Chapter 930 Killed

The sea of ​​consciousness in Ning Feng's mind gushed out, turning into a rain of thousands of needles and rushing towards the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Thousands of Feathers!"

The spiritual power directly turned into countless arrow feathers, and rushed towards his sea of ​​consciousness.

This time, his mental power is pouring out, and he is carrying the most powerful mental skills. If he doesn't hit his sea of ​​consciousness seriously, he will be sorry for this kind of move.

Huang Taiji never thought that he still had such a strong spiritual power, he only knew that his spiritual power was exhausted.

If you rushed over so directly, you couldn't even run if you wanted to.

As soon as the mental power came out, it immediately gave people a huge pressure.Even people at the Golden Core Stage can feel this coercion, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness trembles unconsciously.

After Senior Brother Lu felt this power, he couldn't help but feel a kind of fear.I didn't expect Ning Feng's move to be so powerful. When he frightened himself, he obviously hid his strength.

Feng Aiguo stayed on the sidelines, he didn't expect that Ning Feng could burst out with such a strong mental power under his full strength.His sea of ​​consciousness trembled a little, if it rushed towards him, he would be crippled even if he didn't die.


Huang Taiji was obviously aware of this, and ran back desperately.But how can his speed catch up, it was originally rushing towards him.


The mental power continuously bombarded Huang Taiji's sea of ​​consciousness. Huang Taiji who was attacked was obviously unwilling to suffer death, and rushed towards Ning Feng with his teeth gritted.

"Let's perish together!"

He gritted his teeth and killed Ning Feng.

At this time, his seven orifices had already begun to bleed, and his sea of ​​consciousness was also greatly disturbed.But he still gritted his teeth and charged towards Ning Feng.

He knew that if he killed Ning Feng, he would definitely not be able to escape.But he couldn't bear this breath, and he must kill him to relieve it.

You have to go even if you risk your life.

"I'm not going to die with you!" Ning Feng smiled, and then looked at the man with a grin.

At this time, he suddenly left his chair and killed Huang Taiji.

His action made everyone stupid, didn't he already slumped on the chair?Where can there be such strength?Is he hiding it?
"He has consumed all his strength, how can he still be violent? How can he have such strength? Is he deliberately hiding his strength?"

"No, the move just now has really consumed all his strength, and it's unbelievable to have strength now."

"You can see that his strength is vain and unstable. It seems that he used pills to forcibly improve his strength. By the way, didn't he use pills to forcibly raise his strength to the middle stage of condensing spirit?"

"That's right, it's also promoted to the middle stage of Congealing Spirit. Does he still have that kind of elixir? I've seen it before, and his elixir is really terrifying."

Everyone looked at Ning Feng in disbelief, thinking that he was simply amazing.After the disciples of Jianmen saw this move, they were completely disappointed, and their only chance to turn defeat into victory was gone.

But the disciples of the Sea Shark Palace were full of joy, the Palace Master was playing tricks just to kill him!It's just too powerful.

"The palace lord is awesome, kill him and let him continue to be arrogant, long live the palace lord."

"He even hid his strength, just to blow him up. The state of distraction has stunned everyone in Jianmen. The high-level people died at the hands of our palace master. It seems that this sect is like that."

"Hahaha... beat him until he can't find his teeth. Let you see, let you see what strength is."

Ning Feng flew straight up and smashed towards Huang Taiji.

He is now in the middle stage of Condensing Spirit Realm, and Huang Taiji has been seriously injured now, and his sea of ​​consciousness is basically seriously injured now.

I was afraid that he would run away before, but now he is flying towards me, I am looking for death.

"You're not hurt!" Huang Taiji said excitedly, he didn't expect that he would have such a trick?The damn sect master didn't even tell himself this trick before.

If I had been prepared for a long time, I wouldn't have fallen to this point now.

Despair hit his face, and he understood now.This guy is a sinister person, just to attract himself, if he had decided to run away at the beginning.

They can't catch up at all.

Ning Feng is an asshole.


"You know now?" Ning Feng said with a smile, but the attack was not easy at all, he directly raised the saber and Shen Guang Tiancheng used it together.

To deal with this kind of Jindan stage person, one cannot be too weak at all.Every move must be regarded as a decisive battle, or the final result will be very miserable.


Consciousness Sea was seriously injured, it was his last gasp to support himself.He couldn't beat the current Ning Feng at all. He wanted to resist but found that his resistance was so weak.

With one sword strike, he was directly pierced through.

My own generation of Jindan masters fell into the hands of a little guy, he was only distracted, why so many cards?

He couldn't understand.

Ning Feng only relaxed after watching him die.As soon as he relaxed, his whole body seemed to be emptied. It really took a lot of effort to kill him this time.

But he didn't fall down, he braced his body and shouted at the disciples of the Sea Shark Palace below: "The rise of the Sea Shark Palace has begun! Everyone has a reward!"

"Long live the Palace Master!"

"Long live the Palace Master!"

"Long live the Palace Master!"

Ning Feng supported Feng Aiguo, his legs were weak now, the exhaustion was too great.It won't be all right without a week, and the consumption this time is really too great.

But anyway, all the masters of Jianmen died in his own hands, so this position can be regarded as secure.And his own name can be regarded as being known, but his reputation may not be very good, and he may become a big devil or something.

What he faced next was an even more tragic struggle, and the seven sects would definitely not let him go.

I still have to prepare some things.

He doesn't need to deal with it in the later stage here, those Tiankui generals and Dikui will clean up this place.The only thing I have to do now is to rest quickly and recover quickly.

It is estimated that after three to five days, someone will start to make their minds.

In the past few days, Sea Shark Palace has begun to take over the various defenses and strongholds of Jianmen. As the first step in the rise of Sea Shark Palace, everyone is quite motivated.

Just when the place was cleaned up, Ning Feng welcomed his first guest, which was also the first step he had invited to help him.

If you want to defeat the opposition of the Seven Gates, you must rely on him.

But this visitor didn't seem to be very face-saving, and rushed towards Ning Feng with the soles of his shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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