Chapter 702 Demon Buddha Monk Saint Walker

All the life ambitions of Confucian disciples can be summed up in nine words - self-cultivation, family harmony, state governance, and world peace!

For Qin Changfeng, self-cultivation has been completed. Is there a more outstanding man in this world than him?

The Qi family is basically completed in this world after in-depth communication with Yuechan and Qingyi.

As for the governance of the country and the peace of the world...that's left to Shi Hao, after all, this is his chaotic ancient times.

Ever since the door to Xianyu was blocked, Qin Changfeng knew it was almost time for him to leave temporarily.

The speed of time passing in the fantasy world is not fixed, it can be slower than the time of the trial tower, or it can be much faster, depending on the setting every time he leaves.

The last time he returned from this world, he set the speed of time to be slower, so this time, only more than ten years have passed in this world, but after leaving this time, it will inevitably be extremely fast, because when Shi Hao becomes an immortal Emperor, it will be an extremely long process, it is impossible for Qin Changfeng to accompany him to grow up from the beginning to the end.

So when we meet again, it will be more than just a sea of ​​vicissitudes?
There are many, many, many people who may never see each other again. If they want to meet again in the future, they can only be sealed in Shenyuan, but even Qin Changfeng can't provide many such places.

It is difficult to cross the era!Disaster! !Disaster! ! !
"Immortal Monk King, how about this body, are you satisfied?"

Ever since the Immortal Lord in White was wiped out by Qin Changfeng, his body was sent into a secret room. The middle-aged man in the ancient monk's reincarnation world separated his soul from the reincarnation world and entered this body. Months of assimilation are finally about to succeed.

The newborn fairy master in white smiled lightly and said, "Very good, thank you very much, but it is better not to use the name Immortal Monk King, and call me Xiaoyao from now on."

Xiaoyao... Xiaoyao Xianzun?

Qin Changfeng felt that the name seemed a little familiar, but he didn't care too much, because his attention was quickly shifted to the opponent's hand, where there was a colorful round bead exuding dreamlike brilliance, looming, and the whole world could be vaguely seen. The reincarnation world of the Buddha Kingdom evolved in it.

There is no doubt that this is the spiritual reincarnation world of the stock monk lineage that Qin Changfeng once entered.

At the beginning, Qin Changfeng had promised that after leaving, he would help the middle-aged man find a body that met the requirements, so that he could become a real life. He did it, so now the other party also rewarded him by handing over the pearl of reincarnation to him. Give it to him, once he accepts it, he will become the master of the reincarnation world who has evolved for an unknown number of years!

At this moment, it seems that the core of reincarnation is very similar to Qin Changfeng's illusory demon world, in which only pure spiritual bodies thrive.

The difference is that Qin Changfeng's illusory demon world is weak and immature, while this Buddhist world is incomparably complete and perfect, and the life inside is also so real. In a sense, it is different from the fantasy world of the perfect world. There is no essential difference, they are all just illusory existences.

It's just that the Trial Tower has tremendous power, which can make the illusions in the fantasy world come true, but Qin Changfeng doesn't have enough ability to help the lives in the Samsara Buddha Kingdom into real existence.

Another point is that this reincarnation bead is not only a carrier of the spiritual world, but also a real Taoist tool in itself. The moment he got it, the mastermind gave a reminder-the reincarnation bead!
There is nothing surprising about the name, but there is one item in its introduction: This object is a magic weapon inherited from the lineage of the gods and monks, one of the three lines of the ancient seven ways of Buddhism and Taoism.

Its status is equivalent to that of the sacred book to the sacred way, and those who hold the sacred book are the successors of the sacred way.

There are five chapters in the sacred book, and the ancient Buddhism and Taoism are divided into three veins, namely the Demon Buddha, the Divine Monk, and the Saint Walker, which represent the three ways of enlightenment in Buddhism.

Needless to say, the devil and the Buddha took the road from the devil to the Buddha. Qin Changfeng had worked hard on this road, but later found that it was not in line with his own heart, and forcing it was no different, so he gradually shelved it.

The god monks use their strength to prove the way, practice monstrous combat power, break the shackles forcibly, and become holy;
As for the Holy Walker, as the name suggests, it is equivalent to the merits and virtues to prove the Tao. It is its duty to do good and eliminate evil, and to save all living beings. It also echoes what Xiao Mo said when he taught Qin Zhaozhao-accumulate good deeds, and the gods will be proud!
One thing that needs to be pointed out is that although Qin Changfeng has the title of Saint Walker, it has nothing to do with the Saint Walker Line, one of the three lines of Buddhism and Taoism, but the name is the same.

In other words, when he opened this title, he had the opportunity to become the inheritor of the holy line, but all the Taoist instruments of this line have already been gathered by one person, that is, the Buddha of the Five Emperors. Therefore, although Qin Changfeng triggered the originally hidden key, he could no longer get the chance.

The Dao Artifact inherited from the Mo-Buddha lineage is the Vajra Bodhi rosary in Qin Changfeng's hands, but what he has mastered is only part of it. Only when all the rosary beads are gathered together can it be considered a complete Dao Artifact, and can become a lineage like the Buddha Emperor symbol.

