Chapter 620

The two are not of the same weight.

Sanji's sneer makes people uncomfortable.

The man sneered.

"That's right, it's me! Look at the trick."

After saying that, a long sword flew out and pierced towards Sangji's golden wheel.

Unexpectedly, Sanji did not hide.

Such arrogance caused everyone present to cry coldly.

I thought Sanji must die.

But it backfired.

When the sword had just arrived, a pair of golden wheels were shining in the sun.


golden wheel falling
The sword flew tens of meters away.

The next moment, the golden wheel was already at the man's throat, and the man fell down, not daring to move, and his life would be lost if he moved.

Everyone at the scene gasped.

Sanji looks very strong, but is very flexible.

This made everyone look at it with admiration.

The man just stood there motionless, Sangji did not kill, but he did something that humiliated the man.

Sangji stomped hard on the man's head with his foot.

"Hahaha! In my hands, I can't hold on to a move. It's really weak! And you say Datang is strong? People's physiques are so weak, how can they be strong!?"

Looking at the young Songtsan Gampo, he ignored Sangji's performance.

It's just an arrogant look, looking at the situation, he is also full of anger.

I must be hating Li Shimin in my heart, why didn't I summon them.

How to put it, he also came out as an envoy on behalf of his father, and he would be treated favorably for what he said, but because of Li Chengqian's words, he forced them to hang out for several days, and he was very upset.

So, there is today's situation.

"Prince, I think we have to go back to Tubo, the warriors of Tang Dynasty are nothing more than that."

"Sangji, I am proud of you!"

"Thank you prince!"

The corner of Sangji's mouth turned up, it seemed that this guy's status in Tubo was naturally not low.

The old man on the side looks better.

He came out to persuade him, "Prince, this is Tang Dynasty, so don't go too far..."

"Lu Dongzan! This king knows, don't say any more."

Songtsan Gampo was a little displeased, this guy couldn't listen to Lu Dongzan's words.

Speaking of Lu Dongzan, a virtuous official under Songtsan Gampo, he was a famous politician, military strategist and diplomat in Tubo, and he once held the post of Dalun.According to historical records, Lu Dongzan was a "serious man with great determination" and made many achievements in establishing Tubo's political and economic systems during his reign.He went to the Tang Dynasty as an envoy and urged Princess Wencheng to marry Tubo and serve as prime minister, making Tubo a powerful country at that time.

But without this guy, Tubo would not be so powerful in the future, and Songtsan Gampo would not be able to marry Princess Wencheng later.

But all this is not important, what is important is that Sanji is very arrogant now.

Songtsan Gampo turned a blind eye again, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Lu Dongzan knew it was impossible to talk about Songtsan Gampo, so he had no choice but to keep silent.

But because of Songtsen Gampo's indulgence, Sangji became even more arrogant.

With a force on his feet, the man's head was deeply pressed into the ground, and the man's face was covered with sand.

His approach caused people's discomfort.

Three people rushed out directly, and they joined Sanji's fighting circle.

But it made Sanji laugh out loud.

"It turns out that Tang likes to bully the few with the more, and that's good. I, Sanji, want to see what you guys are capable of!"

This Sangchi let the man go, and the man fled. People didn't look down on the man, on the contrary they thought he was very brave.

Li Chengqian subconsciously glanced at Xue Rengui.

At this time, he has already clenched his fist.

It seemed that he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Wait first!"

Li Chengqian bluntly said that at this time, if Xue Rengui goes out, I am afraid that he will get a bad reputation. We can only wait for the people on the field to finish the fight. necessary.

If he wins, it's okay to let Xue Rengui take the shot.

Before Li Chengqian could say anything, the three people on the field had been thrown out one by one.

Sanji laughed.

"But that's it, haha!"

Although the common people hate this group of guys very much, but what's the use if they can't beat them?
"Prince, it seems that we don't need to meet Tang Wang on this trip, and there is no unreasonable reason!"

Sanji said so.

But he was corrected by Lu Dongzan.

"Stop talking nonsense, the days of our trip are not for war!"

"Hmph, there must be something worthy of their strength. Sanji expressed dissatisfaction with their current appearance."

To put it bluntly, it is to look down on Datang, which is tolerable or unbearable.

The common people were about to rise up and attack, but there were so many people present.

If you attack in groups, you may fall into the trap of others, bully the few with the more, and lose the etiquette of a great country.

But if they didn't take action, seeing these people being arrogant made everyone feel very uncomfortable.

So what should we do?

When people were puzzled, until a voice sounded.

"Sangji, do you dare to fight me?"

People followed the sound and saw that it was a young man holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, appearing in front of everyone like a god of war.

That's right, this person is Xue Rengui.

Although his physique and height were not as good as Sanji's, his aura was not bad at all.

Sangji looked down at Xue Rengui, and said coldly: "Another one who died! I, Sangji, don't bother to make a move!"

"Send it to death? Be careful that you will find your teeth all over the place!"

But Xue Rengui said.

Sanji is still ignoring.

"You are not worthy to be my opponent!"

"Do you dare to fight?"

"Why fight with you? Unless you give me the weapon in your hand!"


Li Chengqian couldn't listen to it anymore. In terms of words, Xue Rengui might not be able to say anything to Sangji, so he came out.

"The Tubo people are nothing more than that, they don't even dare to fight, what kind of people dare to fight!"

Songtsin Gampo noticed Li Chengqian's existence.

"Huh? Interesting boy!"

As soon as he saw Li Chengqian, he knew Li Chengqian's difference.

"You know who we are?"

Sanji said coldly.

"Idiots, if you dress like this, you are either Turkic or Tibetan. As far as I know, a wave of Turkic people just left recently! Then you are Tibetan. What an idiot!"

Li Chengqian would not be polite, he just started scolding.

His scolding caused everyone to clap their hands and applaud.


"What are you, do you dare to fight, dare not fight!"

Li Chengqian has never lost when talking about tongue.

Sanji was speechless for a moment.


"What me! A guy with well-developed limbs and a simple head. Fighting is not about fighting, but relying on this place. You can't respond here. I advise you to go back to raise sheep, don't be ashamed here!"

Li Chengqian's continuous output aroused unanimous applause from the people present.

"Good! Well said!"

Li Chengqian let out a bad breath for them, and everyone felt very relieved.

Someone said: "Young man, you have to be careful!"

"Yeah, these people are not easy to mess with, be careful if you risk your life! Then it's not worth it!"


(End of this chapter)

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