Chapter 928
But Feng Aiguo and the others were not in a hurry. If Ning Feng really practiced into a divine light, this cage would not be able to trap him at all.


The door master looked at the cage in front of him proudly, and said proudly.

Thousands of sword shadows directly charged at Ning Feng, as if they wanted to kill him directly.

Everyone at the scene temporarily stopped their actions. The situation here is really too big, and this is where the victory is decided.As long as the winner is decided here, no matter what kind of results they have, it will not determine the overall situation.

So everyone is looking at the situation here, and the situation here is where the final decision is made.

The sect master came this time with the confidence to win, and only he knew the power of his sword.If Ning Feng wanted to escape, he had to break out of his own cage.

This cage is not so easy to break.

This point is the same as the effect of the Lingfeng Sword. As long as he attacks anywhere, there will be countless resistance there.

It is difficult to break through any martial arts.

It is any martial art.

This is the horror of this move, unless he can keep all the sword shadows still, but this is basically impossible.

If you can't break your own cage, you can only wait for death.

Feng Aiguo is very confident in Ning Feng. In his opinion, Ning Feng's cards are countless. He should not be a reckless person. As long as he dares to do this, he must have his reasons.

"This time, he will definitely be able to strangle him completely. Don't even think about escaping from the cage. Even people in the golden core stage have to weigh the power of this cage, right?"

"Do you know why Lingfeng Qianjian is not a particularly powerful weapon, but why is it considered the most powerful move?"

"It's because his control is so powerful. As long as people enter this cage, they will never escape. As long as they cannot escape, they will die sooner or later."

Everyone watched proudly that Ning Feng was about to be strangled inside.

But Ning Feng didn't seem to have any reaction inside, but there would be streaks of light from time to time, and these lights would shoot out through the cage from time to time.

Watching thousands of swords stabbing into the cage.

But just when they thought they were going to succeed in strangling, countless cold air suddenly emerged from inside.These chills are like a plague that spreads randomly, almost from the inside out.

Slowly, the cage outlined by the shadow of a sword turned into a hockey puck.

Those strangled swords all smashed towards the ice puck.

How could these ice pucks be able to block the attack of these sword qi? It took almost a while to make this ice puck riddled with holes.These sword intents went directly towards the inside, as if they were about to smash this place.

"Hmph, what kind of effect can a hockey puck have? He smashes these things to pieces in minutes."

"That's right, I can still think of using these messy things. Is the sword's attack so weak?"

"Don't even think about ending like this. These sword attacks are quite powerful, and anything ten times harder will be turned into scum for him."

The people in Jianmen looked very satisfied with Jianyi's attack, but Ning Feng's counterattack was so weak.

"Oops." Just when the goalkeeper was about to give the ice puck the final blow, he realized that something was wrong. This guy had a conspiracy.

Immediately put away his sword intent.

But it was too late, of course Ning Feng would not give him this chance, he was just waiting for now.

Suddenly the entire ice puck exploded, and then a ray of light directly shot out from inside, and then shot directly at the gatekeeper with one move.

This move was quite quick, and it happened the moment he closed it.

The speed of that divine light is also quite fast, and its power is even greater, everything in front of it is directly destroyed.Those remaining sword intents disappeared directly.

It is impossible to have a back and forth in the hands of Shenguang.

After the light dissipated, the situation in front of them shocked everyone.There was a sword stuck in the door owner's chest, and the hilt was in Ning Feng's hand.

The door master's eyes were all dull, obviously he was a little confused about what was happening in front of him.Everything happened so suddenly.

The door master is dead!

"Haha... the master of Jianmen is dead, the master of Jianmen is dead..."

The disciples of the Sea Shark Palace shouted excitedly, the news spread rapidly.All the disciples of Jianmen have their eyes fixed on the elder Taishang, who is now the pillar of Jianmen.

But now his situation is not very good. After finding out that the sect master was dead, Feng Aiguo directly attacked him.And another Jinshashi also directly participated in it.

The current situation is basically two against one, Huang Taiji has always been at a disadvantage, and it is impossible to turn defeat into victory.

"The descendants do not kill!"

Ning Feng yelled directly to the people below.

The disciples of Jianmen looked at the situation and it didn't make much sense. Their own sect masters were all killed, and the elder Taishang was quick to see it. It is estimated that the defeat is only a matter of time.

Surrounded by disciples of the Sea Shark Palace who are still staring at him, it doesn't make much sense, it's better to surrender directly.

All of them threw down their weapons.

At this time, Senior Brother Lu stood beside Ning Feng, his body was covered in blood.But the eyes looking at Ning Feng are very excited. Today's behavior is an important step for them.

But he looked at Ning Feng who seemed to be very weak, supported him without any trace, and said, "Palace Master, are you alright?"

"I have something to do." Ning Feng said directly: "The move just now exhausted my physical strength, find me a stool and come here."

Although he was talking to Senior Brother Lu, his eyes never left Huang Taiji.Now he is going to want Yinren again, this guy can't let him run away.

A master at the Golden Core realm is quite a threat in the next attack.And it also gave the seven sects a moral high point.

If the seven sects came to deal with Ning Feng by themselves, none of them would be clean, and they would all be trying to divide up profits.

But if there are Supreme Elders, it will be different, and they will be justified.Without the Supreme Elder, what does our Miejianmen have to do with you? With the Supreme Elder, they will be invited to kill the harm.

There are too many ways here.

With Huang Taiji's strength, although he may not win, he will definitely be able to run.Ning Feng wanted to respond to him now, if all the masters of Jianmen were killed by him.

Then his position as the lord of the Sea Shark Palace is considered unshakable, even if people from other palaces join him, there is no way to shake it.

(End of this chapter)

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