Chapter 607 You Guess
Looking at the blackness of the sky one by one, it is like the end of the world.

"come yet?"

Li Chengqian murmured.

This is also the first time Li Chengqian has seen this kind of situation, but he is not worried at all, what a joke, there are at least a million people in the entire Chang'an City, this kind of population density, one person does not need too many, as long as they kill If there are a thousand locusts, then there are more than one billion.

If there are more, there will be tens of billions, so no matter how many locusts come, they will become prey in the hands of people.

This is unparalleled in a small city.

Locusts deserve it if they dare to commit crimes

hum hum...

Countless locusts flapping their wings are really annoying.

They seemed to be speeding up a bit in the face of the lush green crops outside Chang'an City like a large army.

These crops are people's hope for the coming year, but in their eyes, they are delicious food.They have no consciousness, only eat!
Suddenly, they accelerated their flight speed and rushed over, revealing their greedy nature.

The entire sky has been blinded by them and lost its color, and a sense of depression followed.

Finally, they descended from the sky and reached the edge of the field. The black mass directly blinded the nearby plants.

No blade of grass is left where it should be.

Terrible, really terrible!
Some locusts have already begun to nibble at the nearby plants, and the sound of sharp chewing spreads, which is a neat rhythm.

At the same time, all the people were dispatched, some with nets, some with baskets, some with sacks, and some of them were families.There are also old men and women who come out to help.

When the first wave of locusts arrived, they were quickly captured directly by the frontier people.

"Too many, one net will be full!"

"I caught it! I caught it, let alone five catties!"

Because of the large number, this basket will be full of locusts.

"Look, there is probably a hundred catties for that net!"

"No! Look, the densely packed locusts, there must be thousands of catties!"

What's even more powerful is that the nets go down one by one, directly capturing nearly a thousand catties of locusts.

These locusts were packed into sacks.

Obviously, this is the first victory.

The short-lived victory has fueled confidence, but the captured locusts are just the tip of the iceberg.The real army is still behind.

Even so, the jet black was directly reduced by half.

Suddenly, the locusts scattered and went in all directions. They seemed to have adopted another tactic.

A large number of locusts continued to descend to the ground all around, and began to eat away at the crops on the ground.

"Come on, brothers!"

Cheng Yaojin took the lead at this time, pulled up the big net, and rushed towards the locusts.

The soldiers also started to set up a large net, aiming at the large number of locusts flying in, and a large number of locusts were trapped in the net. At this time, a special person took a sack and began to receive the locusts on the net.Soon a sack was filled, and these sacks were transported to a special place, waiting for the next step of processing.

Just ten minutes later, thousands of sacks had already been filled, which was really terrifying.

"This is a victory, everyone, keep it up!"

Cheng Yaojin shouted.

He sees hope.

The current people also joined in, and more and more locusts were captured.

Over time, more and more sacks were piled aside, eventually stacking into a formation the size of a hill.

Just for a while.

A soldier said:
"His Royal Highness, the [-] sacks we prepared have been filled!"

Seeing that there are still a large number of locusts in the sky that have not been caught, but the sacks have been used up, it is obvious that this is beyond the scope of Li Chengqian's imagination.

Accidents, everything is an accident.

"How to do?"

The ministers didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, so the first thing they thought of was what to do?
But Li Chengqian looked like an old god was there.

He was not in a hurry at all, making everyone wonder.

Does he have another trick?From the looks of it, it seems to be like this.

That's right, Li Chengqian said:

"Come here! Throw the sacks containing the locusts into the moat, and dump them all together in one place after the locusts die! Wait for processing! The empty sacks will be filled!"

This is what Li Chengqian can do, because there are only two ways to do it. One is to add new sacks, but the number will definitely not increase in a short time, and the second is to empty the sacks for locusts.If you want to empty the sack, you must consider the problem of locusts. The only way is to let them all die, and the only way to make them die seems to be flooding.

The soldiers immediately went down and started leading the crowd to drown the locusts in the moat.

And cleared out an open space, put the dead locusts together, so it looks quite shocking.

This is probably the first time people have faced these locust piles directly.There are piles of them, like hills.

"His Royal Highness, we have sacks!"

Li Chengqian turned his head and saw that he was from the Zheng family.

At this moment they trotted over, carrying a large number of sacks in their hands.


The leader was Zheng Peng, who said: "We heard that His Highness the Crown Prince was making sacks, and we thought it was always right to come down with the Crown Prince, so we asked people to make [-] sacks overnight to support His Highness the Crown Prince. Help Chang'an get out of disaster!"

Li Chengqian was pleased.

"So, hard work!"

"And us! Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

It was Zou Fengchi's voice, and he brought people from the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce over at this time.

"His Royal Highness, we can provide [-] sacks! Some of them have already been shipped! People from the Chamber of Commerce will also join in the capture."

Obviously, Chang'an is well, everyone is well.

The people are better and the business is better, so these people don't want locusts to plague Chang'an.

"Good! Thank you for your hard work!"

This is what Li Chengqian expected, we are all in the same boat, if you don't help us, who will?
Look around these people again.

The Lu family and the Cui family did not come, they were still very selfish.But having them or not doesn't seem to affect the final result at all.

Li Chengqian didn't pay attention to it either, everyone saw it.

"Everyone, let's start! We will definitely win!"


Li Chengqian was also involved, and Li Shimin on the side looked at it and couldn't help nodding.

Everyone is united, what is the plague of locusts?
Suddenly someone saw the mountain of locusts and asked:
"How to deal with these locusts? It's not an option to keep piling up!"

If they die for a long time, they will definitely deteriorate, and the stench they wonder will definitely have an impact on the environment.Li Chengqian didn't seem to say how to deal with them.

When Li Chengqian heard it, he saw that it was Liu Hongji who was asking.

Li Chengqian smiled.

"you guess!"

Liu Hongji almost vomited blood when he heard it.

If he knew, would he still ask?He was speechless for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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