God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 614 is only a supplement

Chapter 614 is only a supplement
"Gao Ming, is this really possible?"

Li Shimin's words proved his position, that is, he was a little unwilling to believe it.So doubts were raised.

"Your Majesty, it's possible! My minister has prepared some reform samples."

Li Chengqian's words aroused everyone's suspicion. It turned out that the prince had already thought about what he wanted to do today. This guy is really strong.

In his words, this is called planning for a rainy day, and everything must be done in advance to achieve the best results.

The best way to achieve pretense is fast and good.

Li Shimin was curious and asked, "Take it out and have a look!"

Everyone was even more puzzled, especially wanting to know what it was like.

Li Chengqian took out a few pieces of paper in response.

These papers made everyone even more puzzled.

What kind of reform is this?
Why paper?

"This can be used as banknotes, money made of paper!"

Li Chengqian explained.

But his explanation has some people disagreeing.

"It's ridiculous how paper can be used as money!"

"Yes! How much is the price of paper, how much is the price of copper, the two are not the same!"

"It's better to use silk cloth! Food!"

These things can be used as currency, which is also very useful.But how can these things be so convenient with paper money?Too heavy and it will spoil.

Others said:
"Paper is easily damaged. If it is damaged, isn't it a waste of money? Copper coins will not be worth it!"

For thousands of years, people's concept of money is the real thing, not a piece of paper can be summarized, so when Li Chengqian specified that these papers are money, people are unwilling to agree, and they don't want to agree, after all, this is contrary to people's understanding!
The production cost of banknotes is low, and they are easier to store, carry and transport, and avoid the wear and tear of coins in circulation.Paper money is a form of currency commonly used in countries around the world today, and the earliest paper money in the world is the "Jiaozi" in Chengdu, Sichuan, China during the Northern Song Dynasty.

Fang Xuanling said bluntly: "This is a very radical approach. It really is just like what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said, and it can be mastered!"

Ten thousand guan, how heavy it is, but if it is turned into paper, how much is it!All in one hand!
"Old Cheng, I believe His Highness the Crown Prince's words!"

"How did we not think of this method! It's just wonderful!"


Here's the reaction from supporters.

Li Chengqian nodded towards them, and then said:

"Your Majesty, just listen to my son tell me what are the advantages of this banknote!"

Li Shimin has been holding a skeptical attitude until now.


"First, printing is convenient. If banknotes are circulated into the market, the printing is hundreds of times better than melting and casting copper coins, and it can be completed in a short period of time! It greatly saves manpower and material resources, and even the mined copper can be used for other products. use!"

Li Shimin nodded.

"Yes, that seems to be the case! It's obvious!"

"Second, it is only a supplement to the existing currency, not a replacement. Those who like paper money use paper money, and those who like copper coins use copper coins. There is no contradiction!"

Li Chengqian's words directly blocked everyone's mouths. It is fatal to supplement rather than replace. Li Chengqian has reason to believe that with the ease of use and easy carrying of banknotes, people will use copper coins back?This is basically impossible.

Someone called:

"The banknotes can be printed by everyone?"

Others said:
"Yes, is there a solution for anti-counterfeiting? You know that my Tang currency will still be counterfeited. May I ask how His Royal Highness will deal with this problem!"

Li Chengqian smiled coldly.

"You don't have to worry about this, why? Because Datang has the most advanced paper, I will add the most advanced anti-counterfeiting technology, such as watermarks, and the ink will also use the most advanced! Also There are drawn patterns on it, so it is naturally not easy to imitate!"

Li Chengqian just didn't want to do it. If he did, it can be said that no one can imitate it.

People still don't know much about watermarks, and Li Chengqian doesn't intend to go into words.

"That banknote is one penny?"

Someone asked a crucial question.

"Of course not. This king uses five, ten, twenty, fifty, and one hundred units as units, and the exchangeable value of each unit is naturally different."

The reason why it is five, ten, twenty, fifty, and one hundred is very simple. It is to follow the practice of the future. The smallest denomination is one copper coin, and the largest is one hundred. It is really a supplement to it.

Everyone is still counting with their fingers. These people's arithmetic is not very good.

Li Chengqian has already taken out five sample coins, which are exactly the five denominations he mentioned.

"These banknotes will complement the copper coins in the future and keep the economy alive."

This is his first step in economic reform. If this step is not taken, the future economic trend will not reach its peak.

If this matter was put in the past, it would have been absolutely impossible, but now it has become possible, because the advancement of papermaking and printing has brought limited possibilities.

Li Chengqian's words sparked discussions among the crowd.

The most excited one is probably only Li Shimin.

"Really? If this is the case, the Tang Dynasty's economy will be revitalized!"

"Your Majesty, this is only the statement of His Highness the Crown Prince. It has not yet sparked a debate. It is unknown what the truth is!"

Liu Hongji stopped him.

No matter what his purpose is to stop him, it makes people feel like he is blocking a car with his arms, and he is overconfident!
"Isn't it enough to just transport and save it? Imagine that people can put money directly in their personal pockets in the future, and it is possible to avoid the risk of being stolen. Just ask, do a business and transport a large cart The money in the big cart, the cost or the money that can be carried by one person, which one is higher? And as time goes by, the banknotes will become more and more in circulation, money must circulate to survive, and Datang will become stronger. You Do you understand?"

Li Chengqian's words caused everyone to nod in agreement.

"His Royal Highness's method is really unprecedented, and there will be no one to come after!"

"This method is really advanced!"

The answer has already been revealed, so there is no need to guess.

Naturally, he also obtained the points of the ministers, although not many, but he still has thousands of points.

Li Shimin's attitude also proved everything.

"Okay! Gao Ming is right, the currency of the Tang Dynasty is going to be changed! Gao Ming will gather six departments to implement this matter! Xuanling and Ruhui, you two should also assist Gao Ming. This matter is no small matter, and there is nothing to lose!"

Li Shimin also agreed, and he said, in this way, the matter is a foregone conclusion.

He seemed to see that the future Tang Dynasty would be stronger than he imagined.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Li Chengqian subconsciously glanced at Liu Hongji on the side, and sneered.

Thanks to this guy for his help.

Before Li Shimin announced his resignation, Xiao Huangmen broke in suddenly.


(End of this chapter)

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