Chapter 621 Battle

"Whoever says it again will be an enemy of me, Sanji!"

Sanji exclaimed suddenly, apparently angry.

"You young man, very interesting."

At this time, Songtsen Gampo came out and said.

"Prince, let Sangji meet them and see if they have three heads and six arms! I can't believe how powerful they are!"

Songtsen Gampo waved his hand.

"Wait, I want to talk to this boy."

Sangji didn't know why, so he had no choice but to remain silent.

"Young man? Don't pretend to be old for me, you are only two years older than me!"

Li Chengqian said suddenly.

Let Songtsan Gampo pause for a while.

"Oh? Do you know how old I am?"

"Nonsense, do the math, I should be 11 years old this year."


Li Chengqian guessed right, no!It should be said that he was right!

"Not only that, I also know your name!"

"Oh? The king wants to hear, what's my name?"

"Your name is Songtsan Gampo, your father Langri Lunzan is the 32nd generation Puzan!"

As long as Li Chengqian is willing, even Songtsan Gampo's ancestors can be mentioned, and the history is clear.

"who are you?"

Songtsan Gampo's expression changed.

Now he is like a naked person exposed in front of everyone, it is a feeling of being seen through.

"The citizens of the Tang Dynasty! My citizens of the Tang Dynasty are all eager to learn, and they are familiar with history and literature. How can you understand what you Tubo people can compare?"

It's a shame to say this, Datang Wenhui is indeed far ahead of other countries.

"Then how did you know?"

"I don't have the obligation to tell you! What? Are your people more or less?"

Songtsan Gambo glanced at Xue Rengui and Li Chengqian, and said, "So you are in the same group!"

Then he shouted again: "Sangji!"

"Prince, I think we should go back first!"

At this time, Lu Dongzan said quickly.

"Why? They are provoking me! Give them some color!"

Songtsan Gampo was not happy.

"I think these two are different, but I think we are still..."

"Lu Dongzan, the older you get, the more timid you become. Two teenagers, what are you afraid of!"

In the eyes of Songtsan Gampo, Xue Rengui was only slightly older than Li Chengqian, but he was also three years older than him.


"Don't be so, wait until the king finishes cleaning them up! Sangji, teach them a lesson! Let them learn how to behave!"


Sangji picked up his golden wheel and walked towards Xue Rengui's place.

He was ashamed of what Li Chengqian said just now, at this time, he had to show that he would keep Xue Rengui no matter what he said, to prove himself.

"Come on! Han people!"

Sanji said coldly.

"Tubo people, hum, I'll let you know what cruelty is!"

Xue Rengui looked indifferent.

"Go! Sanji!"

Songtsan Gampo seemed impatient to wait, and shouted again and again.

Sangji yelled violently, and rushed towards Xue Rengui suddenly. They fought without the respect of the Han people at all, and it was a hard fight!
Xue Rengui didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, he gently raised Fang Tian's painting halberd.

At this moment, Sanji had already rushed forward.

Xue Rengui was indifferent.

"Hmph! Your speed is nothing more than that! Too weak!"

This made Sanji very angry.

The feeling of being underestimated,
"What! How dare you underestimate me! Die!"

He was murderous.


The weapons of both sides collided quickly.

The people around watched the beating of the two intently.

At the moment just now, the two sides fought for at least three rounds.

Some timid people directly closed their eyes, not daring to look directly at the battle between the two.

In their opinion, how could Xue Rengui be Sangji's opponent?

No matter which aspect is inferior to that Tubo person!How to fight then?
They were also praying for Xue Rengui in their hearts, hoping that he would not be beaten to death by Sangji.

But what people imagined did not happen.

Because there was another clash of weapons.


The weapons of both sides even flashed sparks and splashed in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, there were several rounds of contests.

The two sides fell into a stalemate.


everyone shouted
Xue Rengui's performance has exceeded their understanding.

But these people don't know Xue Rengui himself. After all, since he became famous, he has rarely been among the people. Now he has grown up again, his face is more mature, and he is not like before.

So some people even say.

"This boy is probably as powerful as Xue Rengui!"

"Xue Rengui! A person who exists like a god!"

"Yes! From the looks of it, he is as powerful as Xue Rengui!"

How did they know that the person in front of them was exactly the Xue Rengui they were talking about.

If you know, then it's okay, then you can deduce Li Chengqian's identity.

"It's really terrifying!"

Of course, there was another person who was even more shocked, and that was Songtsan Gampo. He watched the battle between the two, and murmured: "There is such an existence in the Tang Dynasty? How can anyone last three rounds under Yisangji?" ?”

Not only that, Xue Rengui's next sentence made him rethink his life.

"Sangji, is that all you can do? I haven't tried my best yet!"


Everyone took another breath of air-conditioning. Although the temperature has risen a bit now, the cold from the heart makes people shiver involuntarily.

What kind of existence would it be if there was no effort.

Sanji blushed.

"Impossible, you are talking big, you can't be so strong!"

What a joke, Xue Rengui's strength is simply stronger than Cheng Yaojin's. Of course, he has an advantage in age, if Cheng Yaojin is younger, the two may be evenly matched.

"Whether it is strong or not depends on the result! Look at the trick!"

Xue Rengui Shangshe pressed hard and forced Sangji to retreat more than ten steps.

If this continues, the ending seems to be clear, and Sanji will probably lose in a while.

"Impossible, impossible! It is impossible for someone in Datang to be so powerful! Impossible!! Your body is so small! How much power do you have!!"

"Concentrate on fighting with me, or you will lose faster!"

Xue Rengui reminded.

Li Chengqian looked like an old god, he didn't have to worry at all, because he believed that Xue Rengui would win.

This was not the case for the others. They watched the battle between the two intently, overwhelmed.

Li Chengqian murmured:


Xue Rengui on the side seemed to hear it, so he accelerated his attack.

boom boom boom

Suddenly, three loud noises made people subconsciously step back. A lot of dust was raised in front of them, and people didn't know what happened.

The dust obscured people's sight.

The only way to find out what happened is when the ash clears.

At this time, the golden wheel was no longer turning, and Fang Tian's painting of the halberd was hidden.

I'm afraid only the two in the dust will know who will win and who will lose!

(End of this chapter)

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