Chapter 701 The Beauty of the World

"Has the person who mended the sky come?"

Peacock Sacred Mountain is full of brilliant flowers, misty fairy mist, clouds in the sky, winding water on the earth, and immortals on the mountain. Qin Changfeng's expression is extremely sincere.


Yuechan nodded lightly, as the spring was cold, she couldn't help tightening the gauze on her body... not long ago, she forcibly used the holy method of time twice, which caused her to suffer a huge backlash, and her cultivation base was greatly damaged. A mortal!
Qin Changfeng hugged her shoulders like a good brother, this time his hands were very regular, he just simply gave her some warmth, and said: "What do you plan, I will definitely not be able to go to the fairyland. If you want to go , I will sincerely bless you and give you the best farewell gift... magical powers, Taoism, immortal treasures, and holy blood can help you become immortals, and I will do my best."

Before the battle with the white-clothed fairy master, Qin Changfeng originally planned to bring the entire Peacock Clan to move into the fairyland.

But now, this is wishful thinking. The Immortal King of the Immortal Palace was furious after the fall of the Immortal Lord in white. Although the current world is subject to various factors, mainly because the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have entered the Dharma-ending Age, it cannot tolerate the presence of a strong man like him , So in the end, he failed to cross the border to take action himself, but he also used his influence to seal the possibility of anyone from Qin Changfeng's line entering the fairyland.

What's more, even if he didn't do this, Qin Changfeng didn't dare to let the Peacock Clan enter the Immortal Realm. Wouldn't that be sent to the Immortal Palace to vent?
Although this would obviously cause him to fail the second main task of this trial, it was nothing to him now... He didn't even bother to look carefully at those trial points and military merit deduction penalties.

As a king-level figure, he has already passed the main task to do his best to avoid being obliterated or affecting the level of strengthening into a vicious circle.

But Yuechan and Qingyi are different, their talents are peerless, although they are somewhat dwarfed by Qin Changfeng and Shi Hao, a pair of perverted masters and apprentices, but looking at the world, they are still the chosen ones.Immortal Realm needs young and powerful blood, and all major forces are eager for talents, so even if they have grievances with the Immortal Palace, as long as they are willing, there will still be top forces in Immortal Realm willing to protect them.

After all, there are not only many fairy kings in the fairyland, but they are not monolithic, but have all kinds of struggles, and the lineage of the fairy palace cannot cover the sky with one hand.

More importantly, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have entered the Dharma-ending era, and the existing Dharma will not even be able to practice, let alone become a fairy!So now many people have a consensus, if you want to continue to practice, if you want to become a fairy, you must enter the fairyland!

"Why do you think we want to go to the Immortal Realm?" Yuechan's green silk was as bright as satin, her eyebrows were curved, and her eyes were as beautiful as autumn water. Although she lacked a bit of the dust of a monk, she had more of a woman's original softness. Looking at the clouds in the distant sky, slightly blurred.

Qin Changfeng looked at Changtian together with her, and seemed to see Jiutian's gate of the fairyland that was about to be closed, and said calmly, "Isn't becoming an immortal your lifelong obsession?"

This sentence has a meaning, and it is to the point.

If it was in the past, he would definitely have added a sentence later - you covet my beauty and talent, isn't it just to get closer to the chance of becoming a fairy?
The road is difficult, and it is normal to find someone who can help you to become a Taoist companion.But the key point is that sharing joys and sorrows is easy, but what is difficult is sharing weal and woe!

And Qin Changfeng was never sure that Yuechan and Qingyi would be like Elizabeth or even Fairy Shi, who would never leave at any time.

In fact, the relationship between Qin Changfeng, Yuechan, and Qingyi has always been very complicated and weird. There are many weddings in the Peacock tribe that people don't know about, but for monks, this is nothing.

Practice is long, just to become a fairy.

When you need it, you can make a name; when you need it, you can cut off the past of the world of mortals!
As for the joke about the wedding night in the bridal chamber, it was also just a momentary impulse, not to mention that I didn't do anything at the beginning, so what if I did?

They are not Piaoxu, nor Zhou Zhiruo. In Qin Changfeng's cognition, there is almost nothing that cannot be let go of this kind of female monk who is devoted to immortality.

Qin Changfeng is very aware of this, so he once told Kong Qingcheng that they are not suitable, so he has been keeping aloof from these two fairies, almost really only as friends and brothers, so when he perceives Yuechan and Qingyi He was actually very surprised when he actually forcibly drove the holy law of time and space to fight against the true immortals of the fairyland in order to help him.

Because this kind of choice is actually not wise for them who have always been rational, after all, the pressure of Immortal Realm and Immortal King is there.

Especially Yuechan, she is actually more rational than Qingyi, and she will not be influenced by feelings, but this time she just made the worst decision for herself.

"Could it be that you were moved by my sincerity and really fell in love with me hopelessly?"

