God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 628 Waiting for Li Chengqian to Appear

Chapter 628 Waiting for Li Chengqian to Appear
The next day, Li Chengqian did not go to court, but studied the materials and printing methods of banknotes in the printing room in the Eastern Palace.

The people below are all craftsmen.

"Print a small batch of each of these ten kinds of paper and take a look. If there is ink smudges or unclear handwriting, just discard it and start over."

Someone asked: "His Royal Highness, why is it so strict? The content of Datang Daily is not so strict!"

His question was echoed by others.

"You're right. Why are you strict? That's because it involves everything about people's livelihood. Who wants a banknote that fades after a few years? Who wants a banknote that rots after a few uses? I want you to do it. These banknotes have to be stored for at least 100 years!"

Li Chengqian's determination is obvious, 100 years is not difficult to achieve, it just needs to be explored for a long time.In order to achieve the best results, what is the point of spending more time?

Many craftsmen look at me and I look at you. If Li Chengqian said it, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

In the future, they will also use the money themselves, so do a good job and reduce losses for themselves.It is a major event that benefits the country and the people, and it must be done to accumulate merit.


All in unison.

"Okay, let's go on, be sure to hurry up, after all, time is running out. Try to start mass production in two days!"

The time Li Chengqian said was his own time, and it was of no benefit to him if he was always stuck at this point.

If Datang is strong, he will be anxious.

Everyone should be.

And Li Chengqian left the printing room.

As soon as he left the printing room, Guan Lishi greeted him.

"His Royal Highness, you are here. Your Majesty has something to look for!"

Li Shimin looking for himself at this time?There must be something very important.

You know, he told Li Shimin a few days ago that he was going to study paper money in the East Palace for a while.

It's only been a few days, and I have something to find him.

"where is it?"

"Morning morning!"

Now a quarter of the morning has passed, the morning court should be finished, let him go at this time?What are you doing?
But he still said:
"Okay, I see, I'm going to the morning court now!"

So, he called Xue Rengui to go together.

The two went directly to the Taiji Palace, but when they first arrived outside the palace, they heard discussions in the hall.

Li Chengqian and Xue Rengui slowed down and listened carefully.

It turned out to be Songtsan Gampo's voice.

It's him!It's so interesting!Seeing him sooner than expected.

Li Chengqian thought to himself, it must be Li Shimin who couldn't hold back, wanted to meet Songtsan Gampo, and knew what they wanted to do, so he summoned them.

Hearing the voice inside, he was not in a hurry to enter the hall.

Instead, wait outside.

Enter after waiting for the opportunity to achieve the best results.

And also asked the surrounding little yellow gates to keep silent and listen quietly.

Songtsan Gampo said: "I heard that the prince of your country is very powerful, and this prince wants to meet him very much."

Cheng Yaojin said: "His Royal Highness is a person who does great things, and I don't have time to meet you now!"

"Oh? That means you dare not meet this prince?"

But Songtsan Gampo said, from the looks of it, he must meet Li Chengqian today, if he knew that the one who competed with him yesterday was the crown prince, then he probably wouldn't dare to speak wild words today.

"What do you want to see His Royal Highness?"

Cheng Yaojin asked again.

"No one, just curious, I'm a martial artist in Tubo, and by the way, I will have some competitions with His Royal Highness, why not?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the ministers and others became wrong.

This is an obvious provocation by Chi Guoguo, which makes people lose face.

Songtsen Gampo challenged no one but the prince.

No matter what, they are also at the same level, so there is nothing wrong with challenging Li Chengqian.

If he wins, Datang will lose face.

If you lose, you can only say that your luck is not good.

But he would say that it was just for discussion and that he was afraid of hurting the prince. Songtsan Gampo had already thought about what to say.

Besides, at his age, with such force, it is impossible to lose.

But how old is Li Chengqian?

How can someone who studies literature compete with Songtsan Gampo?

Didn't the Tibetans come here to find trouble?

Cheng Yaojin was upset.

"Your Majesty, I think these Tubo people are here to find trouble. I propose to throw them out!"

"Is this how Datang treats guests? I am humbly asking for advice!"

Songtsen Gampo said.

And Lu Dongzan also said: "If this matter gets out, I'm afraid it will be ridiculed by the world, right?"

It seems to be unreasonable in terms of emotion and reason.

From the beginning to now, Li Shimin still hasn't said a word.

He particularly wanted to know what Songtsan Gampo wanted to do.

At this time, Liu Hongji came out to work again.

He said: "Your Majesty, it seems that if His Royal Highness is not allowed to come over, they will not be convinced. I suggest that His Royal Highness come over and compare with them!"

Du Ruhui asked directly:

"Duke Kui, what kind of heart do you have! His Royal Highness does not know martial arts, are you putting His Highness in danger?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Hongji said directly: "I thought that with the ingenuity of His Highness the Crown Prince, he would definitely be able to overcome this test and convince the Tubo prince. You say, am I right?"

Li Chengqian's shrewdness is well known.

He has countless ways to solve all problems.

Including Songtsan Gampo's challenge, they believe that Li Chengqian must have a way to resolve it.

What about the facts?

Even as long as Li Chengqian showed his face, everything would be settled.

So Li Chengqian hid in the dark, sniggering.

At this moment, I am afraid that he is passively acting aggressively. As long as he shows up, the effect of acting aggressively will appear naturally.

The ministers wanted to know what Li Shimin thought.

Shouting again and again:

"His Majesty……"

"Okay, let's not talk about it! Xuan Gaoming enters the palace!"

Li Shimin said so directly.

Then his intention is very obvious, that is to let Li Chengqian come over to resolve the crisis.

Why?Because it is not easy for him to come forward in this crisis, he can only come forward to make a joke at this time.

This guy is really respectful.

Everyone could notice that the corners of Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan's mouths were raised directly.

This time they came here, and they must have no good intentions.

But when they know Li Chengqian, maybe they won't think so.

Maybe I have the heart to die.

"His Majesty!"

What did Cheng Yaojin want to say!
But was interrupted by Li Shimin.

"Go quickly!"

Xiao Huangmen went to declare Li Chengqian to come forward.

When their voices reached outside the main hall, Li Chengqian was seen there.

Immediately shouted: His Royal Highness is here!

All the ministers, Li Shimin, Songtsen Gampo, etc. all cast their eyes outside the door.

Waiting for Li Chengqian to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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