When someone has mastered all the rosary beads, all chances related to this vein will disappear from the fantasy world.

And the Samsara Dharma Bead is naturally the Taoist artifact of the lineage of the divine monk, which is why when he enters the Samsara Land, the Vajra Bodhi Rosary will activate the Samsara Secret Realm.

And it's complete!

In other words, he didn't have to compete with others to directly become a symbol of a divine monk, and he could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Buddha Emperor in terms of the status of Buddhism and Taoism! !
Of course, it's just status, the gap in combat power and realm is still irreparable.

Moreover, although this is an opportunity, it may also become a catastrophe.

Because when the inheritors of the three veins are determined, the final competition will start, and a winner will be selected from the three to obtain all the Dao artifacts and finally open all the Dao Zang, while the loser will lose everything...

Daozang is the key to the cultivator's achievement of the true immortal.

According to legend, the reason why the two emperors and five emperors are so powerful is because they all mastered a part of the Taoist treasures of the ancient seven ways, and when someone masters all the Taoist treasures of a certain way, even if they don't enter the heavens, they can directly become immortals!
You must know that this is a true immortal of the law, not an immortal in a fantasy world. His combat power is unmatched, and it is rare to see in the ages.

"I know this thing has a deep karma with you. There are too many secrets in the avenue, and what you and I see is only a corner... I don't know when we will meet each other, so cherish it."

Xiaoyao Xianzun smiled like a star, and left alone, just like his name, carefree.

Qin Changfeng bid farewell in the wind, standing alone, pondering for a long time.

The reincarnation magic orb in his hand naturally has great secrets and great uses, but for him, it will take time to explore what kind of opportunity it is... But one thing is certain, at least he is far away from the one who replaces his life with spiritual beliefs. The plan for the star to become the source of power has taken another solid step forward.

After more than a month, Shi Hao finally returned from the lower realm.

At this time, he is already the supreme, and the pinnacle of extreme dao!

Before coming to Peacock Sacred Mountain, he had already visited nine heavens and ten places. He was moved by the desolation and desolation of the practice world in the age of desolation.

In the Dharma-ending era, the past practice methods are not available, the entire system is suppressed, and there is no longer a matching environment. Therefore, only by seeking changes can we survive and go further!

This is his firm will when he stepped into the Peacock Mountain.

"Master, first of all, congratulations to my junior brother who has grown so big, and secondly, what should I do if I can't practice in the Dharma-ending era?" As soon as he saw Qin Changfeng, he went straight to the point.

Qin Changfeng looked up at Lang Lang Qingkong, "It's raining, I'm in a bad mood."

Shi Hao was stunned, "Where is it raining?"

Qin Changfeng glanced at him and snorted coldly: "Where is there a junior brother?"


Shi Hao pondered for a while, and then persuaded with earnestness: "This life is not easy, and all encounters are even more difficult. There must be a special fate, so that two strange souls can meet at the right time and the right place. The little junior brother has already appeared, and he is so knowledgeable, well-behaved and sensible, why do you insist on not accepting it, and let down the fate bestowed by God in vain?"

Hearing such words, Qin Changfeng was in a trance, thinking of the little kid who hammered him with a bone stick when they first met, and now he has become the supreme in the world, and he can say such a big truth... ... Years, what a motherfucker!
"I understand what you mean, but you still have to create the way forward in the age of desolation." Qin Changfeng accepted the remonstrance with a rare humility.

"Me?" Shi Hao was slightly taken aback. All along, he firmly believed that Qin Changfeng could solve all the troubles, but he didn't expect to rely on himself this time.

"That's right." Qin Changfeng nodded slightly, and said solemnly: "Since the way of the outside world does not allow it, then create the treasure in the body and take a way that is completely dependent on yourself. You used to be a seed, which is actually this way." As for the follow-up, in fact, my teacher has already given you a hint."

"Hint..." Shi Hao fell into deep thought. Qin Changfeng taught him many ways of divine passage, but which one is related to the cultivation of the final method?

"God of War is immortal!"

Qin Changfeng gave the answer, and completely revealed the mystery, "The human body is the most suitable body in the world for cultivation, and it is born with a treasure of Taoism, but no one has ever discovered it. Instead, they are obsessed with borrowing external power."

"The first is the dantian, which can be called the sea of ​​wheels. It is the source of life. It can breed mana and cultivate the fundamental energy. It is the first secret place in the human body; the second is the five internal organs, which are connected from the sea of ​​wheels by the bridge of the gods. The five internal organs have spirits, which are called Tao. Then there are the four limbs, the four arms are like the four poles, with infinite power, which can be transformed into all kinds of battles; after that is the spine, which is the backbone of a person standing between the sky and the earth, when it jumps up like a real dragon, it will transform Formed in the nine heavens, it is invincible in the world; the last is the Lingtai, where the primordial spirit resides, which is related to the origin of life and where the ultimate evolution is, just like the fairy platform. Immortal!"

(End of this chapter)

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