Chapter 615
Li Shimin asked: "What's the matter?"

"Jeli Khan sent an envoy to see His Majesty!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was puzzled, and Jieli Khan actually sent an envoy.This is the sun coming out from the west.

No one knows what he sent his messengers for.Is it good or bad?
why?Because Xieli Khan has always been at odds with Datang and often invades Datang, this guy actually sent an envoy here!
Jieli Khan and Tuli Khan are somewhat different, at least there is a big difference in level.That is a higher level of existence!

But Li Shimin said: "No see!"

Li Shimin's immediate reaction was that he didn't want to see those people!

Perhaps, he wanted Li Chengqian to come and see him.

But Li Chengqian stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, this messenger can be seen!"

Someone said:

"Why? Why does Your Majesty want to meet a messenger sent by a hostile person?"

"Why didn't you see it? When Jieli Khan was a minister, how could the envoy he sent not be seen?"

Li Chengqian's words were not self-deception, but his goal. Now if Jieli Khan attacked again, whether he could reach the Weishui River was still a big problem.

The current national strength of the Tang Dynasty is constantly improving, and now it has a strong army, and its combat power has naturally increased significantly, but the Turks have not greatly improved.

I want to play?snort!You have to see if you have that strength!
Li Chengqian continued: "And, in order to reflect Datang's bearing, why not see him?"

Liu Hongji said: "Why didn't the envoy of Tuli Khan disappear?"

"Can it be the same? Jieli Khan's rank is higher. If it is a minister, my Tang Dynasty will naturally want to see him. Why did Tuli's envoy disappear? It is not to protect his safety. If it is rumored, His Majesty will personally meet him." Yu Tuli Khan's envoy, then our pawn may be in danger, Duke Kui, you don't understand such a simple question, do you?"

Liu Hongji: ...

Li Chengqian ignored it, turned his head and continued: "So, Your Majesty, this emissary should be seen!"

Li Shimin was said to be tempted. After all, this is not a child's play, but something related to the future of Datang.

"Forget it, in front of all the ministers, I want to see what this envoy wants to do!"

Li Chengqian said quickly: "Your Majesty is wise!"

The ministers said nothing more.

Xiaohuangmen yelled: "Call the envoy of Jieli Khan to see him!"

After a while, a thin and thin man came up. This man's face was very unpleasant, and his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks were annoying!
In Li Chengqian's words, this guy looks very unbeatable.

The man looked fearless, and walked to the front of the hall. When he saw Li Shimin, he didn't salute. He just said, "Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, I, Jieli Khan, ordered me to deliver a message!"

"Bold, don't be rude to His Majesty!"

Some people just couldn't stand it anymore, and in terms of the voice of a male duck, this person is Cheng Yaojin.

"A certain one salutes Jieli Khan!"

The ministers sneered: "I'm afraid this guy doesn't know where he is!"

Li Chengqian shouted: "This is the Tang Dynasty, not you Turkic, you are not allowed to act wild!"

The man glanced at Li Chengqian, and then his eyes were a little puzzled, and then he said: "A certain person said that he only salutes to Jieli Khan!"

No matter what, Li Chengqian yelled directly: "Come on, call me!"

I am afraid that Li Shimin will not do it directly, but Li Chengqian really dares to do it.Hit as soon as you say, without any hesitation, and it doesn't look like a joke!

At this time, Cheng Yaojin couldn't bear it anymore, and took a step directly.

Grabbing the thing, the guy was lifted up directly.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin became very active!

The messenger shouted:

"I, Brut, am a nobleman under Jieli Khan's sect, so I won't tolerate your rudeness!"

Cheng Yaojin doesn't care what he says!
"His grandma, don't care if you are polite or rude. If you are rude to my majesty, you just don't give me old Cheng's face! You should fight!"

Brut panicked when he heard that.

"You are Cheng Yaojin?"

From the looks of it, this guy has a reputation for listening to the process.


Before Brutt could react, Cheng Yaojin had covered him with a slap, which made Brutt dizzy, and this slap made him a little dazed.

"Emperor Tang, do you disregard the Weishui Covenant?"

But Li Chengqian said: "Hmph, you Turks broke the contract first, but you blamed us for ignoring it? Isn't that too ridiculous? You were the one who hit you for being rude! Even you Khan wouldn't be so rude!"

"you are?"

"Bold, that's His Royal Highness, I won't allow you to point it out! You should fight!"

Cheng Yaojin directly slapped him again.

He played well!
Who made Brut rude, these two slaps made Brut a little dazed.

From beginning to end, Li Shimin didn't say a word, probably agreeing to Li Chengqian's actions.

Li Chengqian's strength also refreshed people's perception that the prince is so strong!
Of course, in the face of national interests, it is natural to be strong, not to lose, and that is the most deadly.

Li Chengqian was strong from the beginning, it's just that these people didn't know him.

This strength is undoubtedly highlighted today!Why?Because everything related to Datang naturally needs to be strong, and Datang cannot be let down!

"Hurry up and salute! Kneel down!"

Li Chengqian shouted again.

Cheng Yaojin raised his hand again.

Brut was so frightened that he fell to his knees.

What else to say, only saluting to Khan, now it seems that it is a piece of nonsense, this guy didn't realize where he was, so he messed up, it's really despicable.

Li Shimin nodded. He didn't intervene in Li Chengqian's actions at all, that is, he agreed with Li Chengqian's actions, which was regarded as giving Datang face.

"Brutt, why are you here this time?"

Li Shimin asked.

"Your Majesty! Brutt came to negotiate the wool trade on the order of the Khan!"

When Brut's words came out, everyone wondered when the Turks would start negotiating, and it was still about wool!
"Oh? Tell me, what ability do you have to negotiate trade with me, Tang Dynasty?"

Li Shimin expressed disdain.

At the same time, everyone knew very well that without Li Chengqian's opening, there would be no wool trade, so there would be no such thing as Brut coming to talk about trade.

Li Chengqian's actions have greatly improved Li Shimin's face, and even hostile people came up to negotiate.

"We have something, or something His Majesty wants!"

Brut said so.

Turkic what?
Except for cattle and sheep, there is no treasure or anything. What can they negotiate?There are only a handful of things on the prairie.

"Oh? What is it?"

Li Shimin asked curiously.

It wasn't until Brutt named a name that everyone felt that there seemed to be a bargaining chip in the negotiation.

(End of this chapter)

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