God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 627 Beware of the closest people

Chapter 627 Beware of the closest people
"Hmph! It's really lucky to let you hit!"

When the target hadn't stopped, he knew it must have been hit when he heard the thud, that's why Songtsan Gampo said so.

In his opinion, it is impossible for Li Chengqian to hit the red cloth this time, but just hit the target.

"Go and see what's going on!"

Someone shouted, and Songtsan Gampo's men stopped the arrow target.

When the target is fixed, there are only two arrows sticking out of it. If you don't pay attention to it, you can't see it clearly, but when you look carefully.

Everyone made a shocking sound.

The bow and arrow hit the red cloth!
He won!
too strong!
Is that human being?

From what everyone saw, Bai Ling's position was closer to the middle!
People's voices directly attracted Songtsan Gampo.

He turned pale.

what happened?How did you win?Are they dreaming?
In order to understand the situation, he quickly walked to the archery target.

But Li Chengqian put down his bow and went with Xue Rengui.

When he got there, Songtsan Gampo was about to sit down.

Because he took a closer look, and it really was the case.

Both hit the red cloth, but Li Chengqian's arrow seemed to be more in the middle.Although his shot was a hit, it deviated a bit.

If both of them win, of course it is more centered victory.

The results are obvious.

"How is it possible? Such a random arrow!"

Li Chengqian sneered.

random?no no no!Lao Tzu is ready.

What looked like a random arrow was actually caused by finding a good time.

And within one ten-thousandth of a second, all the muscles of the whole body are mobilized to achieve the required results.

At the same time, people let out a lot of exclamation.

People's emotions have also been mobilized to the highest point.

This time the system came to prompt.

"Congratulations to the host, you got [-] points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you got [-] points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you got [-] points!"


There are two hundred people, each with 2 points, and this time they have gained more than [-] points, which is not a loss.

Not only that.

The system reminded again: "Congratulations to the host for triggering the highest points, rewarding three times the points, a total of [-] points!"

Trigger the highest score again, this time it's ok.

Especially if you pretend to be aggressive in front of the Tubo prince, the effect will be even better.

But all this is not over yet.

It's like fighting a war to clean up the battlefield.

"I lost! I lost completely!"

Songtsen Gampo said bluntly.

This is the Tubo people, willing to gamble and admit defeat, there is no ambiguity.

"What's your name, where is your home? When this king returns, I will send you ten thousand war horses!"

Ten thousand horses, the value is very high, it can instantly turn a poor man into a rich man and change his fate for the rest of his life.

Li Chengqian smiled.

"It doesn't matter what my name is, and it doesn't matter where my home is."

Why are these two things not important?
"What about the [-] horses? I don't want to be a dishonest person!"

Songtsen Gampo said with certainty.

"Of course you will know someday!"

"Why another day?"

"Because I'm cool!"

Songtsan Gampo: ...

He was speechless, this was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

With the current situation, Li Chengqian can't say that Lao Tzu is the prince, can he?And he has a more far-reaching plan to not allow him to redeem the promise for the time being.

Li Chengqian tidied up now, after all he still had business to deal with.

"Let's go! See you another day!"

"Wait, are you really not going to tell me?"

People thought that Songtsan Gampo was a little naive, but Li Chengqian did not lie to him. One day Songtsan Gampo would really know.

"I won't lie! It's tomorrow if it's fast, and three days later if it's slow."

Everyone was depressed, looking at Li Chengqian looking like a master.

"My father, Songtsan Gampo, is the only person I admire, and you are the second!"

Li Chengqian was going to leave, but he stopped after hearing what Songtsan Gampo said.

Speaking of Songtsan Gampo's father, he is also a hero.But it was too early to die.

So Li Chengqian couldn't help but say something more.

"Songtsan Gampo, let me tell you something, you must tell your father!"

Songtsen Gampo was puzzled, why his father, what did Li Chengqian want to say?

"Beware of those closest to him! It will last forever."


Li Chengqian didn't go into details, just said that, let Songtsan Gampo guess for himself, he can only help him to this point, as to whether his father can survive the disaster, it depends on himself.

"The secret cannot be leaked!"

When Li Chengqian said this, he felt that he was a real Taoist priest.

"Can you make it clearer?"

"Experience for yourself!"

Li Chengqian didn't know who killed his father, but the ministers must have done it.And someone who can be close to him.That's why I say that.

Then, Li Chengqian sorted it out.

"Let's go!"

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, he took Xue Rengui and left Liaoli.

And let Songtsan Gampo stand there, puzzled and surprised.

Still muttering in his mouth: "What a strange person!"

Sangji stepped forward and said, "Prince, we..."

"Let's go, go back and rest, don't be ashamed here!"

After finishing, Songtsan Gampo left with all the people.

And Xue Rengui and Li Chengqian went to the place where Zou Fengchi was.

In the end, Xue Rengui couldn't hold back and asked, "Master, how do you know how to shoot arrows?"

In Xue Rengui's impression, His Royal Highness didn't even watch him take a bow and arrow, so why did he suddenly know how to shoot an arrow?I've never seen him do this before!
This is obviously not in line with his cognition.

Li Chengqian had already thought about how to answer this question.

"I learned from General Cheng!"

Li Chengqian said something casually.

Xue Rengui said, "General Cheng's archery skills are probably not as good as yours!"

Xue Rengui has sharp eyes and can easily see the difference.

"Oh? You can actually see it?"

"Yes! That's quite obvious."

"Heh! To tell you the truth, General Cheng gave some pointers, and I figured out the rest!"

Cheng Yaojin really taught Li Chengqian, but he was younger at that time.

"So that's it, son, can you give me some pointers!"

Xue Rengui is really thinking about this!
"Yes, it's actually very simple. What this archery pays attention to is..."

Li Chengqian began to talk non-stop, thanks to the hundred-step piercing, he didn't stagnate at all when he talked about this knowledge.

Xue Rengui could not stop clapping his legs and exclaiming.

Finally, he also said:
"So that's it! That's it! It seems that I had a misunderstanding about archery before! After that, I can practice in that area, and I will definitely make better progress."


The two of them talked while heading towards their destination.

(End of this chapter)

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