Chapter 927
Let the eight gates have no counterattack power, and don't let the upper four gates have a chance to intervene.

Secondly, he had to fight Ning Feng in person. If he directly defeated the opponent's sect master, his prestige would be very high.

After all, it is very important to establish one's own prestige in order to fully grasp this power.

Otherwise, the prestige of the general cannot be higher than himself.

"If you want reputation, you can get it yourself." Ning Feng said, and then the sword in his hand was exposed, "Who can win depends on your level."

The sect master also took out a sword, stared at Ning Feng and said, "I will let you die here today."

"Go to hell!"

This time Ning Feng took the initiative to attack, and the sword in his hand stabbed towards the opponent like a spirit snake.

At this time, the sect master also rushed towards Ning Feng with a smile, and his sword came in an unbelievable way.But this was a close plan, Ning Feng's sword collided with his sword violently.

"Ding ding ding ding ding!"

The two swords tossed and turned, moving and wandering between square inches, attacking each other one after another in an instant.

In an instant.

Ning Feng stood with his sword down, looking at the opponent in front of him.

With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he said to him: "The strength of the sect master is nothing more than this."

The master of the sect held his sword across his chest, looked at Ning Feng, and said calmly: "Okay, okay...boy, I have underestimated you a bit, so you can see how powerful Lingfeng Qianjian is."

Ning Feng also shook his neck, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, so let's just decide the winner."

The sword in the door master's hand was thrown out, and it transformed into thousands of sword shadows in an instant. These sword shadows formed an impenetrable wall.

Every sword appears and disappears, and I always feel that there are sword shadows everywhere, but I don't know where there is a sword.

His Lingfeng Qianjian is indeed much stronger than Lu Fengyu's Lingfeng Sword before, and all of his moves are substantive.Unlike Lu Fengyu who can only passively defend.

This kind of sword technique of his can attack, and the true power of this sword is the combination of offense and defense.

"The sect mainly uses the Lingfeng Qianjian. This move is used directly. It seems that they intend to kill the opponent directly. The Lingfeng Qianjian is the most powerful move of our Jianmen."

"This kind of Lingfeng Qianjian is more than a little bit stronger than the original Lingfeng Sword. The Lingfeng Qianjian seems to be real everywhere, and it seems fake everywhere. It is said that the Lingfeng Qianjian is a thousand times stronger than the Lingfeng Sword."

"This kid will definitely die under the Lingfeng Qianjian. The power of the Lingfeng Qianjian is not something ordinary people can bear."

The people of Jianmen said proudly after seeing the door master showing his power.

"Fuck your sister, our palace lord is the most powerful. Killing your elders and your elite disciples back then, is it so that you don't have a bullshit, are you still a bullshit?"

"Don't look at our palace master as just a distraction, there is no pressure to beat your sect master."

"What kind of bird sword, it's a mess in front of our palace lord, it's not enough to watch at all. Brothers, beat these guys and cheer for the palace lord."

The people in Sea Shark Palace were naturally unconvinced.

The people in Jianmen were naturally not convinced, and the people on both sides started to do it directly.

Ning Feng naturally wouldn't stand still. Although Lingfeng Qianjian is a good martial skill, but in Ning Feng's eyesight, this kind of thing is still a bit too simple.

As long as you have a powerful martial skill, you can break through it directly.

Ning Feng's sword light flickered, and the light was powerful, as if a ray of divine light descended from the sky.The light flickered directly, and that kind of light seemed to have a sacred attribute.

When this trick appeared, everyone in Sea Shark Palace went crazy with excitement.

This move is another ultimate move of Sea Shark Palace, the strongest move of Luoshu God's Light Sword, Shenguang Tiancheng!

Needless to say the power, no one is very clear about the true power of this move.People who only knew that they had fought against this move were basically all dead.

"Shenguang Tiancheng? The palace master is really exciting, he can still do this kind of trick, it's amazing!"

"The current Tiankui generals don't have a complete grasp of this move. He is simply a genius. He has already learned the three special skills of the Sea Shark Palace at this time, and he is only distracted."

"If this takes time, our rise is certain."

When the people in Sea Shark Palace saw this move, they almost went crazy, which was equivalent to giving them a shot in the arm.

Feeling the changes here, Feng Aiguo forced Huang Taiji back with one move, and looked at Ning Feng in surprise.

No wonder he dared to do this, it turned out that he had such strength, no wonder he was so unscrupulous.Thinking about the trump cards on his body, Ning Feng, who was originally unlikely to win, actually has a great chance of winning.

This kid is really powerful.

His eyes stopped on Ning Feng for a while, this is simply a perfect example, they have practiced this trick for many years but have not learned it.

It should not be too surprising that Ning Feng has learned it at such a young age.

In fact, Ning Feng was not because of how awesome he was, but because the ball of golden liquid he got back then was simply too powerful.The golden liquid gave him a very clear analysis of martial arts every time.

So basically, he shouldn't comprehend martial arts too quickly.

Sensing the might of Ning Feng, the head of the sect was also taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect such an opponent to have such strength.

"It seems that you can't keep your hands." He paused.Then with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Ning Feng lightly and said, "You must die!"

"The cage of ten thousand swords!"

After he finished speaking, countless sword shadows directly formed a huge ball, enveloping Ning Feng in it.The sword shadow whirled, and the cold air was overwhelming.

"Surprisingly trapped by the Ten Thousand Swords Cage, it is simply impossible to escape. No one has ever escaped from the Ten Thousand Swords Cage, let alone a small distracted person."

"The next thing is to strangle him with ten thousand swords, directly smashing his corpse into ten thousand pieces, so what if he has amazing martial arts skills?"

"This is the difference between the Lingfeng Qianjian and the Lingfeng Sword. The Lingfeng Sword has less changes and power, and is basically a low-end version. Now is the real power of this move."

Seeing Ning Feng being surrounded, the Jianmen disciples danced excitedly, almost jumping for joy.Because once Ning Feng loses, they will reverse the victory.

"Put your mother's shit on, you have never seen the power of Shenguang Tiancheng, which is enough to smash your shit cage into scum."

"That's right, our palace lord hasn't shown his power yet. Do you understand the latecomers? You are an idiot without education."

"Talk nonsense to them, beat them."

The two factions are fighting each other, and now they are waiting for the results of the two of them. Whoever wins will win this struggle.

But now the sect master seems to be in an attacking position, and seems to have some advantages.

(End of this chapter)

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