Qin Changfeng suddenly felt a little complacent, and his vanity was greatly satisfied. Sure enough, his charm had reached a level that was almost a disaster.

"Do I still have the qualifications to be favored by the Immortal Realm?" Yuechan Xueyi was born, still bright and unparalleled, but at this moment, her expression is like that of the evening glow. Even though it is bright, there is a hidden loneliness. It can be recovered, and I am afraid it will be difficult to return to the peak, let alone become an immortal. This kind of Taoist injury has always been fatal to monks.

"Aren't you regretting it?" Qin Changfeng frowned, his face was calm, but he was shouting in his heart, it must be just an illusion, no one can slap me in the face so quickly!

As a result, Yuechan nodded and said with great certainty: "Yes, I regret it. If I knew it would be like this, I might not make a move."

"That is to say, it is still possible to make a move?"

"Who knows?"

Qin Changfeng smiled slightly. Although this is not the best answer, it is the most truthful answer.

"I haven't said whether to go to the Immortal Realm yet. Although Dao Injury is troublesome, it is definitely not a problem for the big shots in the Immortal Realm."

Yuechan blinked and whispered, "Do you really want us to go?"

Her eyes were like water, she looked ahead quietly, there was some inexplicable meaning in her eyes, seemed sad or disappointed?

After all, if Qin Changfeng let her go so easily, it more or less proves that she may still be dispensable in Qin Changfeng's heart...

At this time, Qin Changfeng smiled again, grinning loudly.

"No! In fact, I was just joking with you. Do you still want to go to the Immortal Realm? There is no door! Remember, I was born Qin... a member of the Peacock family, and I can only be buried in the grave of my Peacock family when I die!"

The laughter is full of publicity and domineering, a man, the arrogance of a man!
You want to become a fairy, I have no objection, but since you are already the nominal wife of my Great Demon King, how can you let you go outside by yourself?He is not Shi Hao, he will let them choose by themselves.

With him, you have to stay if you want to, and you have to stay if you don't want to, because... I am a straight man of steel! !

In this situation, under the setting sun, on the fairy mountain, there is a man and a woman, the man is a hero, and the woman is all over the world, they embrace each other in the wind, bathe in the evening glow, how harmonious and wonderful...

The only slight imperfection is that in all such scenes, shouldn't the woman rest her head on the man's shoulder and cling to him?

Thinking of this, Qin Changfeng shook his shoulders slightly, thinking that he had already expressed his meaning, and everything should have been said.

However, Fairy Yuechan just turned her head with doubts in her eyes.

Still don't understand...

Qin Changfeng sighed slightly in his heart, stretched out his right hand and pressed her beautiful face against his right shoulder!

Well, then there are no more blemishes.

"Next, we can seriously talk about your next practice and the truth of this world..."

"Let's talk about another thing first. Just now you said that you were born as a member of my Qin family...Little Mo Lingzun also called you Qin Changfeng, why?"

"You must have heard it wrong. I didn't say it."

"No, you must have said so."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because you just said it casually, but I listened attentively."

"Who said it? I'm also saying it with my heart. If you don't believe me, listen to it..." Qin Changfeng closed his mouth, let the fairy's head down again, and completely snuggled into his arms.

Yuechan's snowy clothes are fluttering, her eyes are foggy and foggy, her heart is actually not as peaceful as it looks on the outside, is this her final destination?

Like a mortal little woman, gentle and virtuous, caring for her husband and teaching her children... every bit of the past is emerging one by one at this moment.

In this life, her destiny is often entangled with this man beside her. She is not disgusted, but she is not sure what the future will hold.

However, at this moment, she felt like she was trapped in a wolf's den, and she had no choice.

Since you can't choose, then accept it calmly. When she was just a girl and saw him for the first time decades ago, everything might have been doomed...Really, some people, from the first moment you saw him , I know that this life will be doomed.

At some point, the fairy's hands wrapped around the man's waist from behind.

All the beauty in the world seems to be condensed on them at this moment. The spring breeze is ten miles away, and it is not as good as the youth at this moment.

"Master Mo, what are father and mother doing?" Not far away, Qin Zhaozhao, the son of the Holy Emperor, who was practicing under the guidance of Xiao Mo on the grass, watched the beautiful back, curious in his heart.

"Children don't ask questions about grown-ups!" Xiao Mo snorted coldly, staring and said: "Practice yourself well, don't watch, or you will get corns!"

"What are corns?" Qin Zhaozhao's big eyes fluttered, pure and flawless. He didn't dare to ask Xiao Mo, so he looked at Qingyi who was standing quietly beside him.

"Probably...eyes the size of eggs?" Fairy said she didn't know either.

The child's thinking was broad, and he quickly shifted his attention, and asked seriously: "Er Niang, who is my real mother, you or Da Niang?"

"This...hehe..." Qing Yi looked at Xiao Mo, her meaning was self-evident.

The holy emperor's son was severely whipped on the buttocks by Mo Shi, and immediately let out a scream like a pig...

(End of this chapter)

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