little effort, one can break through to the second level.Sure enough, he is indeed the most talented disciple.

But it's still a little too tender for me.

This spiritual force disappeared almost as soon as it rushed into Ning Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Huh? Disappeared?" Naturally, there are many people who practice this kind of kung fu in Sea Shark Palace, and they can feel the existence of this kind of power.

"What's going on? The attack is gone? He seems to be fine, is it invalid?"

Looking at Ning Feng's smiling face, everyone had basically concluded the result, but some still didn't believe that at such a young age, Ning Feng could have the strength to resist a thousand feathers.

"Your Buddhist scriptures have been practiced to the last level? Buddha clone?"

Brother Lu naturally felt the pressure brought by Ning Feng. After his mental power rushed in just now, he disappeared after an instant, and he could feel the suppression of the two forces.

"Buddha clone? What? His Buddhist scriptures have already reached the highest level? Isn't this too terrifying?"

"Improbable, even among the generals of Tiankui, no one has reached this level?"

"Isn't it because I feel wrong? He is only in his 20s? How strong can he be? It always feels impossible."

Everyone looked at Senior Brother Lu and couldn't believe that Ning Feng was so powerful.

Even the Tiankui generals looked at Ning Feng blankly, they didn't think that Ning Feng had such strength, this time it was really beyond their expectations.

After all, the realm of the Buddha clone is really not easy to achieve.

Now it is embarrassing to see a Buddha clone being practiced by a young man.

"Are you reading correctly?" Jia Sihuo directly stood up and asked Senior Brother Lu.This matter is simply too important. If Ning Feng has really reached this level, then his potential will be much greater.

"Sure, that's right." Senior Brother Lu said blankly. He thought that he was already quite a genius, but he didn't expect that this person who was about his age was so much better than him.

"It's up to you next." He gritted his teeth, looked at Ning Feng and said.

He didn't believe that Ning Feng's Gu Huayu could be stronger than himself, no matter how powerful he was, it was impossible for both of them to reach the highest level.

Ning Feng glanced at the crowd, then smiled slightly, and his powerful mental power burst out directly.

As soon as a strand of mental power left the sea of ​​consciousness, it immediately turned into thousands of feathered arrows and flew towards Senior Brother Lu.

This time, Senior Brother Lu didn't need to say anything, everyone at the scene could feel the mental pressure, and everyone's sea of ​​consciousness trembled unconsciously.

"This is all feathers flying together?" Feng Aiguo looked at Ning Feng in the field, and said blankly: "He can really reach this level, all feathers flying together!"

Everyone was basically shocked, this kind of power is really powerful, and everyone at the scene was convinced.

Senior brother Lu is in the middle, and he can feel the threat the most. Even if he can't resist with all his strength, he has cultivated Gu Huayu to the highest level.

This makes people a little scary.

He originally thought that he was going to die, this was an irresistible shock, it was too powerful.

But just when he felt that he was going to die, the mental power around him disappeared.

"I won't kill you." Ning Feng smiled, looked at him and said, "You are very good."

The mental attack can be retracted freely, what kind of terrifying level has this kind of mental power control reached?It's scary just thinking about it.

All the chief celestial generals just thought that he was a powerful pharmacist before, but they did not expect that the manipulation of spiritual power, the comprehension of Gu Huayu and the Buddhist scriptures had reached this level.

This palace lord seems to be very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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