Chapter 700 Time sees the years, and the storm is fixed!
The Time Curse forced Qin Changfeng to cast the bloodstain repeatedly without end.

However, only one blood curse of Shura's holy seal can exist at the same time. Existence is existence, and it will not be transferred by will or erased by time. Therefore, even if Qin Changfeng returns to the short past, the blood curse that has been cast on his body is still there. He exists.

Moreover, the blood seal is the only one in the world, and the two blood marks can never meet.

Therefore, when he was about to cast the blood curse for the second time under the reincarnation of the time curse, a conflict between these two supreme holy methods arose.

One wants to force circulation, but one can only exist. This is an irreconcilable confrontation!
Under the conflict with each other, the confrontation between the two great principles of time and death was immediately triggered, and then a hole appeared in the cage of time!
This proves that his Asura Sacred Seal is not weaker than the Immortal Lord in White's Time Curse on the Dao rank, and may even be stronger, so that he can compete with it when the cause and effect rebellion occurs.

It's like a confrontation between the skills of two testers, regardless of power, simply comparing the priority of the confrontation.

But it's a pity that this flaw only prevents Qin Changfeng from repeatedly performing the robbery seal indefinitely. There is still a long way to go before he can truly break the cage and completely relieve the crisis.

He naturally knew that once he was trapped in this prison of time for too long, he would definitely be slaughtered by the white fairy in the outside world like a lamb, but it was still the fundamental problem... As for time, his comprehension was really lacklustre.

In the time trap, I don't know how long it has passed, when Qin Changfeng gradually felt numb, suddenly the cage trembled violently, a ray of Dao sound drifted in, and then the collision of time and time made that ray of flaw originally created by Miao Ni burst suddenly. expand!

"It's Yuechan!"

Qin Changfeng suddenly raised his head, his eyes burst out with fierceness and madness.

He could hear that this was Yuechan casting the holy law of time, and he naturally remembered that Yuechan had already performed it once before, so at this moment she must be forcibly performing it in a way that overdraws her life, so this voice is filled with sad...


When the fairy master in white came to Qin Changfeng in person with a fairy sword in his hand, and wanted to kill him directly with a sword, the world was violent, time was reversed, space collapsed, and it was dark.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Because... the time cage disappeared, and the time curse was broken!
Qin Changfeng escaped from it, his expression was indifferent, his whole body was shrouded in the Netherworld Armor, the dark holy light shot into the night, and there was a loud bang, the divine armor shot up into the sky and turned into a tower of nine seals, and he sealed it with the immortal tower. The whole sky.

Just like a god-lord coming out of the abyss, he has a violent killing intent, a majestic spirit, and is unparalleled in the world.

When he was astonished, the fairy master in white showed his unique skills again, his body was full of celestial light, and the fairy sword in his hand suddenly gave birth to two, two to three, and three to infinity.

Thousands of terrifying green sword lights shot out!

Murderous riot, each sword is a killing sword, containing the profound meaning of time, flying into the void, traveling to the past and future.

This is a direct interception from time. The vast sea of ​​swords has enveloped Qin Changfeng's entire life, and he wants to kill him for three lives and three lives!
"Want to cut off my past and future?"

Qin Changfeng sneered forward, "I'm afraid you chose the wrong partner!"


The moment the voice fell, two pieces of unrivaled immortal light suddenly appeared in front of and behind Qin Changfeng at the same time.

They didn't come from Qin Changfeng's body, they didn't know where they came from, and they didn't know where they went, but they were connected with him, causally related.

Because, this is the power from the past life and the next life!

The two pieces of fairy light have different colors, different auras, and contain different ways and methods, but they open a door of time at the same time.

The one in front of you represents the future.

Behind you, symbolizes the past!

From it, the swords of time that the fairy master in white had just cut all flew back one after another, and shattered in an instant, blooming like fireworks...

In just an instant, the world-shattering Sword of Time of the Immortal Lord in White was easily wiped out.

"Impossible, the Great Demon King obviously doesn't have the power to control time, but how could he crack the Time Sword like this?"

In the sky and on the ground, many people were shocked, especially those monks in the fairyland.

The Immortal Lord in White couldn't understand how Qin Changfeng broke his Time Immortal Art one after another.

