Chapter 933 Shen Zhitao Is Here

Just when Ning Feng was about to do something special, an old friend arrived.

Apparently his recent actions have been seen by many people.

"Peach?" Ning Feng looked at the graceful woman in front of him in surprise. You don't need to look at this woman, as long as you get close, you can feel the mature and charming smell.

I haven't seen her for a few days, and she is even more beautiful.The skin is fairer and the figure is more perfect.It looks as if the whole body is boneless, very tempting.

This person is Shen Zhitao, she is the favorite disciple of the owner of Luoshui Island, she must not come here just to see herself.

Shen Zhitao lifted the hat off his head, and said to him, "Long time no see."

After taking off the hat, he saw a beautiful and familiar face.

"Why are you here?" Ning Feng hurriedly invited Shen Zhitao into his room.Her identity must be kept secret, she is now having an affair with a hostile force.

It is irresponsible to her.

"No one saw you?" Ning Feng said after closing the door.

"If no one can recognize me without seeing my face like you, then no one will." Shen Zhitao was obviously very happy, after all Ning Feng recognized himself without seeing him , I am still very happy.

"Why are you here now?" He asked her to sit down.

She glanced at Ning Feng angrily, and then said to him: "Do you want me to come?" After speaking, she blinked at her.

"Don't wink at this time." Ning Feng said to him: "It's not that you don't know what's going on now. If you are discovered, you won't be scolded to death?"

Shen Zhitao smiled, and said to him: "Are you concerned about me?"

"When is it, are you kidding me?" Ning Feng asked her.

"You cared about me and didn't go to see me, you are heartless. You proposed to me before." She smiled and took Ning Feng's hand.

"I can watch it anytime I want. Now this point is not suitable. How many eyes are staring at this place? You are already in a hostile force, aren't you embarrassing?" Ning Feng said.

Shen Zhitao said: "It's okay, I disguised myself pretty well before, no one noticed at all."

"It's possible to fight at any time, aren't you courting death?"

"It's okay, I'm here to explain the situation to you." Shen Zhitao said solemnly to him, "You've made quite a commotion this time."

"I know." Ning Feng nodded and said, "And I also know that the seven sects probably want to attack me, right?"

"You still have self-knowledge." Shen Zhitao folded his legs together, looked at Ning Feng and said, "It seems that you are well prepared this time."

"I have to do this even if I'm not prepared. It's not my attitude not to fight back after being beaten up." Ning Feng said.

"Back then, one person overthrew Jianmen, and one person wiped out the entire high-level of Jianmen, it is really powerful." Shen Zhitao's eyes were full of admiration, "I saw that you are not an ordinary person, Now it really is."

"Are you just here to praise me?" Ning Feng squinted at him and said, "If that's the case, forget it. I really know my strengths too well."

"Zi Lian." Shen Zhitao said: "Of course I didn't come to praise you. I really want to know about the situation of the Seven Schools."

"Even if you don't tell me, I probably know what's going on." Ning Feng said with a smile: "Now they are arguing, and they are constantly involved in their own interests, and now they can't come up with any serious ideas."


"Also, haven't your island owners been dragging along?" Ning Feng looked at her and said, "You have a smug smile on your face now, I must have guessed it right."

"You really are amazing."

"Your island owner has done a very correct thing now." Ning Feng raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. If the island owner stood on the opposite side of him at this time, he would definitely make him regret it.

But they are very satisfied with their current appearance.

"The owner of the island can't be separated from the seven sects, but we can release water appropriately during the operation. If you break through, you can leave from us."

Shen Zhitao finally revealed the purpose of coming this time.

Ning Feng smiled, will he break through?Obviously it is impossible, and he has the confidence to dare to fight.

"Thank the island owner for me, I understand what he means." Ning Feng said with a smile: "Since the island owner is so powerful, I also give you an opinion. It is best to bring out all the elites this time."

"Huh?" Shen Zhitao looked at him puzzled and said, "What do you mean?"

"Because doing so will not only show your sincerity, but I will give you a good reason to withdraw afterward." Ning Feng said with a smile.

"Huh?" She was even more puzzled, what did Ning Feng mean by this?Has he already made all kinds of preparations?

"Just follow my instructions, let me tell you quietly, our strength is much stronger than your seven sects combined."

Ning Feng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

They are all in the sect, even ordinary disciples can get a spiritual weapon.

There are even seven Tiankui Generals, and two of them are at the Golden Core stage.Since the seven sects have given him such a long time, of course they will use all the pills.

Maybe by the time they negotiated, there would be more than two Golden Core Stages.There are so many of them who are all at the doorstep, and they may break through to the golden core stage at any time.

Although I don't have the five-color golden pill anymore, the panacea is still very easy to make.After all, he snatched a lot of materials from that old man.

A few panaceas, if lucky, can make everyone break through to the golden elixir stage.

As for Dikui, there will be more!
But now he doesn't have enough strength to improve the strength of the chief general, and now the strength of the high-level is compared.Only these people are the most decisive place to win.

Now according to the strength of the seven sects, they will send at most three or four Jindan Stage people.The masters of the golden core stage will not be easily dispatched.

In this way, it is not certain who wins and who loses.It would be better if they sent people from the Jindan stage.The role of his own dark chess is even greater.

"Your disciples are indeed very good, but now the competition is all high-level strength. You are only a master of the Golden Core stage and a master of the Condensation Realm, and you are only three people, how can you beat it?"

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth smiled slightly, this was just the misty smoke he let out.

It was intentional to make them think so. If they lined up according to this method, what awaited them would definitely be a major failure.

"At that time, your people will move slowly, and I will try not to hurt your people. But you can't hurt our heat."

Ning Feng looked at her seriously and said.

(End of this chapter)

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