Chapter 929
This Sea Shark Palace is still based on Guhua Palace, and there will definitely be other nine palaces to join in in the future.If the task of killing the big boss falls into the hands of others.

In this way, people will gossip and think that their level is not good.If they have some dissatisfaction, they should elect Feng Aiguo and other people who killed Huang Taiji as leaders.

It's really quite convincing.

Although Feng Aiguo might not be that kind of person, he had to guard against it. Now that he was in this position, he had to consider for himself and the sect.

He has reached this position, if he fails, it is not stepping down.Most likely dead.

Although I think a little too much, I don't understand those who will join in the future, so I still have to take necessary precautions.

The sect master had already been murdered by him before, and the Supreme Elder also had to die by his own hands.

The door master's cage is really powerful, almost impenetrable from the inside, even if he has frozen the cage, there is no way to freeze the sword energy inside.

Those sword qi can still prevent the force from rushing out.

But fortunately, the sect master thought that he wanted to prevent him from being strangled, so he used this trick.In the end, he used his own sword intent to break his own cage.

This is also the trouble Ning Feng deliberately created for him.

In fact, if Ning Feng attacks with all his strength, he will definitely be able to break through this cage. After all, even he is afraid of the power of Shenguang Tiancheng.

The power in his body was quickly emptied, so he could only use the evil spirit talisman and the ice talisman to lure him to attack his own cage.

If he attacked the cage with strength, he would definitely be beaten into a fool when he got out.

Fortunately, the sect master didn't think of this at the time, and wanted to kill himself, so he pierced his cage from the outside.

With the explosion of the ice puck, the sword energy dissipated.Although it didn't disappear, it was enough for him to escape from inside.

He wanted to reintegrate those sword qi, and he couldn't keep up.

Borrowing the power and speed of Shenguang Tiancheng, he was able to kill the sect master with one move.To fight a fight, not only must you have strength, but you must also use your brains, which is really troublesome.

This time he just wanted to bully Huang Taiji.

Although the iconic character is now dead in his own hands, it is not so perfect after all.Now make yourself a bait, I don't know if I can lure him into the bait.

Ning Feng is really tired now, he really drained all his strength just now, it is still a bit difficult to use Shenguang Tiancheng, maybe it will be a little better to reach the state of condensing spirit.

He slumped directly on the chair, and then looked down to clean up the battlefield.Thinking about it from time to time, Huang Taiji was besieged by two people.

Huang Taiji is obviously not the opponent of the two, and the speed of the increase of the scars on his body is obviously much faster.

Facing the siege of people at the peak of Jindan and Ningling, it is too difficult to win.

He was already ready to retreat, as long as he escaped, he could find rescuers to deal with him.But walking in this way felt a little embarrassed, it was simply gloomy.

I have to do something to leave, right?
He glanced at Ning Feng who was resting, watching him kill the sect master just now, he must have exhausted a lot of energy.Now basically even if the goods are slaughtered.

He decided to kill someone before leaving. This person is obviously Ning Feng with the best status, at least he can save some face, otherwise, as a person in the Golden Core realm, he will be beaten and leave in a disgruntled manner. !

During the fight with Feng Aiguo, he gradually approached Ning Feng, ready to kill him with a blow at any time.

"Eat my palm!"

He slammed his palm towards Feng Aiguo, but Feng Aiguo didn't dare to underestimate him at all, he slammed towards him with a huge force with both palms.Feng Aiguo also found that it was a bit difficult for him to fight against him, after all, he had just entered the golden core stage.

The gap is still quite large, but fortunately with the help of Jinshashi, I barely have the upper hand, but it is still very difficult to kill him.

So this palm didn't lower his strength at all, basically he rushed out with all his strength.

But after this palm went out, it felt a little different. The opponent seemed to be about to pull back, but with just a light tap, he fled towards the distance.

He froze for a moment, not knowing what the other party wanted to do, but after seeing Ning Feng in the distance, he suddenly understood why the other party wanted to do this.

"Be careful!" This guy is going to kill Ning Feng, and then run away!Why is Ning Feng in that place, a place where he can easily escape and be attacked.

Ning Feng is not this kind of person.

He didn't care about these now, and chased after the other party.

Jin Shashi was dumbfounded when he saw the other party's intentions, all of this was according to Ning Feng's plan.Relying on his identity and prestige, if he died, they would be left here.

I don't know how to do it at all.

He only knew that Ning Feng couldn't die, so he rushed towards Ning Feng with all his might.

"Palace Master, run!"

Huang Taiji was very satisfied with his decision. This guy really played a big role in their minds. Killing him was definitely the right choice.

This place is also good, it happens to be the route of his escape.

If Ning Feng sat a little farther away, he would not have done this.After all, if you kill him, it doesn't make any sense if you can't run away.

Now it's interesting.

Just enough to complete his own attack.

Ning Feng was also feeling secretly refreshed, if you didn't sit in such a place where you could easily get it, would you come over?Did you come here thinking you could succeed?
Do you really think the young master has lost his mind?What is the reason why the state of distraction can defeat the state of congealing spirit?It's not strength, it's IQ!



"save him!"

These three voices were from Huang Taiji, Feng Aiguo, and Jin Shashi. One was for killing, and the other two were for saving.

But obviously, they couldn't catch up, and there was nothing they could do to save them.

Huang Taiji was very excited, and it was okay to kill him.

As long as he can kill him, even if he wins, he will always have a chance to make a comeback.Those disciples will definitely be in chaos, maybe they can fight back.

One's own status can be truly determined.

He thought very well, but he didn't see fear or fear on Ning Feng's face, but a smile that succeeded in trickery.

In his mind, he suddenly thought of the scene where he had been bullied by Ning Feng twice before, and felt something was wrong for a while.

This guy shouldn't be such a reckless person.

"No!" He subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and wanted to escape Ning Feng.

"Hehehe... want to run? There's no way." Ning Feng raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, "Did you realize your mistake? It's too late!"

(End of this chapter)

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