In fact, there is no need to say much about the disintegration process of the Time Curse, and the reason why the Time Sword will be expelled from the past and the future and disintegrated is precisely because in the process of disintegrating the Time Curse, time is disordered, triggering some kind of cause and effect, and being disintegrated. Qin Changfeng's strong sense of reincarnation in the past and the future, so he made a move across time and space, lightly destroying the Time Sword.

Moreover, these causes and effects from the past and the future do not stop there.

Qin Changfeng looked up to the sky and screamed, like the battle roar of the God Lord of Nine Heavens, and saw the gate of time collapsed in front of him and behind him at the same time, but the remaining power from the reincarnation was absorbed by him!
"If you have no other stronger means, you can say goodbye to this world!"

Qin Changfeng's eyes were piercing, and his left eye was scarlet and glaring, like a primordial blood pool in the chaos, in which a black holy seal emerged, like the first Shura Demon God that created the world and was raised in the blood pool!
His white hair danced wildly, as if he had merged with the soul of the Shura Demon God in the blood pool, and his whole body exuded monstrous violence and rage.

Such a Qin Changfeng is rare, and this is also when he is most serious. Few people see him, because few people can make him so serious.

The holy seal irradiated, and the fairy master in white was cold all over. He found that the level of horror of the robbery seal this time was completely different from before.

It's not just that the supernatural power sublimation itself has greatly increased its power, but also because Qin Changfeng now possesses part of the power of the past and the future, even if it's just a small wisp, but it explodes after being integrated into a supernatural power, but it's terrifying.

This time, the white-clothed fairy master had no power to fight back, as if crushed, his primordial spirit was wiped out directly, leaving only his physical body to be transformed into a dark war puppet.

"Hurry up and report back to Xianyu!"

The few remaining monks in the fairyland were all terrified and came aggressively, but never thought that such a result would happen?
Even the Master of the True Immortal has fallen, what else can they do?If you don't go, you will die without a place to die!
This battle was a disastrous defeat for their clan, and it also caused the entire Immortal Territory to lose face.

The dignified True Immortal Sovereign from the top family in the Immortal Territory suffered a crushing defeat in the Three Thousand Dao State.

They rushed towards the gate of the Immortal Realm standing in the void of the Nine Heavens. It was a passage connecting the two realms, with a radiant brilliance, cast by Immortal Gold, and leading all the immortal monks who went to the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands to go back.

And it will be completely closed soon, and the passage between the two worlds will be cut off at that time, and the creatures on the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will only perish in the Dharma-ending Era.

Unless...someone creates a way of practice that does not require the help of heaven and earth aura!
And this is obviously Shi Hao's mission, and that day will not be too far away, because in the original plot, he created the method of covering the sky at the peak of the Supreme Realm.

For these fleeing people, Qin Changfeng did not personally hunt down and kill them, because he had more important things to pay attention to.

First of all, Yuechan, she used the holy method of time twice in a very short period of time, and now she was exhausted and unconscious, Qin Changfeng had to go there immediately.

After all, in this world, they already have cause and effect that they cannot understand.

For example, the gains and insights he gained from this unexpectedly difficult battle.

Not only the birth of Shura's holy seal, but also due to the disorder of time, the appearance of the two gates of time, the past and the future, contains the extremely mysterious meaning of the Dao. Powerful supernatural powers come...

The battle subsided, and the people watching the battle gradually dispersed, but the impact of this battle has affected endless years.

As those outstanding Tianjiao and top Taoists moved into the fairyland one after another, the prestige and name of the Peacock Demon King also spread in the fairyland.

As for the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, there is no need to say much. Now in this abandoned land of the end of the Dharma, the Peacock Sacred Mountain, which was also rejected by the Immortal Realm, has become a holy place in the hearts of all monks...

The storm gradually dissipated, and everything finally became calm.

It is rare for Qin Changfeng to accompany Yuechan and Qingyi quietly, but the entire Peacock Clan is still thriving, because all the people firmly believe that as long as Qin Chang is there, the Peacock Sacred Mountain is their fairyland!
In the Zangshu Pavilion, Kong Qiuji, the second bald man, looked solemn and solemn, and wrote vigorously. On the latest page of his Peacock War Records, he wrote: In the chaotic ancient times, the end of the Dharma came, the cultivators in the Immortal Realm committed atrocities without restraint, and the common people suffered in dire straits Unbelievable, Xiaozu Changfeng slashed the immortals in the Immortal Realm for Tian Xingdao, and single-handedly quelled the turmoil of the Doomsday.

(End of this chapter)

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