Chapter 926 Kill him
This person is Feng Aiguo.

"Old Feng, you finally came, you almost killed me." Ning Feng wiped the sweat off his brow, if he came later, he would die.

With Ning Feng's help, Feng Aiguo had broken through to the Golden Core stage within seven days.

"It's a little far away for fear of being discovered." Feng Aiguo said sadly, "But luckily we arrived."

"It's not too late, it's not too late." Ning Feng looked at him and said, "I'll leave this old guy to you."

"Boy, it's time to invite help?" Huang Taiji looked at Feng Aiguo and said with some disdain. In fact, he was still a little nervous in his heart. He had seen a woman in the Golden Core stage before.

If the woman in the Golden Core stage also came, he would have no chance of winning at all.

Now he is not sure whether he will come or not.

"That's right, there's more than one master." Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said, "Do you think I can kill you?"

"Hmph, two people want to destroy my sword gate, it's just a dream." Huang Taiji looked at Ning Feng with disdain and said.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Who said I only brought two people?"

As soon as the voice fell, countless people rushed in.Then came an anti-encirclement directly, pointed the sword inside and said: "Master, everyone has arrived."

The door master looked at so many people in surprise, and glanced at the people around him.Then he looked at Ning Feng and said, "Boy, do you want to fight to the death?"

Ning Feng smiled and said to him: "It's not you who will die, I will destroy you. From now on, there will be no sword gate."

"Haha... boy, your tone is really big enough, are you going to destroy my Jianmen with these people?" Huang Taiji roared from above.

"Jianmen disciples are here, kill them!"


All the disciples roared directly.

Ning Feng also shouted: "Today is the day when the Sea Shark Palace rises, and these people are our stepping stones. Kill!"


The disciples of the Sea Shark Palace also shouted, they have been suppressed for a long time, and they are even more excited to have a chance to rise.

Besides, there was Jianmen in the Sea Shark Palace when it was destroyed. This can be regarded as a journey of revenge for everyone.

"Sea Shark Palace? It turned out to be Sea Shark Palace." Huang Taiji frowned and looked at the person in front of him, "It turned out to be people from Sea Shark Palace. It was a mistake not to chase you all down."

"Hahaha... It's as if you could decide at the beginning." Ning Feng looked at him and said with disdain.

Then he said to Feng Aiguo: "Leave this old guy to you, and this person to me."

Ning Feng smiled and pointed at the sect master.

"Palace Master, you should sit at the back." Feng Aiguo looked at Ning Feng nervously and said, "You may not be his opponent."

"Don't worry, this person doesn't need to be taken too seriously." Ning Feng stared at the sect master and said, even if he was seriously injured, he could contend with him.

There is a great chance of winning him now.

Ning Feng didn't send out all the Tiankui generals this time, only two of them.Feng Aiguo and Tian Kui of the Ministry of Finance will Jinshashi.

The power of Jinshashi is the peak of condensed spirit, this time he is mainly responsible for leading the disciples of the Sea Shark Palace.

He wants to hide his strength, because he will face the siege of Qimen next, and he can't show all his strength.The strength of the two great generals is enough to win against such a sect.

"Boy, you are too confident, see if I don't kill you."

The door master rushed directly towards Ning Feng.

Ning Feng took two steps back, and then slammed his palm at him.

The two faced each other directly.

The two people are extremely jealous when they meet now, they are almost ready to kill each other at any time.

So although this palm is a surprise attack, it is still full of power.


The two retreated with one blow, but this move was the torch that lit the powder keg.

The disciples of the following two factions basically attacked together quickly.

The two faced each other, Ning Feng faced the sect master, Feng Aiguo faced Huang Taiji, and the others also found their own suitable opponents.

In fact, the strength of the people below does not affect the battle situation at all. The number of disciples is about the same, and there is no way to tell the winner.

The ones who can really decide the outcome are Feng Aiguo and Ning Feng.

However, Feng Aiguo and Huang Taiji's strengths are similar, and there is no way for the two to decide the winner temporarily.

Ning Feng's side is the most likely to decide the winner, but the door owner's possibility of winning is even greater.The effect of a person in the Condensed Spirit Realm against a person in the Distracted Realm is naturally very clear to everyone.

"Boy, you are looking for death. You dared to expose the Sea Shark Palace. Don't you know that the Seven Sects want him to die?" The head of the sect said proudly.

"With your current strength, there is no way to win against the Seven Great Factions."

Ning Feng smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "What you can think of, can't I think of it?"

"Hmph, so what if you think about it? The moment you let them appear, it already means that they are going to die." The door master said proudly: "You sent them to death yourself."

Ning Feng waved his hand and said: "You think too much, you are the first step in the rise of Sea Shark Palace, but it will not be the last step."

"Haha... I laughed so hard. Originally, I was worried about how to get back the reputation of Jianmen this time. You can just be a testing stone for us."

The sect master is very proud of Ning Feng's arrival, not only can he take revenge, but also restore the reputation of Jianmen.

He knew that after Ning Feng's incident, Jianmen would definitely be watched by all sects.A sect with background but no high-strength people is simply a piece of fat.

And it still has golden fat.

If you don't kill him, who will you kill?However, because of the appearance of the Supreme Elder and the name of the Eight Gates, he temporarily avoided the limelight. According to his thinking, the major sects will fight after the Eight Gates Competition.

But this time, because of the Sea Shark Palace's attack, they just gave them a chance.Not only can they establish their names again, but they can also get the support of the upper four sects.

With the support of Shangsimen, they are very hopeful that they can persevere.In the end, they will definitely rise again. Ning Feng's attack this time is equivalent to giving them ten years of peace.

Ten years is enough to train a group of disciples.

So he looked at Ning Feng as if he was looking at a piece of fat, and he dared to cause trouble for him with such a little strength.

If Ning Feng ordered Sea Shark Palace to go all out to attack this place, although it would be very easy to win.But it will make the eight sects and the upper four sects attach great importance.

At that time, the strength to attack oneself must be doubled.

He just wants to hide his strength, let his own strength lurk, and when the attack comes, he will defeat them in one fell swoop.Then push it across, completely erecting the flag of Sea Shark Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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