Chapter 932 Reward
Ning Feng glanced at the contents of the interspatial ring, and was immediately surprised that such an advanced interspatial ring was completely full.

These things are enough to equip all the existing sea shark palaces. It seems that Qiu Kui has indeed exerted his strength.

He really took his request as his own business.

"Thank you Master, that's enough."

"Okay, don't be so stupid, you must remember to practice in the future, don't waste such a good talent on me." Qiu Kui told Ning Feng.

Ning Feng naturally obediently agreed.

"It's a bit big what you're doing now. If a sect disappears like this, everyone will probably not let it go." Qiu Kui looked at Ning Feng worriedly and said.

"Can you handle it?"

"Don't worry." Ning Feng said with a smile: "The alliance of the seven sects is not an easy matter. Seeing that none of them has a messenger, they are probably still struggling with who will take the lead and how to distribute the benefits?
When they thought about it, the day lily was cold. "

Before, he thought that the seven sects would respond immediately, but his physical condition didn't seem very optimistic.But after three or four days, there was no movement from the seven sects.

Leng is to let his own strength all get better.

After all, the division of interests among the seven sects is quite a troublesome matter, and no one wants to take less.And how many people from each school, and how much money?After success, how should people who are not close to Jianmen's sphere of influence divide their interests.

It's all a pretty contentious topic.

Generally, there is no way to end a quarrel without months.But Ning Feng suspected that someone from the upper four gates would come to order.At that time, they will not care about their interests, and they will be able to kill them directly.

However, when you get news from the four gates, it will take a week. When you send someone, you must make yourself quite well prepared.

"I know you have your own thoughts. Anyway, if you can't win, go to me. As long as you are within my range, I will be able to protect you." Qiu Kui sighed: "I can't come forward directly. Help, if you need anything, you can tell me."

Ning Feng knew that they could not get involved in this struggle at will, because this was their rule.Refiners cannot participate in the struggle between sects, otherwise they will not only bring disaster to themselves.

Moreover, it is also a challenge to the neutral status of the refiner, so the leader of this pure refiner sect cannot be directly named.

But it is okay to help quietly from the bottom, after all, their private help is quite powerful.

"Master, your help has been great, and this is enough. Anyway, everything is in my calculation." Ning Feng said with a smile: "The seven sects seem to be quite powerful, but they want to It is impossible to twist into a single rope."

"There are so many of them united, I don't think it's as effective as a sect." Ning Feng said with a smile, he has this confidence, the Black Tiger Sect is not a good thing in the first place, and has a hostile relationship with many sects.

And there are several sects that are friendly with themselves.

Luoshui Island and Lingfuzong have some friendship with him, but they are also at odds with Heihumen.So after all, the ones who can fight with him to death are the forces that are not around.

Even if those forces win, they won't get much benefit. After all, they can't want an enclave.That's what people eat on the plate!

Therefore, they will definitely not make great efforts, especially since they don't have a slogan of righteous speech.People's hearts will not be united, even if there are people from the upper four sects to command, the disciples of each sect will not use their full strength.

This is the benefit of killing the Supreme Elder.

"It's good that you know it in your heart, anyway, Master can protect you." Qiu Kui said: "Forget it, you are busy, I have to go back."

"Master, walk slowly."

Ning Feng can't keep him, it's not appropriate for him to stay here.

After seeing off Qiu Kui and the others, Ning Feng sat in the head seat in high spirits, and then said to everyone: "Next, I will reward the whole palace, and each disciple will have a spiritual weapon!"

"Palace Master?" Jia Shuo stood up and looked at Ning Feng and said, "Although we checked the Jianmen's treasury, we didn't have so many spirit weapons. Even the bosses couldn't get a spirit weapon. of."

Ever since Ning Feng killed so many people at once that day, he has been very satisfied.No one thought that he could kill Jindan Qi by himself, even though it was Jindan who was seriously injured, it was still Jindan.

The most important thing is his scheming, which directly deceived so many people.Almost relying on his own strength, he stunned all the senior leaders of Jianmen.

"I have my own way. You all come to me later to get it. You can't claim it falsely. Every disciple must have one. Small bosses and the like can distribute a middle-grade spiritual weapon. You hand over your number book Come up, and I'll send it to you."

Ning Feng said: "However, no one can give me a false claim. If someone is found to be falsely claiming it, the punishment will be increased. At the critical moment of the survival of the Sea Shark Palace, no one can put their own interests above the interests of the Sea Shark Palace."


The following Tiankui will naturally know Ning Feng's method, so he hastened to say yes.

Although they don't know where Ning Feng got so many spiritual weapons, they still believe that he can do it.After all, there is a master who is a craftsman, so nothing is possible.

Now that he has equipped all the power of the Sea Shark Palace, the power of the Sea Shark Palace has been upgraded by at least one level.I dare not say anything else, the Sea Shark Palace must be the most wealthy sect now.

Randomly draw a disciple with a spiritual weapon, after taking the spiritual weapon, the combat power will increase by at least one level.

"Mr. Jin, please stay for a while." Ning Feng asked Jin Shashi to stay for a while.

"Palace Master, you are looking for me."

He looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng nodded, and said to him: "I want you to go to the Jiang family, our current strength, I calculated, it should be enough.

I hope you can convince them once. "

"Oh? I know Lao Jiang. I don't know what plan you have?" Jin Shashi looked at Ning Feng and said, he can always give himself some surprises, so now he still listens to Ning Feng's words.

The last move to kill Huang Taiji shocked him too much.

"I have a plan, and I hope you can implement it." Ning Feng and Jin Shashi plotted in the room for a long time, and finally left very solemnly.

When he came out, there was a space ring on Jin Shashi's finger.

After he came out, he walked directly towards Jiang's house without saying hello to anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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