Chapter 606 Contribute
Li Shimin and Li Chengqian went out of the south gate, just after they left the city gate, they saw two old men, each leading some people to visit.

Look at the clothes they wear, not the people.

Li Shimin first saw a person and felt a little surprised.

"Sun Zhenren? Why are you here?"

That's right, it was Sun Simiao who appeared.

But Li Chengqian saw another person.

"Ouyang Xun, are you here too?"

Everyone bowed to Li Shimin, and then Li Chengqian saw another person.

"And Shangguanyi, who are you?"

Shangguanyi stepped forward and said: "Dean Ouyang asked to come, and he brought the students from the academy to fight against the locust plague!"

Ouyang asked: "As a member of Datang, there is a plague of locusts, so naturally we have to do our part!"

"The dean has spent a lot of time engraving newspapers in the past few days. At the same time, the students have responded all the time, and they are all coming."

Li Chengqian was very pleased with such a performance. After all, these students did not take care of them.

If Datang's harvest is not good this year, it will be difficult for everyone.

Students may not even be able to attend school.

As soon as Shangguanyi finished speaking, the students below began to speak passionately.

"Datang is our home! We don't allow any harmful things to harm Datang, they will be wiped out!"

"Yes! We are willing to fight for Datang!"

"Fight for His Majesty! Fight for His Royal Highness!"


Li Shimin nodded.

This means that these students have all been approved by Li Shimin!
"Very good, the future of Datang depends on you. And Sun Zhenren, what about you?"

Sun Simiao stepped forward and said, "The old man brought the students of the medical school here, hoping to help! Although we don't know how to catch locusts, if someone is injured, we can treat them as soon as possible!"

With such a huge number of people involved in the capture, it is inevitable that there will be injuries. With their existence, they can undoubtedly provide the best medical help.

In this way, Li Shimin felt very relieved.

At the same time, Li Chengqian also had a very bright face, after all, these people were all taught by Li Chengqian.

"Sun Zhenzhen, it's hard work for you!"

Sun Simiao said: "The students proposed to be together three days ago, and this old man also has this intention!"

Li Shimin glanced at Li Chengqian, and then said: "Yes! Gao Ming, you did a good job!"

"Your Majesty, this is the wish of the students. My ministers did not influence them. It is rare for them to have such a heart. It is my great fortune! It is also the leadership of Your Majesty!"

"Okay, okay! Thank you for all your hard work!"

"Serve Your Majesty and Great Tang!"

Everyone said straight.

Li Shimin said: "It is also fortunate that this locust plague did not have time to spread to other areas, otherwise, we would not know what to do. Fortunately, you are here! We will definitely survive this locust plague!"

If all the ten ways of the Tang Dynasty were plagued by locusts, it would be terrible.

In the first year of Zhenguan (627), Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty merged provinces and prefectures and counties, and divided the country into ten roads mainly according to the situation of mountains and rivers, namely Guannei Road, Henan Road, Hedong Road, Hebei Road, Shannan Road, Longyou Road, Huainan Road, Jiangnan Road, Jiannan Road and Lingnan Road.

Fortunately, Li Chengqian has a way, a way to kill these guys in the cradle.


Li Chengqian looked at these students and teachers, at least 3000 people came, and many people were distributed in other places, only a part of them.

Suddenly, Cheng Yaojin shouted: "Has the sky changed?"

Everyone raised their heads.

Someone else shouted:
"Look, the dark clouds in the south!"

Following the direction Cheng Yaojin pointed, people saw that the south was indeed covered with darkness, like dark clouds, and they were moving towards the direction of Chang'an City.

People murmured:
"Is it going to rain?"

Among the crowd, an old man said directly: "No! It's impossible to rain, and my old rheumatism for many years may not respond! It's not going to rain!"

Suddenly he yelled again.

"That's not a dark cloud!"

"It's not a dark cloud, what is that?"

Li Chengqian just said lightly: "It's a swarm of locusts! They're here!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone panicked.But the panic was fleeting.It was quickly replaced by excitement.

locust!A large number of locusts were rushing towards Chang'an City, and it was so dark that people panicked.

This group of locusts, hundreds of millions of them, gathered together and flew in the sky.

Its speed is still not slow. Judging from the current speed, it will definitely reach the green land outside Chang'an City in less than 10 minutes. Those are just planted seedlings.

Once invaded by them, these things are really over.Be sure to kill them before they finish eating the seedlings, this time it is a victory!Otherwise, after they finished eating, if they went north again, the north would have to suffer even greater losses, and the entire Tang Dynasty couldn't afford it.This clean-up is extremely important.

Li Chengqian seemed to hear a large number of locusts flapping their wings and buzzing, which made people feel extremely irritated.

People focused their attention on Li Shimin.

And began to look forward to the arrival of these locusts, people looked eager to try.

Someone said: "Our nets are all ready, just wait for them to come!"

"Yes, I even brought baskets!"

"There are bags! It can hold a lot of pests!"

"Haha, are we having fun while suffering?"

"I believe His Royal Highness will let us defeat these locusts!"

Based on the trust in Li Chengqian, everyone showed optimism.

"Your Majesty, it's almost time to order!"

Looking at the people full of confidence, Li Shimin was also a little excited.

It's been a long time since there was one like this.

"Let me say a few words!"

Li Shimin said, everyone quieted down.

At this time, it is necessary to say a few words, at least to boost morale.

"People of the Great Tang! Today is the most difficult time for my Great Tang, and it is also the most tenacious test you have encountered. I will work with you to put all these invaders into sacks! Do you have the confidence to eliminate the locusts? ?”

As soon as Li Shimin's words came out, the people in the crowd shouted in unison:
"Destroy the locusts!"

"Destroy the locusts!"

"Destroy the locusts!"


Even Ouyang Xun and Sun Simiao joined the shouting team.

Li Shimin was also affected by everyone's emotions, he shouted again:
"Okay! All the troops listen to the order! Help the common people clear this locust plague together!"


Cheng Yaojin rushed to the front, and the others followed.

"Come on!"

The 10,000+ army quickly dispersed, and together with many people, they went to the direction where the locusts came with overwhelming force.

Li Chengqian looked at Li Shimin, and then at the people full of fighting spirit. This locust plague might be wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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